Monday, July 31, 2006

Public Relations Disaster

This Hezbollah terrorist is dressed as an "innocent civilian" watching for Israelis to shoot. If he were to die, he would be counted by Hezbollah and their supporters (primarily the European and U.S. Mainstream media) as an "innocent civilian" not the terrorist that he is.

I agree with everyone who has said so far that Israel's response is a public relations disaster because Israel does not seem to think that it is important to show pictures and/or video of the following:
  1. Hezbollah terrorists in civilian chlothes using mosques to stock pile weapons.
  2. Hezbollah terrorists in civilian chlothes using urban areas to attack Israel.
  3. Hezbollah terrorists in civilian chlothes having bases near U.N. posts.
In effect Israel, like the United States, does not show the reason for the aggressive retaliation. All we see is the results of the retaliation on the civilian population. This cannot continue. Counter Intelligence with the U.S. and Israel must include and agressive PR campaign to show the aformentioned details to their constituencies.

It is no longer enough to just say what the enemy is doing, we need those thousand word photos and million word videos.

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