Thursday, July 13, 2006

President lobs another easy one to Left-Wing Liberals

President Bush's decision has virtually turned the single person role of the Commander-In-Chief into a consensus committee by acquiesing to the illegal interference by the United States Supreme Court.

We activists have been defending President Bush for the last 5 years on the war on terror. We agreed with President Bush's FIRST explanation on the status and handling of enemy combatants. We have argued exhaustively that an act of war is not a violation of U.S. Criminal Law AND that non signatory enemy combatants are not subject to provisions of the Geneva Conventions. After all of our point and counterpoints with Left-Wing Liberals, President Bush AGAIN "caves" to the criticism of Left-Wing Liberals:
Left-Wing Liberals are now free to say that the Administration "Broke the Law" and "Acted Illegally". We cannot reply confidently in light of President Bush's capitulation.

“After more than four years of lawlessness, the Defense Department took a big first step toward complying with federal law,” American Civil Liberties Union

"They just don't do it right, wherever they go. By their stubbornness and refusal to work with Congress, they've made us worse off in Guantánamo today." Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York.

"Bush's continued use of Guantanamo as a detention facility is harming the US image abroad" Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. Democrat - Delaware

Today the Senate begins hearings on whether to create, from scratch, a new legal system to handle the cases against suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay and around the world. The hearings are a response to Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the Supreme Court decision that last month struck down President Bush's fake trial system at Guantanamo. (By Neal Katyal , Slate Magazine)

Tony Snow, White House press secretary, insisted that all U.S. detainees have been treated humanely. Still, he said, “We want to get it right.”

Hell, we on the Right thought you had it right in the first place. The memo, signed by Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, declared that Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions “applies as a matter of law to the conflict with al Qaeda.”

By the way, what war have we EVER been in where our POW's were treated HUMANELY? Liberals say that we have lost respect in the world community. With whom did we have this respect and when? Every war that we have been in since the signing of the Geneva Conventions has mutilated our POW's without repercussion and/or condemnation by the world "community". However we are condemned by the world community for embarrassing our POW's or not adhering to their preferred diets.

I am exhausted by the constant desire by President Bush and the moderates in the Republican Party constantly abandoning us conservatives in favor of trying to coddle Democrats and Left-Wing Liberals. From now on, I am going to be more cautious of my support of the Bush Administration and focus my support for the Platforms of the National, State, and local Republican Parties.

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