Saturday, July 15, 2006

No Talk of Global Warming in Idaho

The media elite are meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho to discuss...Media. The few Conservatives and large balence of Left-Wing Liberals eat, drink, and discuss how to keep our attention and cajole that "mother's milk" from our wallets. Allen & Co. has hosted this Media Summit in Sun Valley, Idaho for a number of years.

I was stunned to learn that nowhere on their agenda was a panel on Global warming. I looked at 99 photos posted by the Associated Press International for Yahoo and I saw nothing that culd have indicated to me that they were going to use the conference (in part) to reduce greenhouse gases or lower emissions. They are not even having any impromptu discussions on how their businesses can be more environmentally friendly.
Peter Schweizer's best selling Book, "Do As I Say" does a wonderful Job at detailing these hypocrisies.

Until I am convinced that their planes, automobiles, and business are all being overhauled to do the aformentioned, I will remain convinced that Global Warming is not a serious issue that we should be concerned about.

1 comment:

  1. I was there and there was considerable talk on global warming but unfortunately the rules of the conference are that we can´t disclose the exact nature of the conversations.
