Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Kofi Annon's Foot and Mouth Disease

So many times since U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, was faced with muslim extremists massacring Sudanese Christians, North Koreans and Cubans being starved to death by their government, and suicide bombers dispached around the world to slaughter innocent civilians, He has argued for "patience" and no "rush to judgement". Annan's henchmen said the same thing, "patience" and no "rush to judgement" when he and his son Kojo were embroiled in the Oil for Food scandal.
As of yesterday, there is no more need (apparently) for the World Body's highest Diplomat to urge for "patience" and no "rush to judgement" when Israel causes an accident in the fog of war:
Now that you have read that comment, look at the following pic:
The Blue Flag is the U.N. Flag and the Yellow Flag is the Hezbollah Flag. Israel tried to pinpoint its airstrike at Hezbollah headquarters. However the U.N. Post was a mere 20ft away! The question should now be...Why the hell was a U.N. Post a next door neighbor to a terrorist headquarters? Why didn't the U.N. Peackeepers enforce U.N. Security Council Resolution 1559 and U.N. Security Council Resolution 425 against its next door neighbor who was in blatant violation of Lebanonese Sovereignty?
How many Katyusha Rockets do you think are stored in the Hezbollah headquarters above? One thing is clear, the U.N. doesn't seem to care.

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