Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Who is Really Gouging Us?

Take a look at the chart below. This is a detailed listing of the costs and profit in one gallon of gasoline. This information comes from the Energy Information Administration as of July 10, 2006:

Daily Crude Oil Price Per [42 gallon] Barrel
On July 10, 2006 - $73.61

Daily price of oil per gallon
On July 10, 2006 - $1.753

California Gas Taxes
Average Gas Price in California On July 10, 2006
Amount - $3.224 (100.00%)

Federal Excise Tax

Amount - $0.184 (5.71%)

Oil Spill Response, Prevention, and Administration Fee of $0.025
Percent Average of gas price - (0.78%)

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Fee of 1.4¢ per gallon
Percent Average of gas price - (0.43%)

State Excise Tax of 18¢ per gallon
Percent Average of gas price - (5.58%)

California State Sales Tax of 7.750%
Amount - $0.250

Average Local Taxes From California's Local jurisdictions (1.25%)
Amount - $0.040

Corporate Costs
Distribution and Marketing (4%)
Amount - $0.129

Refining (19%)
Amount - $0.613

Crude Oil Costs by the gallon

Amount - $1.753 Percent Average of Gas Price - 54.36%

State and Federal Taxes
Amount - $0.693 Average of Gas Price - 21.500%

Business Costs
Amount - $2.494 Average of Gas Price - 77.362%

Total Gas Costs and Taxes
Amount - $3.187 Average of Gas Price - 98.862%

Total Gros Profit to Oil companies
Amount - $0.037 Average of Gas Price - 1.138%

If you look at that what you will realize is that for gasoline prices, The government gets the biggest unearned share of the price of gas. The government gets similar income per gallon of jet fuel, heavy Fuel Oil, Diesel Fuel & Heating Oil, and Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

If you notice, there is a section called "other products". This represents about 7.6% of the production of oil. This 7.6% represent about 6000 products produced in the world. Everything Aspirin to polyester to disposable diapers are made with the direct byproducts of refining oil. These "other products" represent the overwhelming majority of Oil Company profits. Here is a larger list of those "petro-products":
Aspirin • Cortisone • Crayons • Credit cards • Detergents • Dishwashing liquids • Disposable diapers • Drinking cups • Eyeglasses • Insect repellent • Isopropyl alcohol • Linoleum • Lipstick • Milk jugs • Mineral Oil • Motorcycle helmets • Nail polish • Pantyhose, Perfume, Petroleum jelly, Purses, Refrigerator linings, Roofing, Toilet seats, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Toys, Trash bags, Umbrellas, Yarn
The Real Gouger is not the oil companies, it is the government itself!

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