Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Idiot Comments from Iraq's Prime Minister

Today, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki made the following comments:

"The Israeli attacks and airstrikes are completely destroying Lebanon’s infrastructure...I condemn these aggressions and call on the Arab League foreign ministers’ meeting in Cairo to take quick action to stop these aggressions. We call on the world to take quick stands to stop the Israeli aggression."

This fool has allowed his "Shiiteness" to goto his head. the Prime Ministers comments were dangerous to the safety and security of Iraq. While Americans are fighting and dying to keep his government alive from mainly Shiite Terrorists, he lambasts American allies who are fighting the same terrorists in Lebanon.

What makes it so acinine is that he is calling on the same "world", who is to this day dead set agianst the effort that made him Prime minister, to now help to stop those who want to defeat terrorism in Lebanon.

If Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's "Shiiteness" cannot be separated from supporting a just cause, then I, for the first time in my support for the War on Terrorism in Iraq, question our efforts to have a non-sectarian Government governing Iraq.

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