Sunday, July 30, 2006

Why is there no condemnation of Hezbollah?

Why the hell is this weapon in the hands of anyone other than the Government on Lebanon in the Country of Lebanon!

Other than the initiation of war on Israel by Hezbollah, there has been no condemnation of anything that Hezbollah does as the perpetrator. So far, Hezbollah has fired Iranian made Katyusha Rockets exclusively targeted civilian populations in Israel. Hezbollah has been murdering innocent Israeli women, children and the elderly in homicide bombings and has intentionally endangered the lives of Lebanese civilians. However no one other than the United states believes that Hezbollah's actions are worthy of condemnation.

Furthermore, no one seems the least bit concerned with a political having governmental control of South Lebanon.

Earlier tonight on Hannity an Colmes, Alan Colmes referrs to Brent Scowcroft's statement of cease fire in the Israeli-Hezbollah war. The guest was Foxnews' War Stories Host, Colonel Oliver North. Col. North called Scrowcroft's comments "stupid". I agree.

As a matter of fact, any call for a cease fire is stupid because no one is saying to Hezbollah to cease fire. No one urging Hezbollah to conform to U.N. Resolution 1559. Everyone seems to only want Israel to stop killing Hezbollah members. Even Israel's own capitulation of ceasing air attacks was stupid. No matter what the consequences, Israel is successfully engaged in the battle for its survival. Israel must not allow the pressure of the world to facilitate in its demise by trying to make it feel guilty for civilian deaths.

As an interesting point, the Israeli Defense forces have been deployed at their northern border since the beginning of their campaign to militarily defunct Hezbollah and not one Katyusha is recorded to have landed in their positions. In other words, Hezbollah has and continues to target civilians.

Hezbollah can end this tragedy immediately by unilaterally ceasing its fire and following U.N. Resolutions 425 and 1559.

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