Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Lebanese Christian President Supports Hezbollah

Don't be alarmed, This "Christian" has been at war against Christians in Lebanon and Jews anywhere during his entire adult life!!

President Emile Lahoud owes his career for the last 17 years to the Syrian government. Every position that this Maronite "Christian" has had in Lebanon since the 1989 Taif Agreement ended the Lebanonese Civil War was literally offered to him by the Syrians when they controlled much of East Beirut.

Then Brigadier General Lahoud served as Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces from 1989 to 1998. He was appointed by Syrian Backed President Elias Hrawi as recommended by then Syrian Lt General Ali Hammoud. His role was to command pro-Syrian forces in Lebanon against the Lebanese Army who was led by "fellow" Christian Michael Aoun. During that time Lahoud enjoyed a very pleasant relationship with the Hezbollah leadership, the Syrian Government, and the Iranian Government.

In 1998 Lahoud was elected President of Lebanon with huge support comming from Hezbollah. Lahoud's chief advisors who helped him compose his government were basically the Syrian officials such as Syrian Interior Minister Ali Hammoud, Rustum Ghazali, and Assaf Chawkat (Shwakat).

Lahoud's Syrian Syrian advice resulted in a bunch deadly Pro-Syrian "underboses" such as Jamil al-Sayyid, Director General of Lebanon's Domestic Intelligence. Sayyid is reputed to be "directly or indirectly responsible for most illegal arrests and disappearances that take place in the country". If you read the link on his, you will be astonished at how bad this dude is.

Lahoud's term in office as President should have been over in 2004, however the Syrians heavily lobbied the Lebanese government to change Lebanon's Constitution. Lahoud's term was extended for another 3 years. SyriaComment.com writes that there was only one objection - Interior Minister Brigadier General Ghazi Kenaan. "Kenaan was intelligence chief in Lebanon from 1982 until 2003, presiding over Syria's control of its neighboring country. He then headed Syria's powerful Political Security Directorate until becoming Interior Minister in October 2004." Mysteriously he commits suicide.

Other Lahoud/Hezbollah Smooching:
Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, Hezbollah guerrilla leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and others embraced the former prisoners in a red carpet welcome as a band played patriotic music in the background. (CNN, January 29, 2004)

...Those demanding Damascus withdraw its soldiers from Lebanon are serving Israel, and are working against Syrian and Lebanese interests.

President Lahoud may call himself Christian, but it is clear to me that he "backslid" and has is a reprobate for Syria.

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