Monday, August 7, 2006

Reuters Regularly engages in photo terrorism

The current "crap" of fake photos is just the latest in a barage of photo journalistic Katyusha's fired at Israel and the United States...specifically the Bush Administration.

Remember this photo highlighting President Bush wanting to goto the bathroom?

Or how about this photo of the staged Iraqi terrorist fighter?

Reuters and most of the other Left-Wing Liberals who control the Mainstream Media, are ingaged in media terrorism against the Bush Administration. As a matter of fact, any person who opposes socialism is "katyashad" by Left-Wing Liberals who control the Mainstream Media. I am now convinced that they have been doing this to every Republican who loves freedom from Socialism since the Reagan Administration.

Reuters does this because it is a European controlled corporation. As with the European Union as a whole, Reuters stands against the interests of free people in the United States. I do not expect Reuters to act any different than the 19 terrorists who created havoc for us on 9/11.

I hope that this serves as further evidence that the enemies of the United States really are domestic as well as foreign. Left-Wing Liberals who control the Mainstream Media will not stop this because like illegal immigration and drug smuggling, we who push back the forces of socialism will not be able to get all of the fake photos that get to the public.

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