Saturday, August 5, 2006

Cherry Picking to build a Conspiracy

The Left-Wing Liberals are out again, trying to give away their "Bush created the 9/11" snake oil. John Cashich had one on his "Heartland" show earlier on Fox news. To those wh insist that there is some scandal with Bush and 9/11, here are some things you need to clear up:
  • Besides marvin P. Bush and Mishal Yousef Saud al-Sabah who else served on the Securacom/Stratesec Board?
  • Who else sat on the HCC Insurance (formerly Houston Casualty Co) corporate board besides Marvin again?
  • Who are ALL of the interests that make up the Kuwait-American Corporation (KuwAm)?
    Who held the security contract for the WTC in 1993.
  • Who held and currently holds the security contracts for Dulles International Airport.
    Has any of those who were pardoned by former President Bill Clinton been cross referenced with any of the aformentioned?

I am willing to conclude that these Left-Wing Liberals have simply "cherry picked" their information to build a case that President Bush is somehow suspect in the 9/11 tragedy due to their seething rage and hatred for President Bush.

Whenever a Left-Wing Liberal speaks, always know in your mind that what they just said is not the entire story...even if what they said is entirely true.

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