Sunday, August 6, 2006

There was never much support for Israel

Left-Wing Liberals all over the world are ingesting the "verbal Katyushas" fired by Left-Wing Liberals in the European Union, the Middle East, Asia and here in the United States at Israel.

Left-Wing Liberals are saying constantly that when Hezbollah committed terrorists acts against Israel that the "world community" was sympathetic to Israel. Left-Wing Liberals will even go through the verbal contortion of saying that even Arab governments agreed that Israel had a right to respond to Hezbollah's terrorist acts against the Jewish State. My friends read the following very clearly...

There is no such thing as Left-Wing Liberal support for Israel! There never has and never will! Any belief to the contrary is schizophrenic!

Those who are the least bit critical of Israel's response to Hezbollah are being intentionally misleading and using their position as pundits to derail our accurate assessment of why there is war in Lebanon. The Left-Wing Liberal European Union formerly rejects declaring Hezbollah a terrorist organization. Left-Wing Liberals here in the United States will not call Hezbollah a terrorist organization. As a matter of fact Left-Wing Liberals here in the United States are vocal supporters of Hezbollah. Remember pictures like the one below...

Hat tip: Moonbatmedia (Here and Here)

The picture above represents the sentiment of Left-Wing Liberals all over the world. I hear these terrorist appeasors constantly saying how the image of the U.S. is damaged and that our support of Israel has prohibited us from being an "honest broker". They say these things because they are not "honest" with the fact that they have never voiced support for the U.S. and Israel in our will to survive.

Besides, when the Clinton Administration proped up the Lebanese government, they knew what Hezbollah was doing. The Clinton Administration knew that it was ignoring a powderkeg by not loudly and persistantly damanding that U.N. Resolutions 1559, 475, 425 and the Taif agreements apply to Hezbollah. They ignored the problem so that it would eventually land in the lap of President Bush.

I support every action that Israel has taken to defend itself from the actions of a Lebonese propted up terrorist group, Hezbollah and Hamas.

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