Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Jackson, Sharpton, Waters Help a Racist to Win

Left-Wing Liberal Ned Lamont is a racist. Members of his campaign staff are racists as well. However Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Congresswoman Maxine Waters led delagations to Connecticut not to protest but to support the Left-Wing Liberal Racist Ned Lamont.

Apparently, there it is possible to tolerate Left-Wing Liberal Racist Ned Lamont in this political climate because he is are suficiently angered by the name George Bush.

It seems that the dinosaurs of liberal black activism are willing to set aside any and all ferver for protecting the interests of Black dignity and equitable treatment in favor of supporting anyone who hates President Bush and the U.S. War on Terrorism in Iraq.

I wrote back in 2003 the following article called, "Some Whites can call us Nigga!!":
We are called the "N" word by everybody these days. However very few people actually get away with it. Blacks colloquially call each other niggaz, but I have noticed an unusual trend. There seems to be a resurgance, among those who are not black, to use the word to refer to Black people! Shocking!! I remember reading about the word "Nigger" being used to refer to a Black person when Black slavery was an acceptable, yet barbaric practice in this country. The word and its offspring were used primarily by southern Democrats whenever addressing Blacks. Never in my wildest imagination would I even consider the thought of hearing a person who was not white actually use the word and escape "Black Wrath" as expressed by the liberal so-called Black leadership in this nation.

In late October 2002, a popular radio shock-jockm (Niel Rogers) in Florida labeled Dr. Condoleeza Rice a "House Negro". Last Year, US Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia said on Foxnews Sunday the there is such thing as a white nigger (obviously meaning that everybody already knows about "Black Niggers". Also last year California Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamanté called a group of Blacks, niggers. Interestingly, he wasn't with friends or other non-Blacks, he was the keynote speaker before a group of Black trade unionists during Black History Month! What made that so bad was the fact that he was reading a script that didn't even have the word in it. How could they do it? How can these folks just simply hurl these insults to Blacks without any concern for reprisal by Blacks? The following is a list of prerequisites that will qualify any person to freely call blacks the "N" word in all of its various forms:
  1. The verbal offender must be a Left-wing Liberal (Conservatives need not apply).
  2. Have close Black Liberal friends (preferably a best friend).
  3. The epithet must be directed at a Black person that the Black populous either is not largely familiar with or does not appreciate - for whatever reason.
  4. Most importantly, the Black victim must be an identified conservative.
Whites and others who follow this formula are effectively shielded from sure retribution by Blacks. So Eminem et. al should be comforted by the exemptions to the use of the word Nigga in all of its various expressions. Even the Ku Klux Klan can be excused from their viciousness if they would just follow these few steps.
In addition, Donna Brazile (a Democratic Strategist) and the lone Black U.S. Senator Barack Obama, Democrat of Illinois, have been actively campaigning for the unrepentant Klansman, U.S. Senator Robert Byrd Democrat of West Virginia.

If the current leadership of Republicans were stronger, there could be significant advantages taken to make genuine connections with Blacks and expand the Republican Party base as a consequense. I long for that kind of strength in leadership.

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