Thursday, August 17, 2006

Deport the Illegal Alien Now!!

This woman is 31 year old Elvira Arellano. Arellano illegally entered the U.S. in 1997 and was deported soon afterward. "She returned within days, living for three years in Oregon before moving to Chicago in 2000. She was arrested in 2002 for using a false social security number ( a felony if it were you or me) at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, where she was working as a cleaning airplanes! She was ordered to serve 3 years probation and eventual deportation...AGAIN!! Instead she sought, and was given sanctuary in her Chicago church in protest of her sentence.

Federal INS Officials need to do arm themselves with MP5 submachine guns, storm the church, snatch the illegal alien out of the church pastor's arms, and rush the illegal alien out of the church to the first plane leaving for Mexico!!
If any one of the churchmembers resists, shoot them to kill them and burn the entire church to the ground!! You may have a problem with that tactic, but that's just what Democrat Federal officials did during the Clinton Administration during the 1990's!!

In 1993, Former U.S. Army General Wesley Clark, in coordination with then Texas Governor Ann Richards and then U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno (all Democrats) devised and exeucted a military strategy (in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act) to destyroy the Branch Davidian religious compound in Waco, Texas.
"Nearly 90 civilians – men, women and children –
massacred by being shot and/or burned alive." (worldnet daily)
None of these murderous Democrats were ever removed from their offices as a result of their fatal actions. In the name of a cult and based on mere allegations of various types of wrongdoing, they slaughtered innocent men women and children and their supporters never said a word relating to their stepping down as a consequence.

None of these murderers gave a damn about how their actions would affect other family members or other children of America.

At the point of an MP5 submachine gun, INS agents ripped Elian Gonzalez out of the arms of loved ones, thrown onto a plane, and sent back to Communist Cuba. Left-Wing Liberals accross the nation cheered the Clinton Administration's actions.

Once again, Republicans are showing their cowardice to enforce the law when they are confronted by Left-Wing Liberals. Once again, we can count on that cowardice emotion to evolve into outrage at us, the Republican base, for criticizing their spinelessness.

The above picrtures are proof positive that Left-Wing Liberals don't give a damn about what Republicans protest. They will do what they want to do and they will attack those who attack what they have done. I only wish the Republican Party could do the same.

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