Monday, July 31, 2006

Public Relations Disaster

This Hezbollah terrorist is dressed as an "innocent civilian" watching for Israelis to shoot. If he were to die, he would be counted by Hezbollah and their supporters (primarily the European and U.S. Mainstream media) as an "innocent civilian" not the terrorist that he is.

I agree with everyone who has said so far that Israel's response is a public relations disaster because Israel does not seem to think that it is important to show pictures and/or video of the following:
  1. Hezbollah terrorists in civilian chlothes using mosques to stock pile weapons.
  2. Hezbollah terrorists in civilian chlothes using urban areas to attack Israel.
  3. Hezbollah terrorists in civilian chlothes having bases near U.N. posts.
In effect Israel, like the United States, does not show the reason for the aggressive retaliation. All we see is the results of the retaliation on the civilian population. This cannot continue. Counter Intelligence with the U.S. and Israel must include and agressive PR campaign to show the aformentioned details to their constituencies.

It is no longer enough to just say what the enemy is doing, we need those thousand word photos and million word videos.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Why is there no condemnation of Hezbollah?

Why the hell is this weapon in the hands of anyone other than the Government on Lebanon in the Country of Lebanon!

Other than the initiation of war on Israel by Hezbollah, there has been no condemnation of anything that Hezbollah does as the perpetrator. So far, Hezbollah has fired Iranian made Katyusha Rockets exclusively targeted civilian populations in Israel. Hezbollah has been murdering innocent Israeli women, children and the elderly in homicide bombings and has intentionally endangered the lives of Lebanese civilians. However no one other than the United states believes that Hezbollah's actions are worthy of condemnation.

Furthermore, no one seems the least bit concerned with a political having governmental control of South Lebanon.

Earlier tonight on Hannity an Colmes, Alan Colmes referrs to Brent Scowcroft's statement of cease fire in the Israeli-Hezbollah war. The guest was Foxnews' War Stories Host, Colonel Oliver North. Col. North called Scrowcroft's comments "stupid". I agree.

As a matter of fact, any call for a cease fire is stupid because no one is saying to Hezbollah to cease fire. No one urging Hezbollah to conform to U.N. Resolution 1559. Everyone seems to only want Israel to stop killing Hezbollah members. Even Israel's own capitulation of ceasing air attacks was stupid. No matter what the consequences, Israel is successfully engaged in the battle for its survival. Israel must not allow the pressure of the world to facilitate in its demise by trying to make it feel guilty for civilian deaths.

As an interesting point, the Israeli Defense forces have been deployed at their northern border since the beginning of their campaign to militarily defunct Hezbollah and not one Katyusha is recorded to have landed in their positions. In other words, Hezbollah has and continues to target civilians.

Hezbollah can end this tragedy immediately by unilaterally ceasing its fire and following U.N. Resolutions 425 and 1559.

Pics of the Hezbollah Terrorist

The above picture is of Hezbollah terrorists who are fighting the government of israel. The Harold Sun was somehow able to get these pics from the area. As you can see, they are dressed as civilians. At least one is a visabily old man. When they die they will not be counted as the terrorists that they are, but be counted as civilians - even the elderly.

Where do you think they got that anti-aircraft gun from? Also do the Geneva Conventions allow for this? Are their actions consistent with the U.N. Resolution 1559?

Haven't read anywhere in the Geneva Conventions where this is allowed, but I do not hear any U.N. condemnation of Hezbollah hiding as civillians, endangering those civilians, to conduct an aggressive military campaign against Israel.

In his usual stance, today Kofi Annan condemned Israel's bombing of a building that happened to house civilians. By the way, those civilians were told before the bombing to leave the place.

Lebanon government is taking Hezbollah's side instead of Joining Israel in the enforcement of U.N. Resolution 1559...what a pitty.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Not Guilty...Again?

Andrea Yates systematically drowns all five of her children, calls the police and admits it to the 911 operator and the jury says that she is NOT GUILTY!! What does it take to get people in this country to take the lives of children seriously...if the offender is a woman?
So far a woman can abort, rape, neglect, get hooked on dope, and mass murder children without any worry of any serious consequences for their actions. A houston jury gets a second time to give this woman the death penalty but instead decides to have sympathy for her rather than for the children.
I spent a few minutes listening to Rusty Yates thinking that he would be devasted that the murderer of his children has just beat the case again, however I was disappointed. Instead this psycho said such things as, "[Andrea] is the nicest, kindest, most direct person that we know". He pummeled the State of Texas for even charging her for the murders. He even had the audacity to say that they wasted over $1 million to try her twice. As you can see from the above picture, that sick man only cares about his new life.

I am so disgusted that there are so many in this country who hold harmless women who abort, rape, neglect, get hooked on dope, and mass murder children.


Idiot Comments from Iraq's Prime Minister

Today, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki made the following comments:

"The Israeli attacks and airstrikes are completely destroying Lebanon’s infrastructure...I condemn these aggressions and call on the Arab League foreign ministers’ meeting in Cairo to take quick action to stop these aggressions. We call on the world to take quick stands to stop the Israeli aggression."

This fool has allowed his "Shiiteness" to goto his head. the Prime Ministers comments were dangerous to the safety and security of Iraq. While Americans are fighting and dying to keep his government alive from mainly Shiite Terrorists, he lambasts American allies who are fighting the same terrorists in Lebanon.

What makes it so acinine is that he is calling on the same "world", who is to this day dead set agianst the effort that made him Prime minister, to now help to stop those who want to defeat terrorism in Lebanon.

If Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's "Shiiteness" cannot be separated from supporting a just cause, then I, for the first time in my support for the War on Terrorism in Iraq, question our efforts to have a non-sectarian Government governing Iraq.

Kofi Annon's Foot and Mouth Disease

So many times since U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, was faced with muslim extremists massacring Sudanese Christians, North Koreans and Cubans being starved to death by their government, and suicide bombers dispached around the world to slaughter innocent civilians, He has argued for "patience" and no "rush to judgement". Annan's henchmen said the same thing, "patience" and no "rush to judgement" when he and his son Kojo were embroiled in the Oil for Food scandal.
As of yesterday, there is no more need (apparently) for the World Body's highest Diplomat to urge for "patience" and no "rush to judgement" when Israel causes an accident in the fog of war:
Now that you have read that comment, look at the following pic:
The Blue Flag is the U.N. Flag and the Yellow Flag is the Hezbollah Flag. Israel tried to pinpoint its airstrike at Hezbollah headquarters. However the U.N. Post was a mere 20ft away! The question should now be...Why the hell was a U.N. Post a next door neighbor to a terrorist headquarters? Why didn't the U.N. Peackeepers enforce U.N. Security Council Resolution 1559 and U.N. Security Council Resolution 425 against its next door neighbor who was in blatant violation of Lebanonese Sovereignty?
How many Katyusha Rockets do you think are stored in the Hezbollah headquarters above? One thing is clear, the U.N. doesn't seem to care.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lebanon wants to stand with Terrorists

Elias Al-Mur (Elyas Al-Murr) The Lebanese Minister of Defense warned Israel Thursday that if IDF ground forces are sent into southern Lebanon, Lebanese troops will fight along with the Hizbullah (Hezbollah) against Israel.

Since Israel left Lebenan in 2000, Hezbollah (the Shiite Terroist group based in Lebanon) and Hamas (the Suni Terrorist group based in Palestine - Now the Government of Palestine) have carried out regular unprovoked terrorist attacks against Israel.

As I watched and listened to the events unfold, I am wondering "why is a faction of the population of Israel receiving military supplies and support from another country (Syria and Iran) and they are not the official government of Lebanon. Why is it that since 2000 there has been no public outrage by the Lebanonese government at the armaments of Hezbollah? Why is it that there has been absolutely no implementation by the U.N. or the government of Lebanon Security Council Resolution 1559?

Those questions were answered when I remembered the following pics...

Hizbullah (Hezbollah) Terrorist Rally

500,000 pro-Syrian protesters

Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora & Sheikh Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah "Talking"

It appears that the government of Lebanon has chosen to be another host of a terrorist organization. It is sad that this "Paris of the Middle East" is so devasted by the pacifism of terrorism by the Lebanonese. They do not seem to sbe alarmed that this one organization based in Lebanon can even last 9 days in a military battle with the most powerful military in the middle east! The Lebanese do not seem to be even the least bit disturbed that this one organization in Lebanon has over 13,000 rockets and untold other armaments with which to attack the most powerful military in the middle east! No one seems to feel uncofortable over the fact that these terrorists are turning quiet neighborhoods into military targets by setting up living and working conditions for Israel.

I don't care what my hatred is for the man across town, if the man next door to me has 13,000 rockets in his basement then I am going to be more concerned about him than some person across town.

The Lebanonese government must be mature enough to confront any group with the military might to oppose decisions by the government. The fact that the Minister of Defense has told the world that he intends to join forces with THE terrorist group in the Middle East is a clear indication to me that Israel is doing the right thing for the free world.

Left-Winged Liberals celebrate the murder of a Soldier's family

The Associated Press has reported that the wife, two sons and sister-in-law of Army National Guard Sgt. Leonid Milkin serving in Iraq who were found dead of repeat stabbings. Their house was set on fire in order to hide the crime.

The Right Angle Blog has listed a number of comments by Left-Wing Liberals who took pleasure in mocking his loss simply because they disagree him being a soldier fighting in the War on Terror in Iraq.

No matter what you believe about the War on Terror in Iraq, the idea of mocking a person's tragic loss is simply evil and un-American.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

No Talk of Global Warming in Idaho

The media elite are meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho to discuss...Media. The few Conservatives and large balence of Left-Wing Liberals eat, drink, and discuss how to keep our attention and cajole that "mother's milk" from our wallets. Allen & Co. has hosted this Media Summit in Sun Valley, Idaho for a number of years.

I was stunned to learn that nowhere on their agenda was a panel on Global warming. I looked at 99 photos posted by the Associated Press International for Yahoo and I saw nothing that culd have indicated to me that they were going to use the conference (in part) to reduce greenhouse gases or lower emissions. They are not even having any impromptu discussions on how their businesses can be more environmentally friendly.
Peter Schweizer's best selling Book, "Do As I Say" does a wonderful Job at detailing these hypocrisies.

Until I am convinced that their planes, automobiles, and business are all being overhauled to do the aformentioned, I will remain convinced that Global Warming is not a serious issue that we should be concerned about.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Russian Hypocrisy on Terrorism

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denounced both Israel's attack on Lebanon and its operations against the Palestinian territories.
"This is a disproportionate response to what has happened and if both sides are going to drive each other into a tight corner then I think that all this will develop in a very dramatic and tragic way," he told reporters on a flight from Paris to Moscow, Interfax news agency reported. (Reuters July `2, 2006)

A siege by Chechen gunmen at a Moscow theatre came to a deadly climax when Russian special forces stormed the building after pumping gas inside. When the gunfire subsided, 117 of the 700 hostages were dead, all but two as a result of the gas...Interior Minister Boris Gryzlov was 800 people hostage for three days...Moscow's chief doctor said 115 hostages died from health problems stemming from a mystery gas pumped into the building just before Russian forces raided it by special forces early Saturday. Two hostages died from gunshot wounds...About 245 former hostages remain in hospital four days after being freed, 16 of whom are in a critical condition. (CNN Wednesday, October 30, 2002 ) quoted by ITAR-Tass news agency as saying several dozen people had been detained in Moscow on suspicion of helping organise the takeover of the theatre by Chechen rebels who held.

How so easy the Russians forget when they are not Craig faced with what to d0 in similar circulumstances. They have the nerve to criticize Israel for responding to acts of war by government sponsored terrorists when they were willing to massacre their own people in 2002 in the Moscow Theatre to get terrorists who are not sponsored by any government. The Chechen rebels are not daily launching rocket attacks into any part of Russia.

Aaron Klein, freelance reporter, posted on
Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip last August, over 1,000 rockets have been fired into nearby Jewish communities. The Israeli town of Sderot has been hit over the last few weeks with an average of 20 rockets per week.
If the Chechen rebels were launching only ONE rocket each week into any territory of Russia, they would be would be destroyed. Russia's indignation is disgusting.

Hey Putin, what was that "gas" that you used to "subdue" the terrorists?
We are still not clear on that.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

President lobs another easy one to Left-Wing Liberals

President Bush's decision has virtually turned the single person role of the Commander-In-Chief into a consensus committee by acquiesing to the illegal interference by the United States Supreme Court.

We activists have been defending President Bush for the last 5 years on the war on terror. We agreed with President Bush's FIRST explanation on the status and handling of enemy combatants. We have argued exhaustively that an act of war is not a violation of U.S. Criminal Law AND that non signatory enemy combatants are not subject to provisions of the Geneva Conventions. After all of our point and counterpoints with Left-Wing Liberals, President Bush AGAIN "caves" to the criticism of Left-Wing Liberals:
Left-Wing Liberals are now free to say that the Administration "Broke the Law" and "Acted Illegally". We cannot reply confidently in light of President Bush's capitulation.

“After more than four years of lawlessness, the Defense Department took a big first step toward complying with federal law,” American Civil Liberties Union

"They just don't do it right, wherever they go. By their stubbornness and refusal to work with Congress, they've made us worse off in Guantánamo today." Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York.

"Bush's continued use of Guantanamo as a detention facility is harming the US image abroad" Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. Democrat - Delaware

Today the Senate begins hearings on whether to create, from scratch, a new legal system to handle the cases against suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay and around the world. The hearings are a response to Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the Supreme Court decision that last month struck down President Bush's fake trial system at Guantanamo. (By Neal Katyal , Slate Magazine)

Tony Snow, White House press secretary, insisted that all U.S. detainees have been treated humanely. Still, he said, “We want to get it right.”

Hell, we on the Right thought you had it right in the first place. The memo, signed by Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, declared that Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions “applies as a matter of law to the conflict with al Qaeda.”

By the way, what war have we EVER been in where our POW's were treated HUMANELY? Liberals say that we have lost respect in the world community. With whom did we have this respect and when? Every war that we have been in since the signing of the Geneva Conventions has mutilated our POW's without repercussion and/or condemnation by the world "community". However we are condemned by the world community for embarrassing our POW's or not adhering to their preferred diets.

I am exhausted by the constant desire by President Bush and the moderates in the Republican Party constantly abandoning us conservatives in favor of trying to coddle Democrats and Left-Wing Liberals. From now on, I am going to be more cautious of my support of the Bush Administration and focus my support for the Platforms of the National, State, and local Republican Parties.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ann Coulter's "Big Idea" With Donny Deutsch

I never watch Donny Deutsch...NEVER HAVE!! And when I watched Ann Coulter, I realized that my initial choice was the best one. Donny Deutsch attacked Ann with all of the Left-Wing Liberal indignations that he could remember while trying to distance himself from being a Liberal.

He made such rediculous statements such as, "The war in Iraq does not equal the War on Terror" that I wonder why his small (and shrinking) viewing audience takes him seriously. In perpetual fashion of proving the point of Coulter's latest Book "Godless" Deutsch believes that the "Jersey Girls" should be able to ridicule the Bush Administration without rebbutal.

It is unfortunate that he is far to the left that he believes that his leftism is simply "normal".

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Who is Really Gouging Us?

Take a look at the chart below. This is a detailed listing of the costs and profit in one gallon of gasoline. This information comes from the Energy Information Administration as of July 10, 2006:

Daily Crude Oil Price Per [42 gallon] Barrel
On July 10, 2006 - $73.61

Daily price of oil per gallon
On July 10, 2006 - $1.753

California Gas Taxes
Average Gas Price in California On July 10, 2006
Amount - $3.224 (100.00%)

Federal Excise Tax

Amount - $0.184 (5.71%)

Oil Spill Response, Prevention, and Administration Fee of $0.025
Percent Average of gas price - (0.78%)

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Fee of 1.4¢ per gallon
Percent Average of gas price - (0.43%)

State Excise Tax of 18¢ per gallon
Percent Average of gas price - (5.58%)

California State Sales Tax of 7.750%
Amount - $0.250

Average Local Taxes From California's Local jurisdictions (1.25%)
Amount - $0.040

Corporate Costs
Distribution and Marketing (4%)
Amount - $0.129

Refining (19%)
Amount - $0.613

Crude Oil Costs by the gallon

Amount - $1.753 Percent Average of Gas Price - 54.36%

State and Federal Taxes
Amount - $0.693 Average of Gas Price - 21.500%

Business Costs
Amount - $2.494 Average of Gas Price - 77.362%

Total Gas Costs and Taxes
Amount - $3.187 Average of Gas Price - 98.862%

Total Gros Profit to Oil companies
Amount - $0.037 Average of Gas Price - 1.138%

If you look at that what you will realize is that for gasoline prices, The government gets the biggest unearned share of the price of gas. The government gets similar income per gallon of jet fuel, heavy Fuel Oil, Diesel Fuel & Heating Oil, and Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

If you notice, there is a section called "other products". This represents about 7.6% of the production of oil. This 7.6% represent about 6000 products produced in the world. Everything Aspirin to polyester to disposable diapers are made with the direct byproducts of refining oil. These "other products" represent the overwhelming majority of Oil Company profits. Here is a larger list of those "petro-products":
Aspirin • Cortisone • Crayons • Credit cards • Detergents • Dishwashing liquids • Disposable diapers • Drinking cups • Eyeglasses • Insect repellent • Isopropyl alcohol • Linoleum • Lipstick • Milk jugs • Mineral Oil • Motorcycle helmets • Nail polish • Pantyhose, Perfume, Petroleum jelly, Purses, Refrigerator linings, Roofing, Toilet seats, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Toys, Trash bags, Umbrellas, Yarn
The Real Gouger is not the oil companies, it is the government itself!

Monday, July 10, 2006

They have Lieberman, We have Chafee

Senator Lincoln Chafee, Republican Senator from Rhode Island and Senator Joseph Lieberman, Democrat from Connecticut are facing tough challenges to win their respective primaries to win their Party's nomination. Both candidates are facing this tough opposition due to their perception that they are more supportive of the opposition than their own team.

Senator Chafee is being targeted because he is not supportive of any part of the Republican Agenda except to vote for the Republican Caucus to remain in the majority. After that he is a reliable vote for the Democrat Caucus in the U.S. Senate. Senator Lieberman is a unreliable vote with the Democrat Caucus on only one issue - the war in Iraq. However he, like Senator Chafee can be trusted allies in the protection of issues important to Democrats. Senator Lieberman is now being targeted by activists in the Democratic Party for expulsion.

Democrat activists have it correct. They hate President Bush and they want to use Democratic opposition to the War on Terrorism in Iraq to gain a majority in the U.S. Senate. Senator Lieberman agrees with the president on the War on Terrorism in Iraq and he may lose the primary for his one position. Even the Democratic National Committee is taking an "arms-length" stance away from Lieberman.

by contrast, Senator Chafee is receiving lots of Senate Republican Leadership and Republican National Committee support in his primary bid against Cranston Mayor Stephen Laffey. Republican activists want Mayor Laffey because we believe that he will support the Republican Party platform. Senator Chafee does not support the Republican Platform. Republican leadership in the Senate has is not listening to its base unlike the Democrats thereby causing that fear of the U.S. Senate Leadership going Democrat. Nothing similar is happening in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Republican Senators and the Republican National Committee are supporting Liberal (aka Moderate) Republicans to the detriment of their continued support by their base. Democrats have it correct in this instance. It is very important to represent your base. Abandoning the base in favor of capitulating will result in the base abandoning you on election day.

Democrats are pushing out Senator Lieberman based on the insistence of their base. Republicans are trying to save Senator Chafee despite the insistence of their base. Democrats are punishing Senator Lieberman for not representing the Democrats sentiments on the Iraq war - notwithstanding what Senator Lieberman's History in the Democrat Party. Republicans are wanting to punish Senator Chafee for having a voting record that ranks with the most liberal Democrats in the U.S. Senate. Democrats are empowered and determined to be the opposition party and they do not suffer the foolishness of ignoring the base in favor of legislative movement. Republicans have become senile in this respect.

Republicans would not be concerned about the possibility of losing the Senate majority if they would do as Democrats are doing and purge those who refuse to advance the Republican platform and support those who are in favor of advancing the Republican platform. I have heard grassroots Republicans say clearly that if Senator Chafee wins the primary that they would send money to his Democrat challenger to win. We Republicans and Democrats are more comfortable with the loyal opposition be elected to the opposition party and not be in the loyal opposition in the Caucus.

Friday, July 7, 2006

Steve Jarding believes that Rights are Earned, not endowed

Left-Wing Liberal Steve Jarding included in his response to the revelation that James Webb (Democrat candidate for the U.S. Senate in Virginia) that Republican Candidate Senator George Allen hasn't "earned the right" to challenge James Webb...
George Felix Allen Jr. and his bush-league lapdog, Dick Wadhams, have not earned the right to challenge Jim Webb’s position on free speech and flag burning...
Steve Jarding may be trying to create a United States in which rights are "earned" but I support what George Felix Allen Jr. supports - that "we are endowed by our creator" rights and they are spelled out in our consitiution to inform our government that these are our rights.

If James Webb and his Left-Wing Liberal Democrats and Left-Wing Liberal Press want to enjoy the benefits of comdemning Senator Allen, then they must endure the unearthing of the ambarrasing facts of their past as well.

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Who checks the Supreme Court?

On wednesday, the Liberals on the Supreme court "ganged up" against the conservatives and issued their political opinion against President Bush. As has been widely reported, in 2005 the Congress passed the Detainee Treatment Act. That act says UNAMBIGUASLY in section 1005(e):

Except as provided in section 1005 of the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, no court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider - an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; or any other action against the United States or its agents relating to any aspect of the detention by the Department of Defense of an alien at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who is currently in military custody; or has been determined by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 1005(e) of the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant...

Now the ruling by the Supreme Court says the President overstepped his authority as commander and chief to setup this military tribunals. It seems clear to me that the U.S. Supreme Court overstepped its authority in even hearing the case which resulted in this illegal opinion.

The majority opinion tried to sidestep this law by saying that the Detainee Treatment Act was not clear as to whether it applied to the Hamdan case since that case was already in the legal process when the Detainee Treatment Act was passed. That excuse is reminiscent of the history of excuses the Court's Liberals historically used to uphold segregation in this nation. We a can always depend on "moderate" Republicans and Liberal Democrats to circumscribe the law in order to find legal advancements for the lawless.

I am formally beginning, with this posting, the discussion of the U.S. Supreme Court being subjected to any check and balances that is so often said applies to the legislative and executive branches of government. In this system of government, the executive and legislative branches continually check and balance each others power. Both seem to be checked by the Judiciary. However there does not seem to be any check on the judiciary.

Why does the judiciary think that it can decide details of the Commander-In-Chief? Why does the federal judiciary find it okay to use foreign law in rendering its opinions? Is the Supreme Court in violation if it hears and decides cases that it is statutorily prohibited from doing so. If that is the case then what are the sanctions against the Supreme Court? If those who defend the Supreme Court's "independence" against criticisms of the executive branch, legislative branch, and/or the U.S. Citizenry, shouldn't those defenders realize that our criticisms are protected by the 1st amendment AND that the Supreme Court must respect the co-equal independence of the other branches of our federal government? The Supreme Court's "Supremacy" is only supreme in the judicial branch, not the executive and legislative branches.

I do not believe that the Supreme Court had any jurisdiction in deciding details of the Commander-In-Chief. The President in his capacity as Commander-In-Chief is limited by the constitution and review by the legislative branch...only! Military jurisprudence is specifically designed to keep the civilian judiciary out of military affairs - especially during wartime. The Supreme Court must begin respecting the rule of law and end this riotous behavior of simply ignoring law that it does not agree with while trying to direct the nation to conform to its opinion - garden variety hypocrisy!!

We, the citizens of the United States of America are entitled to a government - including the judiciary - that is responsive to "We The People", and not to the terrorists of the world. I have begun this debate and I hope that it will continue with some civility.