Tuesday, November 7, 2006

The Republican Struggle, Election 2006

We Republicans are in a horrible situation because our Party has a dangerous affection for liberalism. Our President is a Conservative, but rarely defends conservative principles with any rhetoric. As a matter of fact, President Bush, the titular head of the Republican Party does absolutely nothing to press back against Democrats when they purposefully distort administration policy. Furthermore, the administration does not prosecute those who violate the law who are "in bed" with Left-Wing Liberals.

The current leadership of Republicans is largely not conservative while the majority of the grassroots activists are still conservative. We in the grassroots believe that the current Republican leadership has doted with Left-Wing liberals to such an extent that it is doing irreparable damage to the Republican Party at large. Sadly, these moderate and liberal republicans are getting elected with the support of conservatives in elective office.

Here are a few examples of Republican impotence:
  • Senate Republicans whined about not being able to get a vote on judges because of Democrat filibusters.
  • Former Majority leader Trent Lott agrees to a ridiculous power sharing agreement with the Democrats which results in Democrats temporarily taking control of the U.S. Senate.
  • President Bush lets Ted Kennedy write the Education Bill
  • In 2004 Rick Santorum, Conservative U.S. Senator of Pennsylvania supported Liberal Republican Senator Arlen Spector over conservative challenger congressman Pat Toomey.
  • In 2006, the Senate Republican Campaign Committee spent millions in Rhode Island to defend the extreme liberal Lincoln Chafee in his primary contest against Steve Laffey.
Adding to that list is the seeming allowance by elected Republicans to let Democrats define every effort of the Administration. For example, the current unemployment rate is 4.4%. Democrats say "yeah, yeah" but then slam that number by saying that those jobs don't pay as much as they did during the Clinton Administration. Wealth as increased exponentially in America over the past 6 years yet Democrats proclaim that the average, when broken down really shows that wealth and income is centralized to the top income earners. The President has had all of the information that he could have used to prove that there was a connection between Saddam and Osama, yet they consistently shied away from that debate. Unfortunately, all of these Administration triumphs were explained by the Mainstream Media and the Democrat Party.

What could have Republicans done?
  • Realize that when liberals ask about the War in Iraq that they are not asking for clarity but to embarrass the Administration. Challenge the underlying motive of the question rather than the question itself.
  • Coordinate political debate strategy with activists in the base. Don't just assign to the base the grunk work of volunteering during a campaign. Share information with the base. participate in the "daily grind" with the activists.
  • Hold hearings on the skyrocketing costs of college tuition rather than on baseball.
  • Constantly hold votes on Judges even if that means gridlock in the Senate.
  • Demand that the Supposedly Republican Justice Department actually prosecute Democrats who violate the law rather than just Republicans.
  • Appeal to the nation how many high paying jobs would be created if we drilled for our own oil in the United States.
  • Repeal the executive order by former President Bill Clinton to ban the mining of coal in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah.
  • Highlight Democrat corruption.
  • Build a consortium of Republican 527's who can give millions to offset the millions given to Democrat candidates.
  • Highlight the racism in the Democratic Party.

Republicans have got to realize that we should treat Left-Wing Liberals as political enemies of the United States, not just citizens who are wrong. The phrase "I do not challenge their patriotism, I just disagree with them" is that mentality that ended Reconstruction in the after the U.S. Civil War and extended the "life" of Jim Crow.

No matter what we say about Democrats, they have only been out of power in the congress for 12 years in the House and a combined 10 years in the Senate. compare that with 40 years for Republicans in the House and 36 years in the Senate before 1994.

Democrats pushed Republicans off message constantly with empasis on scandal and emflaming voter anger over the war in Iraq. Republicans never responded in kind, angering the Republican base. Again, the Republican leadership seemed more interested in being admired by Left Wing Liberals than remaining loyal to the Republican constituency.

Loyalty to the base means something, but for some reason elected Republicans don't want to accept it. My question to elected Republicans is...Do you want to continually see judges who legislate from the bench? Do you want my taxes to go up? Do you want my job to be offered to an illegal alien for less money? Do you want me to have to endure the "cut and run" policy of Left Wing Liberals? If not then you need to listen to me, the Republican voter, and stop trying to find "common ground" with the political enemy - the Left Wing Liberal Democratic Party.

Whether we win or lose as a party, we must immediately change our leadership and never have to visit this political trauma again.

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