Thursday, November 9, 2006

Alberto Gonzales Has Got to Go!!

Ken Mehlman did what I recommended - he resigned. All I will remember about him is the unofficial support he gave to now Independent Democrat Senator Connecticut Joseph Lieberman and Left-Wing Liberal Republican Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island.

After spending millions of dollars Mehlman spent attacking Rhode Island Republican Primary Challenger Steve Laffey on behalf of Chafee, Chafee still lost and is now considering leaving the Republican Party. I am glad that he is making that choice.

I have to repeat again that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has to go as well. Gonzales does not have the "testicular fortitude" to prosecute Democrat corruption and seems to only cannibalistically prosecute Republicans exclusively. The results are that the Democrats were able to paint us a singularly corrupt and we had to prosecutorial references to respond. Let me repeat...

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales needs to resign or be forced out!!

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