Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Charlie Brown Republicans and Lucy Democrats

Unlike Democrats I am not going to blame voting machines and civil rights violations for this Republican trouncing. I blame us. Democrats won last night because we Republicans continued to listen and believe Democrats. We bought the emotion of Left-Wing Liberals and tried to "comfort" them rather than defeat them. We Republicans do not seem to want to except that Democrats hate us in the same manner that Islamic Extremists (terrorists) hate the United States. Democrats look for opportunities to convince us to trust them while plotting to use our trust to destroy us. They will never want us to "kick that ball".

In Election 2006 Democrat Challengers proclaimed their Christianity and politicized the War in Iraq. They criticized us so much over the last 4 years for doing the same that they successfully convinced us not to do the same. There was no separating church and state nor any restraint to politicizing the war on their part. They pounded us by using the "mission accomplished" theme against us while making every effort to keep us form using it for ourselves. In effect, Democrats won by being conservative and making us to appear Liberal.

We must learn that trusting a liberal will keep us in the minority. We must believe that their every intention is to embarrass us and destroy us. We must be "Jesus Loving, Gun Supporting" Conservative Republicans and shun any form of [Lucy] Liberalism aggressively and completely.

The only way that we are going to kick that ball is to make sure that the person holding the ball is one of us.

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