Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Election 2006 - The Iraq War and the Culture of Corruption

Can anyone say what the Republican Response was to Nancy Pelosi's Culture of Corruption or that the Iraq war was no part of the War on Terror? Nothing! Absolutely Nothing!!

Republican elected officials had all of the information to demoralize the Democrat Party. The Iraq Liberation Act, all of the attacks by Islamic extremists on the U.S. from 1993 to 2000, and even evidence that an Iraqi military officer assisted Timothy Mcveigh were all political weapons that elected Republicans refused to use to any major degree in any political debate.

The culture of corruption is wide and deep in the Democrat Party. The website Noagenda.org and the Book, "Do As I Say (Not As I Do)" by Peter Schweizer both have an impressive collection of Democrat culture of corruption. Unfortunately, none of their corruption was ever widely known because elected Republicans were too afraid to respond Democrats in that way. All of the major investigations of political figures were against Republicans. It seems that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales seems to have a singular prosecution focus "only" on Republicans.

Here are some examples:
  • Nancy Pelosi has made supporting labor unions a cornerstone of her public career. Yet the vineyards and hotels that comprise her $35 million fortune have one thing in common: they don't use union labor.
  • Ted Kennedy favors racial set-asides on federal contracts -- but when it came to his own investment in an entire city block of Washington, DC, he got his political friends to help him waive an affirmative action set-aside
  • Harry Reid Illegally Channeled Campaign Contributions To Ritz-Carlton Staff Bonuses

Carl Rove and Scooter Libby were dragged like the late James Byrd behind the Republican Administration bus in a hopeless attempt to please insatiable Democrat attackers on the Valerie Plame leak. However, Mary O. McCarthy (the CIA leaker of the so called secret prisons) and the unknown NSA leaker who aided Dana Priest of the Washington Post in getting her Pulitzer Prize regarding story on (foreign surveillance) have yet to be given the Patrick Fitzgerald treatment.

Speaker Hastert went out of his way to protect Democrat William Jefferson of Louisiana who has yet to explain $100,000 in his freezer. However Speaker Hastert abandoned Tom Delay and all of the other Republicans who could have benefited from his "protection". William Jefferson, Democrat of Louisiana was just reelected to the U.S. House of Representatives tonight, thanks in part to Speaker Hastert. Former Majority Leader Tom Delay was forced to resign and his seat went to a Democrat tonight.

Election 2006 wasn't a battle of ideas. Election 2006 was run like case in a courtroom. Perception was everything. Believability was more important than what was factual. Challenging the opposition rhetorically was of primary import, not this Republican brown-nosing to Democrats that elected Republicans too often seem to enjoy. For example, Republicans got on the Mainstream media and would say that the Democrat is a good and decent person while that Democrat was saying that the Republican wants to spy on Americans and keep their healthcare out of reach. The Republican usually has no retort to that pejorative quip.

Democrats learned to micro target for votes and they put up very conservative Democrats to challenge Republican incumbents. We must now join forces as bloggers, activists and willing conservative elected officials to hammer the Democrat culture of corruption during every public policy debate. It must be so loud and so continuous that it keeps Democrats off of their talking points.

This hammering must not end with elected Democrats. We must now focus our efforts on the Left Wing Liberal mainstream media that gave them logistical and reconnaissance support. We have to treat any an all attacks against us as just a shallow effort to keep power. All of the cinematography, videography, and writing used by Left-Wing Liberals to destroy Republicans must now be used by Republicans.

I am not one to believe that the Iraq War policy. Conservative Republicans gained power in 1994 by ideas. Moderate and Liberal Republicans (who seemed to be more affiliated with Democrats than the Republicans they caucused with) squandered our majorities in 2006 by not attacking Democrats who attack Republicans personally.

There needs to be a conservative Blogger and Activist convention to address these issues and see to it that Democrats will no longer in the future gain a majority by merely using scandal to gain control.

Congratulations Democrat Party.

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