Wednesday, November 8, 2006

How Republicans Move on

If you are like me then you are seething over the Republican loss last night, Can anyone name a conservative version of the Media Fund, Americans Coming Together, or None! How about a conservative version of George Soros and Peter Lewis? None! Conservative millionaires have go to be willing to spend money!!

If conservatives want to win anything anymore we will have to organize post George Bush. Senator John McCain lead the moderate Republican leadership to passing (and President Bush signing) a campaign finance reform bill that basically destroyed the organization that kept Republicans in power. We wondered in the wilderness for 40 years building positions to debate the opposition, but since that so called campaign finance reform bill was passed and signed, the new strategy is about having the finances to capitalize on the oppositions political weaknesses.

The first thing we must do is get rid of our own weaknesses...
  • U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales - He is too timid to prosecute Democrat corruption.
  • Speaker Dennis Hastert - He is too weak of a leader. He spent too much time trying to be nice to Democrats rather than effectively responding to their attacks with their own hypocrisy.
  • House Majority Leader John Boehner - was so willing to throw Tom Delay out of the leadership that his actions partly caused this fall from the majority.
  • Arizona Senator John McCain - He is the single most responsible person for the downfall of the Republican majority.
Next we must get rid of our weakness for consumption of Left Wing Liberal Mainstream Media for reliable information. We have to shed our fear of upsetting Left Wing Liberals.

A new leadership must be conservative and aggressive. This new Republican leadership has to be fearless in spreading ideas that will increase the amount of money in the pockets of middle income americans. Every issue must have that conclusion in focus. Conservatives must no longer concede any campaign anymore. Let's face it, Democrats came into Republican strongholds and took seats! Ironically I suggested to do the same in liberal strongholds here in Sacramento, CA several weeks ago to the Chairperson of my County Republican Central Committee. She nearly declared me insane.

It will be very difficult to start over again to regain the majority because the Left Wing Liberal Mainstream Media is still in collusion with Democrats to kick us while we are down. They will continue to say that the War in Iraq is was the issue and will add to that other issues that they criticized Republicans with. Their victory gives them the triumph of the rhetoric - even though it may not be true.

By the way, throughout this campaign no one has asked if the War in Iraq was creating more terrorists, then why didn't the War in Afghanistan do the same? Weren't the terrorists mad at us for being there as well?

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