Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kyoto - The Left Wing Liberals' 3 Card Molly on America and the World

Democrats will be running the Congress in the 110th Session. We now are forced to hear and read the Mainstream Media's glowing reports and opinions of their Left-Wing Liberal issues. One of them is this Left-Wing Liberal Environmentalist promotion of the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG). Democratic Socialists nations around the world convened the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the early 1990's to agree to a set of objectives to reduce Green House Gas emissions. They believe that we humans are the negative source of GHG's emissions and our production is the exclusive cause of global warming. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change produced an amendment to the International Treaty on Climate Change called the Kyoto Protocol.

What is the Kyoto Protocol? Why is it that so many Left-Wing Liberal millionaires are pushing for the U.S. to agree to the Kyoto Protocol? Why didn't Clinton want to agree to the protocol until the end of his presidency? Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger agree to the Kyoto Protocol Scheme? Why is everyone so mad at President Bush for pulling out of Kyoto?

After reading the Kyoto Protocol, I found that it does only one thing. This document literally creates a commodities market for the trade of carbon emissions under the guise of reducing GHG's. The Kyoto Protocol does not result in the reduction and/or elimination of GHG's, improved health, nor increased monetary savings to average consumers!! The Kyoto Protocol is designed

This is how it works. Developed nations (i.e. the Untied States) must reduce our GHG emissions 5% below their our reported 1990 levels. Each country must then conclude what that total emissions level is and then decide the maximum amount that companies and industries are allowed to emit. Companies that emit less than their maximum allowable can create what is called are "carbon credits". Companies that emit more than their maximum allowable amount would risk a fine by the United Nations - unless they agree to purchase carbon credits from those who have some available for sale. Here is an example:
A XYZ company emits 100 tons of carbon each year and the federal government tells XYZ that it must reduce its GHG emissions by 35 tons to 65 tons. Since that reduction could destroy the solvency of XYZ, they would instead would purchase carbon credits from any entity in the world that has them for sale. GRN is allowed to a maximum allowable emission of 80 tons and they actually reduce that amount to 20 tons. This results in a 60 ton credit that it can sell to those who need the credit. One ton of carbon equals 1 credit, so in this scenario GRN has 60 carbon credits that it can sell to any company who wants to avoid UN/Kyoto enforced fines. XYZ could now purchase 35 of GRN's 60 carbon credits without reducing one ounce of GHG's and meet Kyoto Protocol.
Remember. The Kyoto Protocol does not result in the reduction and/or elimination of GHG's, improved health, nor increased savings to average consumers!!
Here is where it gets better. If the U.S. would have ratified the Kyoto Protocol as a Treaty, it would force the creation of a government run trading market for carbon credits. The common term is called "carbon trading". Now what happens if XYZ and GRN are not neighbors? XYZ is based in Sacramento, CA and GRN is in Jackson, MI. and neither company is aware that they need each other. Enter the money changers. These money changers are Finance specialists (i.e. Investment Bankers, Arbitrageurs, Day Traders, commodity & Stock Brokers, etc) who already have the infrastructure to create this carbon trading market. They would then be called carbon traders.
The carbon trading market will set the final prices for the carbon credits and the cost of those trades. Morgan Stanley is investing $3 billion to build its carbon trading floors and to finance the building of construction projects. Goldman Sachs, under CEO Henry "Hank" M. Paulson, Jr. built a $5 million Center for Environmental Markets and committed $1 billion to finance projects that generate energy from sources other than oil and gas. Paulson is now the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.

Left-Wing Liberals want this desperately because they would make hundreds of billions in profits from government mandated carbon trading. This is also why they will not agree to oil exploration in the United States or moving toward clean coal technology. Coal as a fuel source generates about 50% of all electricity in the United States. The amount of money that electrical producers would have been forced to pay would be in the billions to these carbon traders. That increase would definitely be passed to U.S. consumers of electricity.

The increase in utility bills would be a nationalization of the electric utility nightmare that we experienced here in California in the late 1990's, early 2000's. The electric utility debacle here in California led to California's 37th Governor, Democrat Gray Davis to be only the 2nd State Governor in U.S. History to be successfully recalled from office. President Clinton was very cautious not to commit the U.S. and himself to a similar catastrophe. Needless to say that on a national scale, there would be major hell to pay.

I REITERATE! The Kyoto Protocol does not result in the reduction and/or elimination of GHG's, improved health, nor increased savings to average consumers!!

"Gov. Schwarzenegger wants to build a large, robust carbon trading market that will dramatically reduce emissions,'' said Schwarzenegger spokesman Adam Mendelsohn. That explains election 2006 for the California Governor. This statement was a casting call to all of the Left-Wing Liberal millionaires who were going to support Phil Angelides in the 2006 California Gubernatorial election to now support Schwarzenegger. As we know, Schwarzenegger won in a landslide. Earlier this year, Schwarzenegger toured the carbon trading floor at Credit Suisse with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and discussed with New York Governor George Pataki ways for California to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and create an emissions trading exchange. Pataki was the lead founder of the RGGI and thought of the idea in 2003 after President Bush withdrew from the 160-nation Kyoto Protocol on global warming in 2001.

Here is a partial list of some who switched From Angelides to Schwarzenegger:
  • Democrat Terry Tamminen - Recently served as Schwarzenegger's Secretary of California's Environmental Protection Agency. Tamminen came to Schwarzenegger by way of Bobby Kennedy Jr., cousin to Maria Shriver, Schwarzenegger's wife.
  • Democrat Richard Blum - Former Vice Chairman of the Carlyle Group, major Defense Contractor, Husband of California Senator Dianne Feinstein.
  • Liberal Republican F. Warren Hellman - Investment Banker (Hellman & Friedman), Liberal Republican, Responsible for the Congressional career of Nancy Pelosi.
When President Bush came into office in January 2001, he had the benefit of California's tragedy, Former President Clinton's political vacillation, and strong science concluding that the supposed scientific basis for Kyoto (humans are causing global warming) is a complete fraud. Seeing this and other inconsistencies, President Bush decided to withdraw participation in Kyoto and propose to the congress an alternative plan called the Clean Skies Act. Left-Wing Liberals from around the world were both horrified and angered of President Bush's actions because President Bush wanted to actually focus on "cleaning" the air rather than participating in their government enforced profiteering in the name of reducing GHG's.

So as we hear The point persons Robert Kennedy, Jr and Al Gore rant and rave about global warming, realize that both of them are simply trying to position themselves and their interests to make "windfall profits" and do not care about the environment. If they did care, they and their supporters would not be destroying the environment by traveling by private jets and "gas guzzling" vehicles around the country to tell others not to emit GHG's. Remember, Robert Kennedy, Jr. wants wind farms everywhere but his own back yard and Al Gore (who negotiated the Kyoto Protocol on behalf of the United States in 1997 admits that the signers of the Kyoto Protocol do not intend for it to reduce GHG's.

Grab your wallet and run away in panic when a Liberal speaks!!

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