Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mexican Extremists Invade under the guise of Protest

After seeing this photo of mexican extremists posing as protesters, I am now convinced that tolerance only means allowing those to the left to do and say what what they want...with no response WHATSOEVER!!!

The picture above is of a post office in maywood, california (a small city in Los Angeles County). The mexican extremists "claimed" that United States property on behalf of the country of Mexico. They did not appear to be protesting minimum wages, universal healthcare, or increased federal subsidies. They are doing what they said that they would do...instigate the forces of good in the United States to take back the Southwest of the United States for Mexico.

What is so humiliating about all of this is that today's leadership is so arrogant that they are neither listening to those of us who argue to recognize this as an invasion OR the mexican extremists themselves who are saying that their purpose is to invade the U.S.! and have better background than I can give on this subject.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Deport the Illegal Alien Now!!

This woman is 31 year old Elvira Arellano. Arellano illegally entered the U.S. in 1997 and was deported soon afterward. "She returned within days, living for three years in Oregon before moving to Chicago in 2000. She was arrested in 2002 for using a false social security number ( a felony if it were you or me) at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, where she was working as a cleaning airplanes! She was ordered to serve 3 years probation and eventual deportation...AGAIN!! Instead she sought, and was given sanctuary in her Chicago church in protest of her sentence.

Federal INS Officials need to do arm themselves with MP5 submachine guns, storm the church, snatch the illegal alien out of the church pastor's arms, and rush the illegal alien out of the church to the first plane leaving for Mexico!!
If any one of the churchmembers resists, shoot them to kill them and burn the entire church to the ground!! You may have a problem with that tactic, but that's just what Democrat Federal officials did during the Clinton Administration during the 1990's!!

In 1993, Former U.S. Army General Wesley Clark, in coordination with then Texas Governor Ann Richards and then U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno (all Democrats) devised and exeucted a military strategy (in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act) to destyroy the Branch Davidian religious compound in Waco, Texas.
"Nearly 90 civilians – men, women and children –
massacred by being shot and/or burned alive." (worldnet daily)
None of these murderous Democrats were ever removed from their offices as a result of their fatal actions. In the name of a cult and based on mere allegations of various types of wrongdoing, they slaughtered innocent men women and children and their supporters never said a word relating to their stepping down as a consequence.

None of these murderers gave a damn about how their actions would affect other family members or other children of America.

At the point of an MP5 submachine gun, INS agents ripped Elian Gonzalez out of the arms of loved ones, thrown onto a plane, and sent back to Communist Cuba. Left-Wing Liberals accross the nation cheered the Clinton Administration's actions.

Once again, Republicans are showing their cowardice to enforce the law when they are confronted by Left-Wing Liberals. Once again, we can count on that cowardice emotion to evolve into outrage at us, the Republican base, for criticizing their spinelessness.

The above picrtures are proof positive that Left-Wing Liberals don't give a damn about what Republicans protest. They will do what they want to do and they will attack those who attack what they have done. I only wish the Republican Party could do the same.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Jackson, Sharpton, Waters Help a Racist to Win

Left-Wing Liberal Ned Lamont is a racist. Members of his campaign staff are racists as well. However Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Congresswoman Maxine Waters led delagations to Connecticut not to protest but to support the Left-Wing Liberal Racist Ned Lamont.

Apparently, there it is possible to tolerate Left-Wing Liberal Racist Ned Lamont in this political climate because he is are suficiently angered by the name George Bush.

It seems that the dinosaurs of liberal black activism are willing to set aside any and all ferver for protecting the interests of Black dignity and equitable treatment in favor of supporting anyone who hates President Bush and the U.S. War on Terrorism in Iraq.

I wrote back in 2003 the following article called, "Some Whites can call us Nigga!!":
We are called the "N" word by everybody these days. However very few people actually get away with it. Blacks colloquially call each other niggaz, but I have noticed an unusual trend. There seems to be a resurgance, among those who are not black, to use the word to refer to Black people! Shocking!! I remember reading about the word "Nigger" being used to refer to a Black person when Black slavery was an acceptable, yet barbaric practice in this country. The word and its offspring were used primarily by southern Democrats whenever addressing Blacks. Never in my wildest imagination would I even consider the thought of hearing a person who was not white actually use the word and escape "Black Wrath" as expressed by the liberal so-called Black leadership in this nation.

In late October 2002, a popular radio shock-jockm (Niel Rogers) in Florida labeled Dr. Condoleeza Rice a "House Negro". Last Year, US Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia said on Foxnews Sunday the there is such thing as a white nigger (obviously meaning that everybody already knows about "Black Niggers". Also last year California Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamanté called a group of Blacks, niggers. Interestingly, he wasn't with friends or other non-Blacks, he was the keynote speaker before a group of Black trade unionists during Black History Month! What made that so bad was the fact that he was reading a script that didn't even have the word in it. How could they do it? How can these folks just simply hurl these insults to Blacks without any concern for reprisal by Blacks? The following is a list of prerequisites that will qualify any person to freely call blacks the "N" word in all of its various forms:
  1. The verbal offender must be a Left-wing Liberal (Conservatives need not apply).
  2. Have close Black Liberal friends (preferably a best friend).
  3. The epithet must be directed at a Black person that the Black populous either is not largely familiar with or does not appreciate - for whatever reason.
  4. Most importantly, the Black victim must be an identified conservative.
Whites and others who follow this formula are effectively shielded from sure retribution by Blacks. So Eminem et. al should be comforted by the exemptions to the use of the word Nigga in all of its various expressions. Even the Ku Klux Klan can be excused from their viciousness if they would just follow these few steps.
In addition, Donna Brazile (a Democratic Strategist) and the lone Black U.S. Senator Barack Obama, Democrat of Illinois, have been actively campaigning for the unrepentant Klansman, U.S. Senator Robert Byrd Democrat of West Virginia.

If the current leadership of Republicans were stronger, there could be significant advantages taken to make genuine connections with Blacks and expand the Republican Party base as a consequense. I long for that kind of strength in leadership.

Monday, August 7, 2006

Reuters Regularly engages in photo terrorism

The current "crap" of fake photos is just the latest in a barage of photo journalistic Katyusha's fired at Israel and the United States...specifically the Bush Administration.

Remember this photo highlighting President Bush wanting to goto the bathroom?

Or how about this photo of the staged Iraqi terrorist fighter?

Reuters and most of the other Left-Wing Liberals who control the Mainstream Media, are ingaged in media terrorism against the Bush Administration. As a matter of fact, any person who opposes socialism is "katyashad" by Left-Wing Liberals who control the Mainstream Media. I am now convinced that they have been doing this to every Republican who loves freedom from Socialism since the Reagan Administration.

Reuters does this because it is a European controlled corporation. As with the European Union as a whole, Reuters stands against the interests of free people in the United States. I do not expect Reuters to act any different than the 19 terrorists who created havoc for us on 9/11.

I hope that this serves as further evidence that the enemies of the United States really are domestic as well as foreign. Left-Wing Liberals who control the Mainstream Media will not stop this because like illegal immigration and drug smuggling, we who push back the forces of socialism will not be able to get all of the fake photos that get to the public.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

There was never much support for Israel

Left-Wing Liberals all over the world are ingesting the "verbal Katyushas" fired by Left-Wing Liberals in the European Union, the Middle East, Asia and here in the United States at Israel.

Left-Wing Liberals are saying constantly that when Hezbollah committed terrorists acts against Israel that the "world community" was sympathetic to Israel. Left-Wing Liberals will even go through the verbal contortion of saying that even Arab governments agreed that Israel had a right to respond to Hezbollah's terrorist acts against the Jewish State. My friends read the following very clearly...

There is no such thing as Left-Wing Liberal support for Israel! There never has and never will! Any belief to the contrary is schizophrenic!

Those who are the least bit critical of Israel's response to Hezbollah are being intentionally misleading and using their position as pundits to derail our accurate assessment of why there is war in Lebanon. The Left-Wing Liberal European Union formerly rejects declaring Hezbollah a terrorist organization. Left-Wing Liberals here in the United States will not call Hezbollah a terrorist organization. As a matter of fact Left-Wing Liberals here in the United States are vocal supporters of Hezbollah. Remember pictures like the one below...

Hat tip: Moonbatmedia (Here and Here)

The picture above represents the sentiment of Left-Wing Liberals all over the world. I hear these terrorist appeasors constantly saying how the image of the U.S. is damaged and that our support of Israel has prohibited us from being an "honest broker". They say these things because they are not "honest" with the fact that they have never voiced support for the U.S. and Israel in our will to survive.

Besides, when the Clinton Administration proped up the Lebanese government, they knew what Hezbollah was doing. The Clinton Administration knew that it was ignoring a powderkeg by not loudly and persistantly damanding that U.N. Resolutions 1559, 475, 425 and the Taif agreements apply to Hezbollah. They ignored the problem so that it would eventually land in the lap of President Bush.

I support every action that Israel has taken to defend itself from the actions of a Lebonese propted up terrorist group, Hezbollah and Hamas.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

A Lebanonese "Political Party" has Long Range Missiles

Iran admits that it is arming a political party in Lebanon and no one in Lebanon is worried. Let me be clear, I am a registered Republican. If Mexico was arming the Republican or Democratic Party here in the United States, I would be more worried about that than I would any foreign aggression.

I would be very worried if I am passionately debating global warming, minimum wage, taxes, or stem cell research and I know that my political opposition is armed to the teeth with a zelzal-2-missile. Her anger with my position might end up in her shooting off a missile to destroy my entire city.

Does any one see the problem with a militarized Hezbollah...Or is it Just Me?

Cherry Picking to build a Conspiracy

The Left-Wing Liberals are out again, trying to give away their "Bush created the 9/11" snake oil. John Cashich had one on his "Heartland" show earlier on Fox news. To those wh insist that there is some scandal with Bush and 9/11, here are some things you need to clear up:
  • Besides marvin P. Bush and Mishal Yousef Saud al-Sabah who else served on the Securacom/Stratesec Board?
  • Who else sat on the HCC Insurance (formerly Houston Casualty Co) corporate board besides Marvin again?
  • Who are ALL of the interests that make up the Kuwait-American Corporation (KuwAm)?
    Who held the security contract for the WTC in 1993.
  • Who held and currently holds the security contracts for Dulles International Airport.
    Has any of those who were pardoned by former President Bill Clinton been cross referenced with any of the aformentioned?

I am willing to conclude that these Left-Wing Liberals have simply "cherry picked" their information to build a case that President Bush is somehow suspect in the 9/11 tragedy due to their seething rage and hatred for President Bush.

Whenever a Left-Wing Liberal speaks, always know in your mind that what they just said is not the entire story...even if what they said is entirely true.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Anti-Black Racism by Leftt-Wing Liberals

I have intentionally avoided listening to any coverage about Mel Gibson's drunken tiraid against Jews. The reason is that while the western press was so angered about Gibson's comments, almost no one in that same press seems to give a damn about the blatant anti-black racism produced by Left-Wing Liberals in the U.S. and Arab Press:

Palestinian Media Watch found this racist picture that was published by the Palestinian Authority Daily.
Hat Tip: Palestinian Media Watch

The Huffington Post ( an extreme Left-Wing Liberal Oil Baron Blogger) published this racist picture.
Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

To date, Blacks who always seem to want to have marches and protests demanding retribution for these dipictions cannot be found. Where is Jesse and Al screaming "No Justice, No Peace!".

I formally condemn these dipictions and the provocateurs who originally produced and published them. I demand that the provocateurs be publically ridiculed and beg for forgiveness in the same way that both U.S. Senator Trent Lott and Mel Gibson have done.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Lebanese Christian President Supports Hezbollah

Don't be alarmed, This "Christian" has been at war against Christians in Lebanon and Jews anywhere during his entire adult life!!

President Emile Lahoud owes his career for the last 17 years to the Syrian government. Every position that this Maronite "Christian" has had in Lebanon since the 1989 Taif Agreement ended the Lebanonese Civil War was literally offered to him by the Syrians when they controlled much of East Beirut.

Then Brigadier General Lahoud served as Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces from 1989 to 1998. He was appointed by Syrian Backed President Elias Hrawi as recommended by then Syrian Lt General Ali Hammoud. His role was to command pro-Syrian forces in Lebanon against the Lebanese Army who was led by "fellow" Christian Michael Aoun. During that time Lahoud enjoyed a very pleasant relationship with the Hezbollah leadership, the Syrian Government, and the Iranian Government.

In 1998 Lahoud was elected President of Lebanon with huge support comming from Hezbollah. Lahoud's chief advisors who helped him compose his government were basically the Syrian officials such as Syrian Interior Minister Ali Hammoud, Rustum Ghazali, and Assaf Chawkat (Shwakat).

Lahoud's Syrian Syrian advice resulted in a bunch deadly Pro-Syrian "underboses" such as Jamil al-Sayyid, Director General of Lebanon's Domestic Intelligence. Sayyid is reputed to be "directly or indirectly responsible for most illegal arrests and disappearances that take place in the country". If you read the link on his, you will be astonished at how bad this dude is.

Lahoud's term in office as President should have been over in 2004, however the Syrians heavily lobbied the Lebanese government to change Lebanon's Constitution. Lahoud's term was extended for another 3 years. writes that there was only one objection - Interior Minister Brigadier General Ghazi Kenaan. "Kenaan was intelligence chief in Lebanon from 1982 until 2003, presiding over Syria's control of its neighboring country. He then headed Syria's powerful Political Security Directorate until becoming Interior Minister in October 2004." Mysteriously he commits suicide.

Other Lahoud/Hezbollah Smooching:
Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, Hezbollah guerrilla leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and others embraced the former prisoners in a red carpet welcome as a band played patriotic music in the background. (CNN, January 29, 2004)

...Those demanding Damascus withdraw its soldiers from Lebanon are serving Israel, and are working against Syrian and Lebanese interests.

President Lahoud may call himself Christian, but it is clear to me that he "backslid" and has is a reprobate for Syria.