Thursday, June 19, 2008

Taxing Speech

If The Left Wing Liberal Sacramento City Council has its way, exorcising the 1st Amendment in the city of Sacramento is proposed to be more expensive.

These Left wingers have finally found a way to tax speech. They are currently considering a proposal to tax text messages. They voted unanimously to place on the ballot for the November 4th Election "Utility User Tax Reduction and Fairness Measure for Communications Services" measure. Unfortunately that vote includes a tax increasing Republican - Councilman Robbie Waters.

Their rational is as imprudent as the antiquated "windfall" tax schemes it is attempting to replace. As businesses offer new technologies to increase quality of service at a reduced price for residents to communicate among themselves, The Sacramento City Council wants to reverse the progress and increase the cost of exercising our 1st Amendment right.

It would have been in the best interest of the residents for the Council to find ways to expand business opportunities for small business entrepreneurs who would aid in the increase of sales tax revenue. However, Left Wing Liberals are not known for advancing policies in the best interest of their constituents.

Even worse is that the city of Sacramento is currently getting an increase [windfall] revenue from the sales tax percentage on the ridiculously high price of gasoline. This measure will result in a net increase in the overall outgo of those of us who already are being squeezed by the increased price of food, collapsing value of our homes in addition to the price of gasoline.

The "Utility User Tax Reduction and Fairness Measure for Communications Services" must die a sudden and horrible death. The Left wingers of the Sacramento City Council must be forced to retreat from [windfall] taxing speech in any manner whatsoever. The freedom to speak must not be encumbered by tax toll - especially by our own government - in order to speak. The laziness and craftiness with which they are attempting to assault the 1st Amendment deserves their being voted out of office.

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