Monday, June 9, 2008

Obama - My Color, But Not My Kind and not the Right Black

Al Sharpton once said that Democrats shouldn't be talking about getting more blacks in high places, but getting the right blacks. He also said, "Clarence Thomas is my color, but he's not my kind." Using his comments as a template, here is my opinion on Barack Hussein Obama, the Democrat Presidential Candidate...

Barack Hussein Obama has made history. He is the first Black to be a nominee for President of the United States from one of the two major parties. This is also the first time that the Democrat Party has done something iconic in Black history that is seen as a positive. Also this is the first time that the Democrat Party has done something in Black History that the Republican Party has not done.

Despite the aforementioned points, Obama will do more to destroy the progress of Blacks in America than any white President could ever conceive of going. In fact, Obama wants to continue the and expand "Great Society" policies. The very policies that have destroyed Black America. He accepts the advise and council of socialists who ideals are responsible for the depravity of Blacks worlwide. Typical examples are Nigeria, Somalia, and Haiti. The next White President only has to point to the Obama presidency (if he gets elected) in order to justify the continuation of those destructive policies.

Under an Obama Presidency, the net worth of Blacks will precipitously and permanently decline due to the desire of his administration to take control of the very bargaining chip that private employers used for years to attract and retain employees - Healthcare. The act of nationalizing the health care system will effectively eliminate that remaining pool of potential employees who would be willing to work (especially for small businesses with less than 100 employees) for smaller wages and generous health care packages. The pool of business until now represents more than 60 percent of new employment annually. The right Black would see how devastating national healthcare would be to Black America.

Black America must be concentrated on electing a Black who will institute policies and set a direction for the nation that allows for private accumulation of wealth. Furthermore The Right Black will make every effort to ensure that private accumulation of wealth "recession proof" so that even if there is a negative fluctuation in income, Americans will not be financially harmed by that fluctuation.

Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, are the wealthiest elected officials in California. Their vast holdings rank in the hundreds of millions of dollars. They would be working with an Obama administration to restrict access to accumulate wealth in the same manner that they did. This is "typical" of Left Wing Liberal Behavior. Excuses such as manmade global warming (aka climate change), hurting the poor and minorities, and harming habitat for endangered species are all used to make sure that the same ladder to success enjoyed by Left Wing Liberals is severely restricted to just "the right kind" of person. This is "typically" not a Black person, group, or community. My Kind of Black would never agree to such destructive alliances.

We must do what is possible to make sure that content, not color, is the right kind of standard to use when deciding who should be President of the United State of America.

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