Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Campaign Press Release

Thank you for your vote and support of me in the 2008 Primary.

From now until November of 2008, This site will be dedicated to my campaign for the 9th Assembly District for the General Election. I am asking for your vote and support to be elected State Assemblyman from the 9th District. This district covers nearly all of Sacramento City and a large portion of Sacramento County. My purpose for running is simple - to pursue market based policies that will increase the private income and net worth of the residents of the 9th District while reducing government's role in many aspects of our lives.

When I first began this campaign in March of 2008, the following issues were most important in the 9th District in the following order: Illegal immigration, Access and Quality of Healthcare, The California Economy, The High Price of Education, and Global Warming.

During the 2008 primary, the economy (specifically the high price of gasoline, home foreclosures, and the rising price of food) has become the number one issue. The definition of Marriage issue is another recent major issue in the 9th Assembly District. Since the irrational decision by the California Supreme Court to "legislate from the bench" the definition of Marriage in California, it will be the preeminent social issue and ballot measure in the General Election this November.

My campaign will tirelessly reiterate solutions to these issues...

The High Price of Gasoline must be reduced by eliminating the government share and drilling along the Coast of California. Currently, California's "unearned" share of a gallon of gasoline amounts to about

The California Economy will thrive when the Left-Wing Liberal led state legislature is prevented from interfering with private citizens desire to do business together and restricting businesses from doing business in California. We should be allowed to use the same avenues that Left-Wing Liberals use to attain wealth and prosperity in California.

Marriage is between one man and one woman. The California Constitution must be amended to reflect the will of the majority of Californians.

Illegal immigration will be cut by first building a physical fence and dramatically increase the Border Patrol. Left-wing Liberal Celebrities have proven how effective fences and armed guards are at controlling entrance to their property. We should aggressively confront the Mexican government on their expulsion of their citizens and support political efforts to bring freedom and prosperity to Mexico.

The Price and Quality of Education from preschool to Graduate School must begin incremental and complete reform to prepare the type of worker needed for the current economy. The cost of College must be reduced so that a minimum wage worker can pay directly without needing any grants, fees, or any government subsidy. K-12 must bring back the kinds of trades that teach children how to build products such as computers, cell phones, and automobiles in concert with meeting No Child left Behind Requirements. Preschool must be made available to any person regardless of income.

Access and Quality of Healthcare will improve when the California Government's role is reduced to just that of regulator. Currently California is also a competitor and a partner in healthcare as well.

My campaign will once again prove that Conservative principles (many of which is outlined in the 2008 California Republican Party Platform) is the best method of achieving the American dream for the largest number of residents in California's 9th Assembly District.

Once again I ask for your donations, volunteer effort, votes,
and overall support for my campaign. Thank You!!

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