Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kennedy Republicans help to pass (Sh)amnesty

Shamnesty (As Michelle Malkin calls it) has died twice and seems to resurrect again. Once again, President Bush abandons the Republican base in order to enjoy his paramour, Senator Ted Kennedy. President Bush chose Kennedy on all of the major legislation that he wanted passed. Remember "Education Reform"?

When republicans were in the majority, we wanted social security reform, President Bush advocated for it but no where near on the level of those pieces of legislation that are pushed by Ted Kennedy. Energy reform continues to fall to the same fate as social security reform. We Conservatives want domestic oil drilling but President Bush "half=heartedly" advocates for domestic oil drilling. There seems to be no sincere effort by the Administration to advance the Conservative agenda while finding ways to pass Left-Wing Liberal legislation that hasn't even been finished written!

Amazingly, republicans could have never been able to pull off so stupid a feat - much less been able to gather support from either the Administration or opposition Party.

In the end, we conservatives are called "anti-immigrant" by both the "Republican lead" administration and the Democrats for not wanting to support "unwritten" legislation and unproven effort to enforce existing law.

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