Friday, June 8, 2007

Evidence of the President's Weak Stomach

Just hours after the nation learned that President Bush had to sit out a G-8 opening session due to stomach discomfort. That discomfort may be due to his further attack on conservatives by throwing out Marine General Peter Pace out as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Seemingly very annoyed (as I am), Defense Secretary Robert Gates describes a possible reconfirmation of General Pace as "very contentious.'' Secretary Gates stated in his press conference today that the "very contentious" confirmation was due to his being either Vice Chairman or Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the last six years - all convering the war in Iraq.

I say BULL-ONY!!

I believe that it was General Pace's support of Scooter Libby (who I support as well) was the "contentious" issue that the President did not want to face in those confirmations. General Pace sent a letter to Judge Walton on behalf of Mr. Libby. President Bush, who never seems to either avoid an opportunity to offend conservatives or appease Left-Wing Liberals, is reported to point to that defense of Mr. Libby as and opportunity to fill the position by a Left-Wing Liberal "friendly" Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

It is sad that as a Conservative Republican living in California I have more problems with my Republican Governor and Republican President on issues that matter than I have with Left-Wing Liberals who I thought that I would be fighting as a Conservative Republican.

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