Friday, June 29, 2007

Cameras in the City...meaningless!!

I was preparing my research to blog on the double car bomb terrorist attempts today when I ran into a story that expresses some of my sentiments. posted two stories called, "London Bomb Plot: Surveillance Web Slips Again? (Updated)" and "Why London's Spy Cams Don't Spook Bombers". Both articles address why cameras do not avert crime - especially terrorism. The articles go on to talk about cities such as New York and Chicago are trying to blanket all of their public areas with cameras in full knowledge that they will do no better to make the populous safe that what has happened in London. London has over 4 million surveillance cameras and they are 0-3 in preeimpting terror plots. Remember, it was not over 4 million surveillance cameras and law enforcement work that foiled these terror plots, but terrorist mistakes and curious emergency medical technicians that accidentally foiled these plots.

Other municipalities where Left-Wing Liberals are in power such as Los Angeles, Sacramento, Houston, Seattle, and Miami are "fearmongering" their residents into wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on contracts with corporations to install cameras in the same manner as New York and Chicago. To date, no camera surveillance system has EVER stopped violent crime and terrorism. However the "tax and spend" jurisdictions that want no other form of revenue increase (such as lowering taxes) are using those cameras to increase revenue from traffic infractions.

Socialists governments, from the national government of London to all of the U.S. cities mentioned in this blog, will never be able to protect their citizens from violent crime and/or terrorism. The main reason it that no matter where the cameras are, deterrent law enforcement is not. Secondly, the laws passed to restrict legal access and protections are not an impediment to illegal behavior. Lastly, market driven governments have enough brainpower to know that people need to be trained in the best measures to protect themselves and know how to spot potential danger. These are understandings that are much more affective to preventing crime and terrorism than socialist (i.e government or progressive) control of the law abiding citizenry.

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