Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why Liberals seem to be taking over the Republican Party

Left-Wing Liberals are taking over the Republican Party because conservatives are no longer energized to fight to preserve what freed slaves, gave women the right to vote, and ended racial segregation. The GOP is now allowing the ideology that apposed freeing slaves, the right to vote, and ending segregation to have a preeminent presence in the Party. The current Republican Party leadership has actively aligned itself with Left-Wing Liberals (both Democrat and Republican) to fight against conservative Republicans at every opportunity. The best evidence of this is the Governorship in California and the recent U.S. Senate race in Rhode Island.

The Republican National Committee openly supported a Liberal Republican in the Rhode Island Senate Primary in the 2006 congressional elections and even spends millions to defeat the conservative Republican. The RNC even threatened to withdraw support if the conservative wins. Here in California, Liberal Republicans are coddling Left-Wing Liberals all over the state while giving conservatives the left foot of fellowship. It seems as if the current leadership of the Republican Party wants to abandon its conservatism and us conservatives entirely. Just as an exorcise, do some research to see if the Republican Party has ever gone through such extreme measures to support and protect a conservative when challenged by a Liberal.

Notice that since Republicans have been in the Majority in Washington with a Republican in the Whitehouse, they have done so many things that only Democrats should be caught doing. Excessive spending, curtailing civil rights, ignoring immigration laws, being soft on crimes by Left-Wing Liberals, and spineless when it comes to destroying Left-Wing Liberal rhetoric with facts. Sadly, conservatives have been going along with much of this political behavior without getting anything in exchange.

We conservatives will go the way of all extinct creatures if we do not fight to survive. No longer do we sit by and allow fellow conservatives and conservative principles to be pushed aside by donations by conservatives to the California and National Republican Party.

We Republicans have got to do more to communicate with each other with our money and time. For instance, there needs to be an organization outside of the Republican Party structure that will advocate conservative principles. Next we need to identify conservatives who are willing to spend large amounts of money to promote conservative principles. We need a public relations syndicate that does rapid response to the politics of an issue as well as the issue itself. For example, at the time when Michael Moore was slamming Halliburton it should have been well publicized at that same time that he was a shareholder in Halliburton. The same should have held true for Left-Wing Liberal California U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer. We should have known about the no-bid contracts offered by the Clinton Administration at the same time that Left-Wing Liberals were attacking the Bush Administration for approving no-bid contracts.

Conservatives need to reduce that part of their "busy schedule" (i.e. political volunteering and political smooching with high ranking public officials) and devote those efforts to the conservative organizing. The conservative organization must become well known for more than just social issues. Political and economic issues must also be included. It must clearly define conservatism to include freedom from poverty without the need of "government love".

The Left-Wing Liberal foundation begins and ends with group identity for financial stability and dependence on their leadership to provide government programs for safety and security...that includes Left-Wing Liberal Republicans.

My friends, the battle is conservatism (what God wants) verses Left-Wing Liberalism (what man wants for himself) [Genesis 3:22 & Ephesians 6:10-18]. That has always been the debate and that will always be the debate. We must win the debate to keep the United States of America, The United States of America.

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