Thursday, September 28, 2006

Keith Olbermann is off of his Meds

I just heard Keith Olbermann (host of the rarely tunned in, Keith Olbermann Show) have a Left-Wing Seizure on his show. I said that I heard it because I have never watched his show. I listened to his lying, hypocritical rant on the Larry Elder Radio Show just a few moments ago.

I had no Idea how venomous this man is. I wonder if he is just angry about his paltry ratings. Apparently Keith Olbermann is also mad because like a a groused pheasant he is angry that Chris Wallace on Foxnews Sunday made it clear that Keith Olbermann and other Left-Wing Liberals have never critically questioned former President Clinton about is neglect which led to the terrorist attacks on 9-11.

What is commonly known about Left-Wing Liberal media is that they have no problem with Clinton's actions while he was President. This is why they do not ask him those questions. As long as Republicans refrain from conlucing that Left-Wing Liberal media is an enemy of freedom, truth, and honesty Keith Olbermann and his ilk will make their Left-Wing Seizures truth in the minds of the next generation's voters.

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