Monday, September 4, 2006

Republican will not lose the house, but will have a close call...

Republicans are having a hard time in pre-election polling, rhetoric, and fundraising for just a few simple reasons.
  1. The current GOP leadership in the house is largely moderate to liberal.
  2. The current GOP leadership is not trying to communicate directly with the base
  3. The current GOP leadership has decided to pursue passage of major Democrat platform issues while ignoring the national Republican platform.
  4. The current GOP leadership is spending more time arguing against Republican activists along the side of Democrats rather than to shout down the minority.
  5. The current GOP leadership spends too much trying to finds ways to appease Democrats rather than utilizing the readily available opposition research to beat their opponents into silence.
  6. The current GOP leadership is not supportive of fellow Republicans who are in political trouble.
Conservatives all over the country are constantly composing the ammunition to fire back at Left-Wing Liberals but the timidity of the current leadership is astounding. When was the last time that you ever heard Speaker Hastert lambast Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for her political hypocrisy? When was the last time that you ever heard Majority leader Frist tear a verbal hole into Minority Leader Harry Reid with fact that would permanently silence Reid? Who in the Republican Party came to the rescue of Virginia Senator George Allen when the Left-Wing Liberal cabal attacked him for his macaca comment? Delaware Senator Joe Biden and New York Senator Hillary Clinton made similar insensitive comments and not one Republican fought back with those facts.

When the Republican majority in the House of Reps is lost to the Democrats, notice that the losers will be moderate and liberal Republicans...not conservatives.

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