Friday, July 14, 2006

Russian Hypocrisy on Terrorism

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denounced both Israel's attack on Lebanon and its operations against the Palestinian territories.
"This is a disproportionate response to what has happened and if both sides are going to drive each other into a tight corner then I think that all this will develop in a very dramatic and tragic way," he told reporters on a flight from Paris to Moscow, Interfax news agency reported. (Reuters July `2, 2006)

A siege by Chechen gunmen at a Moscow theatre came to a deadly climax when Russian special forces stormed the building after pumping gas inside. When the gunfire subsided, 117 of the 700 hostages were dead, all but two as a result of the gas...Interior Minister Boris Gryzlov was 800 people hostage for three days...Moscow's chief doctor said 115 hostages died from health problems stemming from a mystery gas pumped into the building just before Russian forces raided it by special forces early Saturday. Two hostages died from gunshot wounds...About 245 former hostages remain in hospital four days after being freed, 16 of whom are in a critical condition. (CNN Wednesday, October 30, 2002 ) quoted by ITAR-Tass news agency as saying several dozen people had been detained in Moscow on suspicion of helping organise the takeover of the theatre by Chechen rebels who held.

How so easy the Russians forget when they are not Craig faced with what to d0 in similar circulumstances. They have the nerve to criticize Israel for responding to acts of war by government sponsored terrorists when they were willing to massacre their own people in 2002 in the Moscow Theatre to get terrorists who are not sponsored by any government. The Chechen rebels are not daily launching rocket attacks into any part of Russia.

Aaron Klein, freelance reporter, posted on
Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip last August, over 1,000 rockets have been fired into nearby Jewish communities. The Israeli town of Sderot has been hit over the last few weeks with an average of 20 rockets per week.
If the Chechen rebels were launching only ONE rocket each week into any territory of Russia, they would be would be destroyed. Russia's indignation is disgusting.

Hey Putin, what was that "gas" that you used to "subdue" the terrorists?
We are still not clear on that.

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