Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Not Guilty...Again?

Andrea Yates systematically drowns all five of her children, calls the police and admits it to the 911 operator and the jury says that she is NOT GUILTY!! What does it take to get people in this country to take the lives of children seriously...if the offender is a woman?
So far a woman can abort, rape, neglect, get hooked on dope, and mass murder children without any worry of any serious consequences for their actions. A houston jury gets a second time to give this woman the death penalty but instead decides to have sympathy for her rather than for the children.
I spent a few minutes listening to Rusty Yates thinking that he would be devasted that the murderer of his children has just beat the case again, however I was disappointed. Instead this psycho said such things as, "[Andrea] is the nicest, kindest, most direct person that we know". He pummeled the State of Texas for even charging her for the murders. He even had the audacity to say that they wasted over $1 million to try her twice. As you can see from the above picture, that sick man only cares about his new life.

I am so disgusted that there are so many in this country who hold harmless women who abort, rape, neglect, get hooked on dope, and mass murder children.


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