Monday, August 4, 2008

Exxon Mobile Paid More in Taxes than it earned!!

Last week ExxonMobile released its 2nd quarter earnings report for 2008. On page 8 of the report 2 numbers stood out. For Left Wing Liberals it was the $11 Billion plus dollars that it earned in that quarter. For us Conservatives it is the $32 Billion plus dollars that it paid in taxes. (see below)

(page 8 of ExxonMobile's earnings Report)

I am not aware of anyone who wants to pay the government nearly $3 for every $1 it keeps in earnings - no matter how much they earn! I have been saying for years that Left Wing Liberals should be defeated for using the power of Government to enrich government coffers at the expense of the pain that its greed has on the citizenry.

the Government, not the oil companies, is getting record windfall tax revenue from the high price of gasoline. That report is clear...ExxonMobile is being "pimped and abused" by the Government and it must end!!

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