Monday, August 18, 2008

B. Hussein Obama comforts White Liberals by attacking a Black Conservative

The following comment by black Left-Wing Liberal B. Hussein Obama against Black Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is one of the many reasons why I could not vote for a Black Liberal for any high office...

"I would not have nominated Clarence Thomas. I don't think that he. I don't think that he was a strong enough jurist or legal thinker at the time for that elevation. Setting aside the fact that i profoundly disagree with his interpretation of a lot of constitution." In similar fashion, he praised Thomas' fellow conservative white jurists. He called Justice Scalia "Intellectually Brilliant" and called Chief Justice Roberts "Compelling, clearly smart, and very thoughtful".
(Stated by Obama at the Civil forum by Pastor Rick Warren)

Here is my 1st amendment rebuttal to B. Hussein Obama's offensive his description of Justice Thomas, to his answer...

"I would never support B. Hussein Obama nor any other Black Left-Wing Liberal. I don't think that they can be strong enough in their profession or activities or even strong thinkers to ever be elevated to any position of high esteem. Setting aside the fact that i profoundly disagree with them on alot of issues." Furthermore there are no "Intellectually Brilliant" nor "Compelling, caring, and thoughtful" Left Wing Liberals anywhere in the world!

For those who want my detailed position, please read further...

It's irritating to hear Black Left Wing Liberals who both disagree with black conservatives, and go the "extra mile" and demean them personally as opposed just simply disagreeing with White Conservatives. Justice Thomas' resumé was decades longer when he was nominated for the Supreme Court than Obama's is now for President. Justice Thomas is "intellectually brilliant, compelling, clearly smart, and very thoughtful". Its no wonder why He, Justice Scalia, and Chief Justice Roberts agree on so many cases. Black conservatives suffer a chattel slavery styled whipping by the likes of Harry Balafonté, Al Sharpton, Julianne Malveaux, and the NAACP who are doing the "verbal bidding" White Left Wing Liberals. This consequently causes Black Conservatives to shy away from any public endeavor and discourages Black America's support of Black Conservatives.

Left Wing Liberalism (which includes the "Democrat" Party History, philosophy, and current political representation) is historic in its demeaning Blacks who have become successful without the help of Left Wing Liberalism. In that great tradition of Left Wing Liberalism, House Slave (as defined by Harry Belafonté) B. Hussein Obama seemed comfortable slamming the highest ranking Black Jurist in the American Legal System.

Obama follows the lineage of Black Left Wing Liberals who seem as if they must comport themselves in such a vile public manner in order to continue enjoying the titular support of the white Left Wing Liberal establishment instead of just revering the ascension of another Black Man to the highest levels of the American Government. Similar political atrocities are said and written about Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell.

White Left Wing Liberals neither supported the elevation of Black Liberal (the Late and Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall) and Black Conservative (Current U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas). As a matter of fact Klansman Robert Byrd, the highest ranking elected Democrat in the Country, enjoys the dubious distinction as having voted against both Justices Marshall and Thomas personally. White Left Wing Liberals have never been interested in the ascenscension of Blacks (Liberal and Conservative) in any industry.

Left Wing Liberals (typically the children and/or beneficiaries of Segregationists and Segregation generally) are fully aware of who they are supporting for U.S. President. Obama is not a victim of Left Wing Liberalism (ie familial slavery, segregation, or being physically and/or mentally assaulted by Government institutionally or its employees individually). Nor is he a critic of Left Wing Liberalism (whose policies are expressed by the largesse and insatiable appetite of government to control its citizens and/or residents and their finance) accept for the Department of Defense.

Black America is hurting and Left Wing Liberalism is to blame!! If Black Liberals would ever have the courage to converse and work with Black Conservatives to end the continued disintegration of the Black family and community, we could be the preeminent minority and voting block in this nation inside of a generation.

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