Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another Left Wing Liberal gets caught with an handgun.

Do you remember Democrat California U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's handgun? How about Democrat New York U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer's handgun? James Webb, Democrat U.S. Senator from Virginia, if following the line of left wing liberals who try incessantly to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but themselves. Under the guise of "protecting the public" Left Wing Liberals have fought hard to keep guns out of the hands of Blacks (during slavery and segregation) and the poor.

Yesterday Democrat U.S. Senator James Webb's gun was being held by one of his staff members Phillip Thompson. breitbart.com reports the following:
WASHINGTON (AP) - An aide to Sen. Jim Webb was arrested Monday when he entered a Senate office building with a loaded pistol belonging to the senator.

Capitol Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said the aide was charged with carrying a pistol without a license and possessing an unregistered firearm and unregistered ammunition.
The office of Webb, D-Va., identified the aide as Phillip Thompson and said he was "a former Marine, a long-term friend and trusted employee of the senator."

A congressional official briefed on the incident said Webb gave the gun to Thompson when the assistant drove him to an airport earlier in the day. Thompson, upon entering the Senate building, forgot he was carrying the weapon.

"To our knowledge, this incident was an oversight," Webb's office said in a statement. It said it had no other details.

The weapon was revealed when the aide went through an X-ray machine at an entrance of the Russell Senate Office Building, Schneider said. She said the man had a loaded pistol with two additional loaded magazines.
Democrat Senator Webb's incompetance, joined with his arrogance and hypocrisy, is becoming more public. Stay tunned...

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