Friday, October 3, 2008

The Socialization of the U.S. leaps forward

As of Today, we have now justified socialism as a serious financial practice in America. H.R. 1424, Called the Financial Industry bailout package on the U.S. Senate website, being sold to us as a "Recovery bill", now called the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 is forcing us Americans to bail out companies who will still foreclose on their properties. Just as well, we now know what it takes to convert free market capitalists into socialists, just taxpayer cash in their face in the same manner as we Republicans criticize the welfare system.

Just as banks credit profiles have changed, so have ours. They got money under the same circumstances that Freddie and Fannie offered to some homebuyers. We will not get a bailout (with our money) from the banks. They will not overlook our compromised credit standing. They not under any requirement to do anything homeowners!

The only silver lining to this is that in order for this to succeed, John McCain's words must be correct, "The fundamentals of our economy are sound". Otherwise, how are we to have the $700 billion, plus the over $100 billion in "sweetners" to give to the multinational companies and soverign wealth funds?

We are all on the hook for about $6,000 per person in national debt! Thank you Comrade Bush, Comrade Paulson, Comrade Pelosi, Comrade Reid, Comrade Dodd, Comrade Frank, and the many Republican Comrades who adore you.

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