Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I love Ann Coulter

Yesterday, Ann Coulter was ambushed by Elizabeth Edwards (Wife of Presidential Candidate John Edwards) on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews. I do not typically watch this show because it is so Left-Wing Liberal that it is not informative. However I am interested when Left-Wing Liberals are angered at what Conservatives say about Left-Wing Liberals.

I will forever be a fan of Ann Coulter. She does more to destroy arguments of Left-Wing Liberals than any "go along to get along so called conservatives" have done. We need conservatives who understand that Left-Wing Liberals are as vicious politically as Al Qaeda is physically. It should be our job to destroy their points of view with facts and truth.

Ann's understanding of, and rapid fire response to Left-Wing Liberal dogma are so effective that it becomes easy for the likes of Armstrong Williams, Ron Christie to dismiss her in favor of their own timid and ineffective styles to advance conservative public policy.

I will always love Ann Coulter's work and will defend it to anyone, anywhere, at any time!

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