Friday, June 29, 2007

Cameras in the City...meaningless!!

I was preparing my research to blog on the double car bomb terrorist attempts today when I ran into a story that expresses some of my sentiments. posted two stories called, "London Bomb Plot: Surveillance Web Slips Again? (Updated)" and "Why London's Spy Cams Don't Spook Bombers". Both articles address why cameras do not avert crime - especially terrorism. The articles go on to talk about cities such as New York and Chicago are trying to blanket all of their public areas with cameras in full knowledge that they will do no better to make the populous safe that what has happened in London. London has over 4 million surveillance cameras and they are 0-3 in preeimpting terror plots. Remember, it was not over 4 million surveillance cameras and law enforcement work that foiled these terror plots, but terrorist mistakes and curious emergency medical technicians that accidentally foiled these plots.

Other municipalities where Left-Wing Liberals are in power such as Los Angeles, Sacramento, Houston, Seattle, and Miami are "fearmongering" their residents into wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on contracts with corporations to install cameras in the same manner as New York and Chicago. To date, no camera surveillance system has EVER stopped violent crime and terrorism. However the "tax and spend" jurisdictions that want no other form of revenue increase (such as lowering taxes) are using those cameras to increase revenue from traffic infractions.

Socialists governments, from the national government of London to all of the U.S. cities mentioned in this blog, will never be able to protect their citizens from violent crime and/or terrorism. The main reason it that no matter where the cameras are, deterrent law enforcement is not. Secondly, the laws passed to restrict legal access and protections are not an impediment to illegal behavior. Lastly, market driven governments have enough brainpower to know that people need to be trained in the best measures to protect themselves and know how to spot potential danger. These are understandings that are much more affective to preventing crime and terrorism than socialist (i.e government or progressive) control of the law abiding citizenry.

Republicans will not lose support from Latinos

Why is it that RINOS and Left-Wing Liberals were saying that Republicans are going to lose the Latino vote because we conservatives didn't like the Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill? Inherent in their diatribe is this condescension that Latinos in the U.S. are pro excusing illegal behavior and the national government must coddle that position.

This Bill was simply an attempt to immunize those who have violated federal law (i.e. members of the business community, local & state jurisdictions, Democrats, and of course illegal aliens - NOT ALL LATINOS). RHINOS and Left-Wing Liberals are right about one thing - this was the best opportunity for the members of the business community, local & state jurisdictions, Democrats, and of course illegal aliens to get their legal immunization. The following have blown this issue to at least 2012...
  1. The oncoming 2008 Presidential election
  2. The possibility that a Democrat will be elected President thereby removing any leverage that a President could have with the Republican Minority
  3. The possibility that if a Republican is elected in 2008 that person would be too afraid to offend those who voted for him to support any other Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill
  4. The Possibility that Republicans regain a majority in either or both houses of Congress.
  5. Any combination of the above
  6. The anguish among proponents of the Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill was about defining the best opportunity for them and their financial backers to "evade" legal responsibility for enabling and participating in illegal behavior.
No matter what names the RINOS and Left-Wing Liberals call us, we must remain vigilant and diligent. Doing what was right is the legacy of the Republican Party. RINOS and Left-Wing Liberals fashioned the compromise that ended Reconstruction. The end of Reconstruction is known to be the end of Black power in the south and allowed for the Democrat rise of Jim Crow.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ding, Dong The Bill is Dead!!

The Immigration Bill (in word form) may have suffered its final defeat in the U.S. Senate today. We Conservatives have been trying to flatline this backroom deal since President Bush and Senator Kennedy have been "brokebacking" together on both the Hill and in the Whitehouse while trying to coerce other Senators to join them.

Beware!! Be Vigilant! Although the Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill is brain dead, Bush and Kennedy are going to keep this Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill on life support in order to do legislative organ transplants to other bills. However do not expect the organs having to do with enforcement to find a legislative recipient bill!

This is How Conservatives Should Fight!

(Hardball w/Chris Matthews-Coulter-Edwards Pt 1 of 7)

See the rest of this interview here...

This is what critics of Ann Coulter gave us with their unwillingness to make Left-Wing Liberals angry and uncomfortable!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I love Ann Coulter

Yesterday, Ann Coulter was ambushed by Elizabeth Edwards (Wife of Presidential Candidate John Edwards) on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews. I do not typically watch this show because it is so Left-Wing Liberal that it is not informative. However I am interested when Left-Wing Liberals are angered at what Conservatives say about Left-Wing Liberals.

I will forever be a fan of Ann Coulter. She does more to destroy arguments of Left-Wing Liberals than any "go along to get along so called conservatives" have done. We need conservatives who understand that Left-Wing Liberals are as vicious politically as Al Qaeda is physically. It should be our job to destroy their points of view with facts and truth.

Ann's understanding of, and rapid fire response to Left-Wing Liberal dogma are so effective that it becomes easy for the likes of Armstrong Williams, Ron Christie to dismiss her in favor of their own timid and ineffective styles to advance conservative public policy.

I will always love Ann Coulter's work and will defend it to anyone, anywhere, at any time!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kennedy Republicans help to pass (Sh)amnesty

Shamnesty (As Michelle Malkin calls it) has died twice and seems to resurrect again. Once again, President Bush abandons the Republican base in order to enjoy his paramour, Senator Ted Kennedy. President Bush chose Kennedy on all of the major legislation that he wanted passed. Remember "Education Reform"?

When republicans were in the majority, we wanted social security reform, President Bush advocated for it but no where near on the level of those pieces of legislation that are pushed by Ted Kennedy. Energy reform continues to fall to the same fate as social security reform. We Conservatives want domestic oil drilling but President Bush "half=heartedly" advocates for domestic oil drilling. There seems to be no sincere effort by the Administration to advance the Conservative agenda while finding ways to pass Left-Wing Liberal legislation that hasn't even been finished written!

Amazingly, republicans could have never been able to pull off so stupid a feat - much less been able to gather support from either the Administration or opposition Party.

In the end, we conservatives are called "anti-immigrant" by both the "Republican lead" administration and the Democrats for not wanting to support "unwritten" legislation and unproven effort to enforce existing law.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Obama, Double Minded and Unstable

Recent attacks by Obama on "right-wing" conservative Christians are evidence that he is a "double minded man, unstable in all of his ways" (James 1:8). Obama is neither capable nor competent to opine about the right-wing and our faith. His determination to belittle us is nothing short of monumental pride.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Evidence of the President's Weak Stomach

Just hours after the nation learned that President Bush had to sit out a G-8 opening session due to stomach discomfort. That discomfort may be due to his further attack on conservatives by throwing out Marine General Peter Pace out as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Seemingly very annoyed (as I am), Defense Secretary Robert Gates describes a possible reconfirmation of General Pace as "very contentious.'' Secretary Gates stated in his press conference today that the "very contentious" confirmation was due to his being either Vice Chairman or Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the last six years - all convering the war in Iraq.

I say BULL-ONY!!

I believe that it was General Pace's support of Scooter Libby (who I support as well) was the "contentious" issue that the President did not want to face in those confirmations. General Pace sent a letter to Judge Walton on behalf of Mr. Libby. President Bush, who never seems to either avoid an opportunity to offend conservatives or appease Left-Wing Liberals, is reported to point to that defense of Mr. Libby as and opportunity to fill the position by a Left-Wing Liberal "friendly" Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

It is sad that as a Conservative Republican living in California I have more problems with my Republican Governor and Republican President on issues that matter than I have with Left-Wing Liberals who I thought that I would be fighting as a Conservative Republican.