Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Cesar Chavez you may not know...

You may not know that Cesar Chavez hated illegal immigration. You may not know that Chavez believed that illegal immigration kept American Farmworkers either with low wages or unemployed. Chavez realized that the Braceros program was misused by Growers to maintain profits at the expense of American citizens. The program was born in 1918 to hire Mexicans to help in railroad development During WWI. However it was reinstituted in the Emergency Labor Act in 1942 which intended to allow Mexican workers to replace the effort of Americans who went to world in WWII. This was part of Mexico's commitment to the Allies in WWII. Afterwards, the "Braceros" were used as a cheap labor alternative to Americans who were farmworkers after the War and illegally used as strikebreakers. This was a violation of the Braceros agreement. Here are some excerpts of statements Chavez has made and/or activities of his:
" …when the farm workers strike and their strike is successful, the employers go to Mexico and have unlimited, unrestricted use of illegal alien strikebreakers to break the strike. And, for over 30 years, the Immigration and Naturalization Service has looked the other way and assisted in the strikebreaking. I do not remember one single instance in 30 years where the Immigration service has removed strikebreakers. … The employers use professional smugglers to recruit and transport human contraband across the Mexican border for the specific act of strikebreaking… " (source: Hearings Before the Committee on Labor Human Resources Hearings held in Salinas, Calif., Apr. 26, 27, and Washington, D.C., May 24, 1979)

In abolishing the bracero program,12 Congress has but scotched the snake, not killed it. The program lives on in the annual parade of thousands of illegals and green carders13across the United States-Mexico border to work in our fields. To achieve law and order in any phase of human activity, legislators must apply heed to other laws not made by man, one of which is the economic law of supply and demand. We are asking Congress to pay heed to this law in the light of some hard facts about farm labor supply along our southern border. Otherwise, extension of NLRA coverage to farm workers in that part of the country will not produce much law and order. (source: Testimony before the Subcommittee of Labor of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, April 16, 1969)

The UFW leader was no friend to illegal immigration—until he became an ethnic figurehead.
During his prime, Chavez, a third-generation American citizen from Yuma, Arizona and Navy veteran, was an American labor leader fighting against the importation of strikebreakers from Mexico...Chavez and the United Farm Workers Union he headed routinely reported, to the INS, for deportation, suspected illegal immigrants who served as strikebreakers or refused to unionize.” Like today’s Minutemen, UFW staffers under the command of Chavez’s brother Manuel patrolled the Arizona-Mexico border to keep out illegal aliens. Unlike the well-behaved Minutemen, however, Chavez’s boys sometimes beat up intruders.

Cesar Chavez Timeline
In 1969, Chávez and members of the UFW marched through the Imperial and Coachella Valleys to the border of Mexico to protest growers’ use of illegal aliens as temporary replacement workers during a strike. Joining him on the march were both Reverend Ralph Abernathy and U.S. Senator Walter Mondale. (note: this is from the official Senator Boxer Website. She changed the actual used by Cesar Chavez "illegal Aliens" to undocumented workers.)

Chavez has fought to have the government enforce the law.
We seek the support of all political groups and protection of the government, which is also our government, in our struggle. For too many years we have been treated like the lowest of the low. Our wages and working conditions have been determined from above, because irresponsible legislators who could have helped us, have supported the rancher’s argument that the plight of the Farm Worker was a “special case.” (source: Chavez proclamation during the Delano grape strike in 1966)

The Minuteman Project was organized by Cesar Chavez and his Cousin (not Brother) Manuel Chavez.
And in 1973, in one of the most disgraceful chapters in UFW history, the union set up a "wet line" to prevent Mexican immigrants from entering the United States. Under the guidance of Chávez 's cousin, Manuel, UFW members tried at first to convince the immigrants not to cross. When that didn't work, they physically attacked the immigrants and left some bloody in the process. It happened in the same place that the Minutemen are now planning to gather: the Arizona-Mexico border.
So you see, just as the issues of slavery and segregation, farmworkers rights have purposefully confused in history so that no one realizes that the Democrat Party is consistently on the wrong side of the issues most important voters. That is THE ONLY WAY they can be elected! We republicans must continue to make this information available to as many people as possible.

Monday, November 19, 2007

CNN Debate similar to FEMA Press Conference

CNN has done numerous stories and editorials slamming the Bush Administration's FEMA's fake news conference and rightly so. However in it most recent Democrat debate, CNN did some staging of its own. Doug Ross @ Journal reports that all of the questioners were Democrat activists with CNN approved questions! (please, click the link to this article to read the details and then come back to this article).

CNN even went through the trouble of "white washing" it own transcript in order to continue their contribution to the Hillary cover-up. (click that link to this article to read the details and then come back to this article).

This is a Damn shame that it CNN's behavior does not rise to the level of the FEMA Press Conference debacle!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Getting Past Reagan

The Republican Party is in need of an image makeover. We bask in the nostalgia of President Reagan and before him President Lincoln. Both have been great for our Party. However, there is currently no semblance of them today in the Republican Party leadership by either personality or commitment to Conservatism.

Gone are the days of mystique and endearment of a Republican Presidential candidate who extolled the virtues of Conservatism while eschewing any manner of Left-Wing Liberalism. Today's methods of communication reveal the flaws of today's Republican - right on this or moderate on that. Gone are the days of the Pedigree (i.e. the Ivy Leager, the person married only once, and having the right career connections). Bonvoyage to the Republican with even a consistent academic history. Say fairwell to the Republican that will have a familiar employment history. The only semblance of Reagan and Lincoln that today's Republican will have will be that same commitment to Conservatism that is the hallmark of this Grand ole Party.

Where do we conservatives cut spending at the state level? How should a state handle illegal immigrants if Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) refuses to do its job? What is college affordability? What should the retail price of gasoline be? These questions have no consensus among conservatives, but there must be someone who can start agreeing on something.

Getting past Reagan means that there must be a continual goal to reduce individual domestic dependance on local, state, and national government other than communal health and safety. Post Reagan policy must inspire people to be confident that they can be successful without government assistance. This means that our chosen leaders must be constantly advised that their leadership role is to push an agenda that will achieve such aims - the Republican Party Platform. When we get past Reagan, families will be self sustaining academically, medically, and for their livelihood. Immigrants are in the U.S. legally. There would be consensus that healthcare is affordable. There would be consensus that education is affordable. The dispute of man made global warming would resolved.

Former President Reagan brought a steadfastness that was unique in American Politics. He was able to communicate Conservatism so effectively that it was even attractive to Democrats. Today's Republican must be a missionary of the same profile of Conservatism that Reagan was (of course revised and extended to meet today's challenges), but without the same imagery. Today's Republican must understand that Conservatism must be in the highways and the hedges lifting people from of poverty and government dependance as we rely on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There should be no place that the gates of Left-Wing Liberalism are prevailing.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Left Wing Liberalism Defined

Note: the purpose of my posting this is for you, the reader to be clear of my meaning of the Left Wing Liberalism (aka progressivism, Socialism)

Left Wing Liberalism (aka Progressivism) is Socialism practiced in a Democratic Republic. Left-Wing Liberalism is a belief/philosophy that seeks to preserve and control the religion, customs, traditions, economic dominance and political dominance worldwide over masses of people. Left-Wing Liberals actually believe that THEY are the necessary component to the ultimate happiness of all humans and ANY competition to their effort should be targeted for destruction.

Socialist governed nations are the most repressive nations in the world. The living standard in Socialist nations pale in comparison to those of genuine Democracies and Republics. In nations where even the slightest social theory is practiced, like malignant cancer, there is a reduction in the health, net worth, and social respect of the individual. Individuals are either grouped in order to produce revenue for the central government (i.e. taxes & fees) or are either coerced to become dependants of the central government for their entire survival.

Left-Wing Liberalism finds kinship throughout the world in various other expressions of Socialism…
  • Dictatorship – government and religious rule by an individual
  • Monarchy - government and religious rule by a family
  • Communism - government and religious rule by a political party
  • Fascism - government and religious rule by a national government
In a Democracy (government and religious rule by majority vote of the electorate) and a Republic (government and religious rule by a majority of democratically elected representatives of a population of people) it is impossible for Left Wing Liberalism to exist and flourish. The reason is because the power of governing is ultimately the decision of the majority of individuals of a population of people. However, there are Socialist governments that use the names “Republic” and “Democratic” in order to give the impression that they are somehow a nation governed by its people. Examples of such are the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China.

In order to secure power, Left-Wing Liberals attempt to appease the poor by inciting anger against those who are not poor. Although Liberals are the richest and most well armed people on the earth, they have been very successful at directing the focus of the poor away from themselves and to their enemy – the Conservatives – the source poverty in America. Left-Wing Liberals NEVER offer ways out of poverty. Liberals try to pass laws that limit wealth and power accumulation to government efforts and elites only.

Left Wing Liberalism and Personal Safety
The Left-Wing Liberal agenda includes the disarming of the population and promote “non-violence” as euphoria. They then use that euphoria to restrict individual freedoms in the name of “humanity” and “good government”. The national debate on any issue having to do with violence will always be rebutted by Left-Wing Liberals with atheistic strategies to suppress any will to challenge anything. They call that “problem solving.”

Inherent in these efforts to disarm the population and transfer wealth from the population to the government are exceptions for themselves and a small group of supporters. For example Left-Wing Liberals have written and passed gun control laws severely restrict the ownership of guns while having ways to maintain those guns for themselves. They have written and passed tax laws that transfer wealth from the entire population (especially the working poor) to the government while also creating in that tax law ways to exempt themselves from same tax and wealth transfer.

Liberalism and War
Left Wing Liberals are only willing to go to war if the victim in that war is white European. Since 1832 (the reformation of the National Democrat Party) the National Democrat Party has never supported a war in which the victims are not White European. That is why the last war that liberals supported was the Kosovo War under President Clinton - before that it was WWII. When Blacks, for example, the Hutus and Tootsies were literally chopping each other to pieces during the same time of the Kosovo War, Left-Wing Liberals such as Mike Farrell supported former President Clinton’s desire to go to war in Eastern Europe to protect, but was opposed to going to Rwanda, Africa.

Left Wing Liberalism and Church
In every single case, Left-Wing Liberals try to supplant an individual’s desired religion with the adherence to socialist theory. For those who refuse to except socialist theory and dogma and remain with their own religious belief they are confronted with the Socialist philosophers to either “separate” their church from the affairs of their state” or risk being marginalized.

Everything from housing to jobs to education is seen by Left-Wing Liberals to as necessary for them to control. Why are they so desirous to control us in such a way? Socialists see themselves as ‘gods” to the masses. They actually believe that they as individuals must do for us what we should depend on ourselves to do. It is for this reason that socialists by-and-large trumpet their philosophy of “the separation of church and state”.

Conservative Focus
There are many proposals by Left Wing Liberals that are highly emotional and tempting. Some deal with children. Some deal with health maintenance and recovery. Some deal with a combination of both. All have to do with ways to do with government collection of taxes and a transfer of political liberty from the individual to the government. We must continue to fight that proclivity and return political liberty back to “the people” of this great country.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Left Wing Liberalism, not Global Warming, to Blame for California Wildfires

The perverbial mole hill became a series of mountain ranges do to successful Left Wing Liberal efforts to oppose sensible forest management. Now that President Bush cannot be blamed for these fires, Left Wing Liberals are now blaming Global Warming.

1 million people are displaced and 5 killed by Left Wing Liberalism.

Life threatening Carbon gas is endangering many around the world because of Left Wing Liberalism.

The historic Castle Kashan burns near Malibu Canyon Road because of Left Wing Liberalism.

Over a billion dollars in property damage because of Left Wing Liberalism.

A sharp increase in respiratory disease because of Left Wing Liberalism.

Michelle Malkin has an excellent article on this subject. It is unfortunate that the same people who support elected officials who pass legislation to prohibit sensible forest management, are the ones responsible for burning their houses down, disrupting their lives, and causing taxpayers billions.

The cost of this year's Southern California Wildfires have reached a over billion dollars as of this posting. Once again, over a million people's lives are destroyed. hundreds of thousands are unemployed. Tens of Thousands of small businesses their employees, are displaced from the economy. Left Wing Liberals to Blame!

Left Wing liberals and their litigious cohorts have been successful at using the courts to delay implementation of the The Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003. The Act, if implemented, would have help to prevent the current devastation in Southern California. The bill expedites forest thinning projects on some 20 million acres of federal land and includes $760 million for forest thinning projects, with half earmarked for the communities considered most at risk.

Who are these Left Wing liberals? Well lets start with those litigants who appose The Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003. Oceana, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, and the Wilderness Society find comfort in opposing this Act.

Lake Tahoe, Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead, San Diego in 2003, Malibu (for the 3rd or 4th time) have all been the victims of Left Wing Liberal (progressive) political policy that is litarally wiping out networth's and forcing people to government assistance.

How long will it be before we tell these destructive special interests that are to be treated as harshly as they treat oil companies? How many more billions of dollars in property, loss of life, and millions displaced before we say "NO MORE" to Left Wing Liberals? I say that the time is now! They must be held responsible and in contempt. Elected officials who transform their lobbying in policy must be defeated. If we don't this tragedy will happen over and over again.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Alan Greenspan's Shortsightedness

Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman (seen above with his Left Wing Liberal Wife journalist Andrea Mitchell) seems to want to launch a Left Wing liberal attack on President Bush. In Greenspan's new book "The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World".

Greenspan opines, "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil..."

Now if Greenspan, a life long Republican, felt so motivated to making a potentially explosively remark, he should have informed his readers that every major war and conflict was based on the control and distribution of oil. note the following:

  • The U.S. entry in World War I was because former Democrat Woodrow Wilson in 1917 on the side of the Entante Powers (Russia, France, Britain, and Italy) arguing that "The world must be made safe for democracy." In reality Wilson was in full support of the Britain's control of oil (especially Mexican oil).
  • The U.S. entry in World War II was because former Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to support the British and the French in opposing Japan, Germany, and Italy's pursuit of oil.
  • The Korean War of the 1950's was started by former Democrat President Harry Truman's insistence that the oil rich Korean peninsula had to be governed by a U.S.-Soviet Joint Commission. The Korean's protested and organized violent efforts to replace the Commission. what resulted was the south being armed by the U.S. and Britain against the North which was armed and financed by the Chinese and the Soviets.
  • The Vietnam War was started when former Democrat President John F. Kennedy decided to protect France's oil interest in Vietnam. France was given that territory as the spoils of World War I.
  • The 8 year war between Iraq and Iran began because former Democrat President President Jimmy Carter decided to no longer back the Shaw of Iran against the Muslim extremists who joined the communist forces in Iran. That pull back in power allowed for Muslim extremists to take power in Iran and instigate a war against Iraq. Furthermore, it became the basis for both Gulf War I and Gulf War II.
  • The U.S. entered the War in the Balkans under former Democrat President bill Clinton, was started over the control of oil out of the former Yugoslav republics. In 1995, Clinton stated that our "peace keeping force will be in the Balkans for only one year. 12 years later, we still have 6900 troops there at a cost of about $7 Billion to the U.S. Treasury.
Greenspan has lived long enough (81 years in fact) and has been exposed to enough facts and events as a member and Chairman of the most powerful central bank in the history of the world NOT to make such foolish, one sided comments.

Greenspan falls in the long list of RINO's who feel compelled to give undeserved appreciation to former President Bill Clinton while finding ways to be critical of President Bush and fellow Republicans. I would also suppose that his wife Andrea Mitchell had alot to do with that.

According to those who have advance copies of the Republican hit piece, there is no mention of the failures of the Clinton Administration that led to the Attacks on 9/11. There is no mention of how the Clinton Administration decimated the net worth of the Black Family by 1) only expanding opportunities for subsidized housing and health care, 2) incurring that the largest tax increases at the time that created the heaviest financial burden on the average Black middle class family, 3) increased the minimum wage which disproportionately reduces opportunities for that average teenage black person to begin employment and avoid gangs violence and drugs, and 4) advanced policies that increased the illegal alien population disproportionately in the Black community thereby harming opportunities in the black community for employment and building of black wealth by forcing Blacks to compete with cheap, illegal labor.

More than ever, we conservative Republicans are faced with the sad reality that it is us against everyone to our left. We must continue to fight and anger Left Wing Liberals. Arrest their senses with our passion and desire to destroy socialism. I only wish that we Republicans could do a better job at weeding out these spineless Republicans overwhelm all those who dangerously find comfort among Left Wing Liberals. Greenspan, you got away!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzales is Gone!!

Unfortunately, His departure will only be seen as a success by his political enemies to get rid of him. The reality is that Gonzales did more to appease his enemies and shun his supporters such as me. When we, his supporters left, it didn't matter the President Bush had confidence in him. He was tenure as Attorney General was doomed. So long.

President Bush, Attorney General Gonzales and many others in the administration seemed to believe that they could cavort with that Socialist Democrat Party and survive. They were wrong. Republicans must understand that the Democrat is the enemy and the grassroots supporters are the friends in the foxhole.

I hope to live to see a Republican be a Republican and not a quasi-Democrat!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

3 Reasons why McCain is going down in flames

The Gang of 14
If you hear of a conversation or are engaged in a conversation on why John McCain's 2008 Presidential Campaign is failing so miserably, be careful and cautious of that persons truthfulness.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Cameras in the City...meaningless!!

I was preparing my research to blog on the double car bomb terrorist attempts today when I ran into a story that expresses some of my sentiments. posted two stories called, "London Bomb Plot: Surveillance Web Slips Again? (Updated)" and "Why London's Spy Cams Don't Spook Bombers". Both articles address why cameras do not avert crime - especially terrorism. The articles go on to talk about cities such as New York and Chicago are trying to blanket all of their public areas with cameras in full knowledge that they will do no better to make the populous safe that what has happened in London. London has over 4 million surveillance cameras and they are 0-3 in preeimpting terror plots. Remember, it was not over 4 million surveillance cameras and law enforcement work that foiled these terror plots, but terrorist mistakes and curious emergency medical technicians that accidentally foiled these plots.

Other municipalities where Left-Wing Liberals are in power such as Los Angeles, Sacramento, Houston, Seattle, and Miami are "fearmongering" their residents into wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on contracts with corporations to install cameras in the same manner as New York and Chicago. To date, no camera surveillance system has EVER stopped violent crime and terrorism. However the "tax and spend" jurisdictions that want no other form of revenue increase (such as lowering taxes) are using those cameras to increase revenue from traffic infractions.

Socialists governments, from the national government of London to all of the U.S. cities mentioned in this blog, will never be able to protect their citizens from violent crime and/or terrorism. The main reason it that no matter where the cameras are, deterrent law enforcement is not. Secondly, the laws passed to restrict legal access and protections are not an impediment to illegal behavior. Lastly, market driven governments have enough brainpower to know that people need to be trained in the best measures to protect themselves and know how to spot potential danger. These are understandings that are much more affective to preventing crime and terrorism than socialist (i.e government or progressive) control of the law abiding citizenry.

Republicans will not lose support from Latinos

Why is it that RINOS and Left-Wing Liberals were saying that Republicans are going to lose the Latino vote because we conservatives didn't like the Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill? Inherent in their diatribe is this condescension that Latinos in the U.S. are pro excusing illegal behavior and the national government must coddle that position.

This Bill was simply an attempt to immunize those who have violated federal law (i.e. members of the business community, local & state jurisdictions, Democrats, and of course illegal aliens - NOT ALL LATINOS). RHINOS and Left-Wing Liberals are right about one thing - this was the best opportunity for the members of the business community, local & state jurisdictions, Democrats, and of course illegal aliens to get their legal immunization. The following have blown this issue to at least 2012...
  1. The oncoming 2008 Presidential election
  2. The possibility that a Democrat will be elected President thereby removing any leverage that a President could have with the Republican Minority
  3. The possibility that if a Republican is elected in 2008 that person would be too afraid to offend those who voted for him to support any other Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill
  4. The Possibility that Republicans regain a majority in either or both houses of Congress.
  5. Any combination of the above
  6. The anguish among proponents of the Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill was about defining the best opportunity for them and their financial backers to "evade" legal responsibility for enabling and participating in illegal behavior.
No matter what names the RINOS and Left-Wing Liberals call us, we must remain vigilant and diligent. Doing what was right is the legacy of the Republican Party. RINOS and Left-Wing Liberals fashioned the compromise that ended Reconstruction. The end of Reconstruction is known to be the end of Black power in the south and allowed for the Democrat rise of Jim Crow.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ding, Dong The Bill is Dead!!

The Immigration Bill (in word form) may have suffered its final defeat in the U.S. Senate today. We Conservatives have been trying to flatline this backroom deal since President Bush and Senator Kennedy have been "brokebacking" together on both the Hill and in the Whitehouse while trying to coerce other Senators to join them.

Beware!! Be Vigilant! Although the Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill is brain dead, Bush and Kennedy are going to keep this Illegal Alien Immigration/Amnesty Bill on life support in order to do legislative organ transplants to other bills. However do not expect the organs having to do with enforcement to find a legislative recipient bill!

This is How Conservatives Should Fight!

(Hardball w/Chris Matthews-Coulter-Edwards Pt 1 of 7)

See the rest of this interview here...

This is what critics of Ann Coulter gave us with their unwillingness to make Left-Wing Liberals angry and uncomfortable!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I love Ann Coulter

Yesterday, Ann Coulter was ambushed by Elizabeth Edwards (Wife of Presidential Candidate John Edwards) on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews. I do not typically watch this show because it is so Left-Wing Liberal that it is not informative. However I am interested when Left-Wing Liberals are angered at what Conservatives say about Left-Wing Liberals.

I will forever be a fan of Ann Coulter. She does more to destroy arguments of Left-Wing Liberals than any "go along to get along so called conservatives" have done. We need conservatives who understand that Left-Wing Liberals are as vicious politically as Al Qaeda is physically. It should be our job to destroy their points of view with facts and truth.

Ann's understanding of, and rapid fire response to Left-Wing Liberal dogma are so effective that it becomes easy for the likes of Armstrong Williams, Ron Christie to dismiss her in favor of their own timid and ineffective styles to advance conservative public policy.

I will always love Ann Coulter's work and will defend it to anyone, anywhere, at any time!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kennedy Republicans help to pass (Sh)amnesty

Shamnesty (As Michelle Malkin calls it) has died twice and seems to resurrect again. Once again, President Bush abandons the Republican base in order to enjoy his paramour, Senator Ted Kennedy. President Bush chose Kennedy on all of the major legislation that he wanted passed. Remember "Education Reform"?

When republicans were in the majority, we wanted social security reform, President Bush advocated for it but no where near on the level of those pieces of legislation that are pushed by Ted Kennedy. Energy reform continues to fall to the same fate as social security reform. We Conservatives want domestic oil drilling but President Bush "half=heartedly" advocates for domestic oil drilling. There seems to be no sincere effort by the Administration to advance the Conservative agenda while finding ways to pass Left-Wing Liberal legislation that hasn't even been finished written!

Amazingly, republicans could have never been able to pull off so stupid a feat - much less been able to gather support from either the Administration or opposition Party.

In the end, we conservatives are called "anti-immigrant" by both the "Republican lead" administration and the Democrats for not wanting to support "unwritten" legislation and unproven effort to enforce existing law.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Obama, Double Minded and Unstable

Recent attacks by Obama on "right-wing" conservative Christians are evidence that he is a "double minded man, unstable in all of his ways" (James 1:8). Obama is neither capable nor competent to opine about the right-wing and our faith. His determination to belittle us is nothing short of monumental pride.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Evidence of the President's Weak Stomach

Just hours after the nation learned that President Bush had to sit out a G-8 opening session due to stomach discomfort. That discomfort may be due to his further attack on conservatives by throwing out Marine General Peter Pace out as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Seemingly very annoyed (as I am), Defense Secretary Robert Gates describes a possible reconfirmation of General Pace as "very contentious.'' Secretary Gates stated in his press conference today that the "very contentious" confirmation was due to his being either Vice Chairman or Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the last six years - all convering the war in Iraq.

I say BULL-ONY!!

I believe that it was General Pace's support of Scooter Libby (who I support as well) was the "contentious" issue that the President did not want to face in those confirmations. General Pace sent a letter to Judge Walton on behalf of Mr. Libby. President Bush, who never seems to either avoid an opportunity to offend conservatives or appease Left-Wing Liberals, is reported to point to that defense of Mr. Libby as and opportunity to fill the position by a Left-Wing Liberal "friendly" Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

It is sad that as a Conservative Republican living in California I have more problems with my Republican Governor and Republican President on issues that matter than I have with Left-Wing Liberals who I thought that I would be fighting as a Conservative Republican.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sarkosky Wins Despite Left-Wing Liberal Criticism

In recent interview with the daily Le Parisien, Socialist (Left-Wing Liberal) Party Candidate Royal said Nicolas Sarkozy has "the same neo-conservative ideology" as [President] Bush. Despite this criticism, Sarkozy wins decisively while remaining a conservative capitalist.

Let this be a lesson to the spineless RINO's who are in the Republican Party. Being an aggressive conservative is always a winner! Trying to get along with socialists will only get you more socialism.

President-Elect Sarkozy may not be a conservative by my standards, but he is so by theirs. Any major pull to the right will get my attention and affection.

Congratulations Nicolas Sarkozy!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Just To Embarrass President Bush

Peter McMahon (left), husband of Deputy White House Press Secretary Dana Perino was jailed recently for violating a leash law in Washing D.C. The U.S. Park Police (aka left-wing liberal civil servants who are part of the U.S. Department of the Interior) in the issued a citation to McMahon.

For whatever reason, the ticket was not paid. The U.S. Park Police took to time to convince a judge to issue an arrest warrant against McMahon. He was later arrested and jailed! Just think about all of the effort to try to embarrass President Bush.

I am impressed that the felony case load for the U.S. Park Police is so low that they were both able and willing to pursue justice to these lengths.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I will not be watching tonight's Republican Debate

Democrats refused to appear at a debate hosted by Fox News (even with the co-host being the Congressional Black Caucus). Democrats refused to appear at a debate hosted by Fox News (even with the co-host being the Nevada Democrat Party. They would never agree to appear at a debate where the MODERATOR IS EVEN A LIBERAL REPUBLICAN!! Yet the Republican candidates agree to a debate moderated by Left Wing Liberal Chris Matthews!!

This continued weakness on part of our Republican leadership is choking the Republican Party to death. So for the first time in over 20 years, I will not be watching tonight's Republican Debate!!

However, I will be watching Fox News' Republican Debate on May 15th (co-hosted by the fair minded Brit Hume) at 6pm pst on Fox News.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Doolittle's problems may not end with Abramoff

In January Congressman John Doolittle, R-Roseville (right photo) specifically voted against the conservative candidate and for Donna Schalansky (left photo) to be Chair of the Sacramento County Republican Party (SCRP). Schalansky resigned in March after being accused of financial misconduct by members of the SCRP. Doolittle's office had been warned of Schalansky's Financial Malfeasance regularly since at least the Summer of 2006.

Schalansky hand picked Craig MacGlashan, Wife of Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan to succeed her as SCRP Chair. Doolittle participated in an "effective whip" (which included the Log Cabin Republicans other elected officials) to vote against the conservative candidate for SCRP Chair and for MacGlashan. MacGlashan refuses to conduct an audit of Schalansky's transactions. Doolittle needs to be asked why he voted for Schalansky and MacGlashan with full knowledge that they either participated in and/or covered up financial misconduct ranging from $35,000 to $117,000.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Why wasn't he stopped before his murder spree?

Mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui did everything possible to let the world know that he was preparing to massacre students at Virginia Tech. The murderer even alerted the media of his intended action. The reason why nothing was done to curtail mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui was simply because he was NOT a "far Right" or "Right Wing" or "Christian" conservative. His anger directed at the same people that Islamic extremists and Left-Wing Liberals direct THEIR anger toward. As a matter of fact, mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui could have been a member of Al Qaeda.

If mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui was a "far Right" or "Right Wing" or "Christian" conservative, he would have been institutionalized after the Virginia court declared him "mentally incompetent" and would have never been able to buy firearms!

Because mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui was NOT a "far Right" or "Right Wing" or "Christian" conservative, the judgment against him was not made public nor put on an information system so that a gun dealer would NOT sale him a gun!

This is yet another example of Left-Wing Liberalism fine destructive work...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Another Democrat breaks the law without concern

I got an email stating th following by a guy named Mike DeNunzio:
Representative Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House, not the Secretary of State. When Mrs. Pelosi returns from her unauthorized meeting with Basher Assad, the Syrian dictator who supports Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists, Attorney General Gonzolez should remind her of the Logan Act.

It is a federal crime for any U.S. citizen to negotiate with other nations without authorization. The Bush administration has opposed this meeting and the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's spokesperson has reminded the Speaker: “At this point, the Syrian government, by openly backing terrorists, is not a partner for negotiations.”

The Logan Act passed by Congress in 1799 reads: “Any citizen of the United States, … who, without authority of the United States… carries on (discussions) with any foreign government …with intent to influence the conduct of any foreign government … in any controversies with the United States… shall be fined … or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
My anger is that she will not get even a subpoena from the U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales regarding her crime!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another Left Wing Liberal gets caught with an handgun.

Do you remember Democrat California U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's handgun? How about Democrat New York U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer's handgun? James Webb, Democrat U.S. Senator from Virginia, if following the line of left wing liberals who try incessantly to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but themselves. Under the guise of "protecting the public" Left Wing Liberals have fought hard to keep guns out of the hands of Blacks (during slavery and segregation) and the poor.

Yesterday Democrat U.S. Senator James Webb's gun was being held by one of his staff members Phillip Thompson. reports the following:
WASHINGTON (AP) - An aide to Sen. Jim Webb was arrested Monday when he entered a Senate office building with a loaded pistol belonging to the senator.

Capitol Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said the aide was charged with carrying a pistol without a license and possessing an unregistered firearm and unregistered ammunition.
The office of Webb, D-Va., identified the aide as Phillip Thompson and said he was "a former Marine, a long-term friend and trusted employee of the senator."

A congressional official briefed on the incident said Webb gave the gun to Thompson when the assistant drove him to an airport earlier in the day. Thompson, upon entering the Senate building, forgot he was carrying the weapon.

"To our knowledge, this incident was an oversight," Webb's office said in a statement. It said it had no other details.

The weapon was revealed when the aide went through an X-ray machine at an entrance of the Russell Senate Office Building, Schneider said. She said the man had a loaded pistol with two additional loaded magazines.
Democrat Senator Webb's incompetance, joined with his arrogance and hypocrisy, is becoming more public. Stay tunned...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Al Gore is a Hypocrite!!

I did not see Al today in a congressional committee. I am convinced that Al Gore and his fellow left-wing liberals just want to have a new "get rich" scheme administered by the U.S. government. Unfortunately all of those who agree with Al blatantly overlook his conspicuous hypocrisy in order to demand that we "average folks" give up our comforts for living in this country and he does not give up his.

I own both a Ford Expedition and a Ford Excursion and I am gone to continue filling them up with gasoline until Al Gore is willing to do for himself what he wants us to do for ourselves.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I beat Schumer to it...

On Thursday, November 09, 2006 I called on U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to Resign. It was entitled, "Alberto Gonzales Has Got to Go!!". The reasons given were his timidity to prosecute Left-Wing Liberals while aggressively pursuing the slightest conservative Republican transgression.

Attorney General Gonzales disregarded my request without even considering a reply. Now that Left-Wing Liberals call on his resignation, Attorney General Gonzales gets offended and replies to their request.

I must state that the Left-Wing Liberal calls for Gonzales' resignation are bogus at best. During the beginning of the Clinton Administration, then President Clinton fired and replaced all 93 U.S. Attorney in March 1993 and there were no Left-Wing Liberal calls for investigations. Of course there are just enough spineless Republican elected officials to block FELLOW Republicans from aggressively and artfully using that information to beat Left-Wing Liberals.

My insistence that Attorney General Gonzales may unfortunately commensurate with the heckling from Left-Wing Liberals, but my desire to see him gone is stronger than my disgust with the timing.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Who the Hell are these Guys?

In 2004 when Democrats were screaming "Culture of Corruption" against Republican, this DEMOCRAT member of congress (Left) and his son Democrat State Judge were on their way to jail for fraud.

To read about the Democrat Congressman clink on the link here.
To read about the Democrat State Judge clink on the link here.

Now to Scooter Libby...
Scooter Libby has been convicted of a crime having nothing to do with Valerie Plame. I have now come to this conclusion - The Republican Leadership is exclusively interested in destroying the conservative base of the Republican Party. The current leadership has descended to the following:

Ignoring and/or mitigating crimes committed by left-wing liberals and convicting Republicans.

Advancing as much of the Democratic Party Platform as possible while ignoring the Republican Party Platform altogether.

Ignoring and/or defending offenses made by Left-Wing Liberals toward Conservative Republicans while while joining the Left-Wing liberal assault against ANY perceived offense made by Conservative Republicans against ANY sympathizer of Left-Wing Liberals.

Ignoring any plea by Conservative Republicans to advocate on behalf of Conservative Republicans.

Hiring the majority of those who oppose ANY appearance of governing from a conservative basis while avoiding the hiring of those who agree with governing from a conservative basis.

Conservative Republicans we are in this alone. We must realize that the governance of the United States is no different than the governance of California - disgusting. In every case where liberal Republicans have governed, the Republican Party suffered heavy casualties. Our survival depends on us ignoring left-wing liberals for the moment and focus on victory over our current Republican leadership. Once we put in leadership who actually sees Left-Wing liberals as destructive and dangerous to the freedom and liberty of American Citizens, Left-Wing liberals will be terrified of us.

We must remember that is was conservatism that organized the Republican Party. Republicans traditionally believed in freedom from slavery, freedom from be segregated against, civil rights for all, and minimal government intervention. That mindset is waning in the Bush Administration and has no existence in the California's Governor Schwarzenegger Administration.

From this point forward, I will no longer support a Republican Candidate for any office who is not committed to publicly opposing Left-Wing liberalism.

By the Way, the reason that I put Frank's information at the top of this post is because Left-Wing Liberals (both Republican and Democrat) had the nation's attention focused on the culture of corruption as it relates to Republicans exclusively. Republicans never once told us that Scooter Libby was the only high ranking official who was identified as the so-called "Culture of Corruption".

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Eyes of Argus may be showing signs of Vitamin A deficiency.

Jason Daniel of "Eyes of Argus" condemns former City Council Candidate and Black Republican Craig Deluz for certain campaign expenditures. These expenditures were made in the 2004 Sacramento, California City Council Race against Left-Wing Liberal Democrat Councilwoman Sandy Sheedy.

Without even trying to find out the facts, Daniel simply repackages the Left-Wing liberal Sacramento Bee's propaganda article against Deluz. Here is what Daniel said:
...Sacramento City Council will create an ethics commission for investigating campaign money violations because Election Loser Craig DeLuz blew campaign money on a silly rug and cross country trips...
First of all Craig did not "blow campaign money on a silly rug". I was a volunteer of Craig's during that campaign. I have asthma and bronchitis. That "silly rug" was nothing more than cheap office "CARPET" that was used to cover the dusty concrete foundation in that Del Paso Heights storefront so that those of us who have asthma and other conditions that are sensitive to dust could volunteer as we did. As a volunteer I could not have been able to work in the headquarters without that "silly rug".

But Daniel's "Eyes of Argus" (Source for Local Government News Seasoned with Truth) didn't mentioned that.

Secondly, Deluz took 2 specific trips for fundraising possibilities. One to Washington, DC and one to San Francisco. They did not prove to be as stellar as the campaign would have liked. However that is the kind of misfortune routinely encountered with Black Republicans who desire political office.

But Daniel's "Eyes of Argus" (Source for Local Government News Seasoned with Truth) didn't mentioned that.

There are Conservative Republicans who believe that Jason Daniel is a "Source for Local Government News Seasoned with Truth." I would say that his seasoning has lost its savor. As a Conservative Black Republican I am naturally skeptical when the Sacramento Bee mentions anything about Conservative Republicans - especially Black Conservative Republicans. I am dismayed when one of the most prominent Black Conservative Republicans in Sacramento is attacked in such a ignorant manner by Daniel using information from White Left-Wing Liberal Democrats - NO MATTER THEIR FORUM!! We conservatives expect that from the Bee and the White Left Wing Liberals on the City Council - not from the Eyes of Argus.

Daniel should have realized that the Sacramento City Council's efforts are commensurate with their political grumblings as Left-Wing Liberal Democrats and NOT out of concern for the integrity of the local electoral process. Daniel's blog posting did not reflect any freshness in his spice rack for Truth. The Eyes of Argus may either decide to increase his intake of Beta Carotene or risk becoming a memory.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Joseph Hughes lies about Foxnews' coverage of control of the Senate.

This Joseph Hughes makes an idiotic attempt to continue the left-wing liberal attack against Foxnews. Joseph claims that Fox "Lied" about the composition of the United States Senate. Foxnews is correct and Joseph is a Liar!!

There are 101 members of the United States Senate - unless Joseph Hughes and his cabal of international socialists have unilaterally changed the Constitution of the United States of America!

Article 1, Section, 3 says plainly that "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided". Someone needs to inform this pea-brain that this portion identifies the office of the Vice President to be a member of the United States Senate. Joseph Hughes himself is nothing more than a vulture and his comments clearly speak to his identity.

The current membership of the United States Senate is made up of 51 Democrats and 50 Republicans!!

If Joseph has a disagreement he just needs to state his disagreement, but if he wants to hurl personal attacks, he will have to deal with the likes of truth bearing responders like me.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Socialists mourn Saddam's Death

Socialists around the world unite in anger against the execution of Saddam Hussein. From Cuba (which has the death Penalty) to the New York Times to Spain and even Senator Bernie Sanders as head of the American Wing of Socialists International, they all are extremely saddened and outraged that a fellow socialist was executed, especially by his own people.

Socialists of the world see themselves as "Savior" for their countries, so the idea that their country wants to "dispose" of them either politically or actually is unseemly to them.

Saddam Hussein was a socialist. He controlled his country in a manner that was acceptable to all socialists in the world. His blood-thirsty Baath Party enjoys comrade status in the umbrella association Socialists International.

It is a shame that no matter how many people Saddam murdered, how many lives he has destroyed, or how much he as destroyed Iraq as a whole, the fact that he was a socialist overrides any condemnation of him by Left-Wing Liberals around the world. Left-Wing Liberals will find a way to include attacking President Bush in any mention of the execution of Saddam. Never expect them to simply be angry that Saddam created so much mayhem with his life.

I am glad that he was tried, convicted, sentenced, and executed by the very people he victimized. This should be a wake up call to every socialist who wants to "govern" the way Saddam did.