Friday, January 6, 2006

So what about those warrantless searches

"Illegal" Warrantless Searches
Constitutional Authority of the President and National Security.
Internet Links and Resources

"Wiretap Dance," by Ronald Kessler, Wall Street Journal , December 21, 2005

Commentary on problems with FISA, why the NSA intercepts are necessary.

"FISA Court Approved Bush Spy Program," , December 20, 2005

Previous court ruling gives the President power to conduct "warrantless searches" to obtain foreign intelligence.,1,3677848.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

"President Had Legal Authority to OK Taps," by John Schmidt, Chicago Tribune, December 21, 2005

Commentary on legal precedent and Constitutional authority of the President. Under Clinton, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick confirmed President's authority.

"The Gray Lady Toys With Treason," New York Post, December 27, 2005

Editorial on New York Times breaking story about Bush's "secret" warrantless eavesdropping, thus compromising national security. Cites Carter's and Clinton's use of warrantless searches.

"'Warrantless' Searches Not Unprecedented," by Charles Hurt, Washington Times, December 22, 2005

Cites Clinton's (and previous administrations') use of warrantless searches, and quotes Clinton Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, including testimony before Intelligence Committee. Also cites court opinion upholding Presidential power for warrantless searches.

"Media Paint Bush As 'Dictator'," by L. Brent Bozell III,, December 28, 2005

(Also ran as a commentary in Investor's Business Daily, headlined "Good or Evil? First Ask Who's In Oval Office," January 3, 2006)

Commentary citing media reaction to New York Times story, with Bush as a "dictator," yet Clinton didn't receive such labels when he used warrantless surveillance.

"Safety Net," Investor's Business Daily, December 28, 2005

Editorial on problems with relying on FISA, cites FISA denials for pre-9-11 warrants on Zacarias Moussaoui.

"Upper Echelon," Investor's Business Daily, January 4, 2006

Editorial, describes NSA's Echelon program as depicted on "60 Minutes."

"Unwarranted Flak," Investor's Business Daily , December 23, 2005

Editorial citing use of warrantless searches under Carter, Reagan and Clinton. Also cites U.S. Code for authority, and Nancy Pelosi's admission that she was advised.

"Flashback: Clinton, Carter Search 'N Surveillance Without Court Order", December 21, 2005

Cites Clinton-era articles on Clinton use of warrantless searches.

"Top Secret Echelon," CBS News, "60 minutes," August 6, 2000

Transcript of "60 Minutes" report on Echelon.

"ACLU Calls for Investigation into Global Surveillance System", April 6, 1999
ACLU press release calling for Congressional investigations into Echelon.

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