Wednesday, May 14, 2008

California Education

California's Higher Education is overpriced and politically biased to the Left. k-12 seems to exist entirely for the political fleecing of unions and the maintenance of political relationships. Too often this collusion ignores the intended focus which is to academically prepare students to eventually compete in the marketplace.

This self interest has also left the California Educational system substantively antiquated and not completely able to satisfy the desire of students or business.

Furthermore, California's tax base is too dependent on "Millionaire" income for the income tax that funds education. As these high salary families move, their income tax goes with them. Once again, the taxing formula must change. I have made recommendations to that effect in The California Economy.

The California Legislature must reduce the price of College so that a person earning the state minimum wage can without loans, grants, credits, or any other subsidy afford to attend any CSU or UC. K-12 Districts must implement their Parent involvement policies as mandated which can help cut costs in so many other areas of the District's Budget, significantly increase accountability, and dramatically improve the quality of education.

1 comment:

  1. Mali, I am SO GLAD someone with common sense is working in Sacramento (emphasis on the word WORKING.) So where do we go from here? Would vouchers put some fire in the pan, or does the education system need a complete overhaul?
