Thursday, May 15, 2008

Global Warming

The arguments used by Left Wing Liberals to prove that human activity is causing irreparable global warming is fraud and a lie!

Left Wing Liberals are using the lure of profiteering from the fraudulent information to entice weak Republicans to join them in this scheme to fleece Americans of tax revenue via government taxation and regulation.

California has so far accepted the fraudulent research and plunged into the current “Tulip mania” (aka Global Warming aka Climate Change). Legislators have never challenged the recent “scientific consensus’” of our past - Medieval Climate Optimum (aka Medieval Warm Period, from 800 - 1300 when the climate warmed 1.8 Degrees more than today’s temperature), The Little Ice Age (From 1250 - 1850 When the climate cooled nearly 1.5 degrees) and the Global Cooling phenomena of the 1970’s. During these times, there is no evidence of cannibalism (as CNN's Ted Turner suggested back in April of this year), nor evidence of boiling or freezing during these periods.

Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) who shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, admitted that the IPCC discovered there has been no net increase in global warming since the IPCCC was formed in 1998. Dr. Pachauri called it a “temperature plateau”.

California's "investment" in "green" technology amounts to nothing more than waste, fraud, and/or abuse of taxpayer dollars. It also means that the trillions of dollars of so-called “investments” by private businesses were little more than gambles on inconclusive and flawed research. This also means that Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” is a lie that bilked viewers out of nearly $24 million in box office sales.

Top climatologists such as James Hansen, S.I. Rasool, and Stephen H. Schneider trumpeted their claims that our then energy consumption was causing Global Cooling in the 1970’s. Time and Newsweek Magazines lead the way in parroting their claims. Climatologists and others used that “research” to achieve “scientific consensus” of a coming “New Ice Age”. James Hansen, S.I. Rasool, and Stephen H. Schneider along with their colleagues are now trying to convince the world our (more efficient) energy consumption has within 40 years shifted the earth from the threat of freezing to the threat of boiling.

We must confront the attempt by Left-Wing Liberals (i.e. Progressives) to use the power of government to enrich and empower themselves while restricting our ability to do the same. So far, the only beneficiaries to global warming are the following:
  • Al Gore and his "for profit" company, Generation Investment Management (GIM) is positioned to reap billions of dollars in corporate and individual shakedowns by companies who contribute Global Warming and the increase of C02 emissions. GIM primary business is to engage in the buying and selling of these phantom carbon credits.
  • Once again, Al Gore and his “non profit” company, Alliance for Climate Protection (ACP). ACP receives government grants and foundation money to do all of the research and public relations for his “for-profit” GIM.
  • Those who lobby for government mandates based on the claims of global warming then use private (for-profit) businesses to “trade” in “carbon credits”.
  • People and institutions who receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in government grants to create reasons repeat their claims of man made Global Warming.
  • Those whose foundations benefit from donations by wealthy Left Wing Liberal foundations and people who themselves benefit financially from the claims of man made global warming.
  • Professors who accumulate wealth, power, and/or prestige by the claims of man made global warming.
The California Legislature must refrain from persuing global warming reduction strategies until the science is conclusive. The debate is not over! The representative of the 9th Assembly District must be armed with facts and speak truth to Left-Wing Liberal power about the frivolity of using junk science to waist the time and attention of of the residents of California.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

California Education

California's Higher Education is overpriced and politically biased to the Left. k-12 seems to exist entirely for the political fleecing of unions and the maintenance of political relationships. Too often this collusion ignores the intended focus which is to academically prepare students to eventually compete in the marketplace.

This self interest has also left the California Educational system substantively antiquated and not completely able to satisfy the desire of students or business.

Furthermore, California's tax base is too dependent on "Millionaire" income for the income tax that funds education. As these high salary families move, their income tax goes with them. Once again, the taxing formula must change. I have made recommendations to that effect in The California Economy.

The California Legislature must reduce the price of College so that a person earning the state minimum wage can without loans, grants, credits, or any other subsidy afford to attend any CSU or UC. K-12 Districts must implement their Parent involvement policies as mandated which can help cut costs in so many other areas of the District's Budget, significantly increase accountability, and dramatically improve the quality of education.

California Health Care

2008 Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul stated the following about health care in the U.S. The HMO Act of 1973 requires employers (with 25 or more employees) to offer HMO's to workers. This law removed the incentive for health care plans to be offered to individuals and removes the incentive to offer health care plans to the unemployed. The tax code allows businesses – but not individuals – to deduct the cost of health insurance premiums. So now the high premium costs are no longer an issue - only the co-pay. If Universal coverage is the replacement for the current state of health care, the current problems will only grow. The problem is government intervention in health care!!

Paul also stated that coupling employment and health insurance was illogical. Congress never blames itself for the problems created by bad laws. Instead, we are told more government – in the form of “universal coverage” – is the answer. But government already is involved in roughly two-thirds of all health care spending, through Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs.

Similarly, The Left Wing Liberal California Legislature never blames itself for the currently despised state of the health care system in California. They actually believe that more government interference is necessary to improve health care’s current status. The California government is the impediment to progress toward affordability of quality health care.

Another problem is The Council on Graduate Medical Education’s (COGME) blunder decision to advise the nation’s medical schools to reduce their admittance based on projected surpluses professionals in the medical industry. There has never been an “actual surplus”! COGME’s advise produced “actual” shortages of professionals in the medical that lead to more problems than any surplus ever would.

We must revise the State HMO Act and advocate the revision of the Federal HMO Act to allow HMO’s to do business directly with individuals. The law should be no different than the law for car insurance, renter insurance, and home owner insurance. California must also have medical immunity for health care professionals (similar to prosecutorial immunity for District Attorneys) which will reduce career costs to medical practitioners.

Health care costs will go down due to market competition, not politically imposed price caps by the government. More value added services will be offered which will raise the quality of health care in a much more efficient way than Hillary/Obama care. Consumers will enjoy their health care coverage much better because they have more control over their health care options.