Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Getting Past Reagan

The Republican Party is in need of an image makeover. We bask in the nostalgia of President Reagan and before him President Lincoln. Both have been great for our Party. However, there is currently no semblance of them today in the Republican Party leadership by either personality or commitment to Conservatism.

Gone are the days of mystique and endearment of a Republican Presidential candidate who extolled the virtues of Conservatism while eschewing any manner of Left-Wing Liberalism. Today's methods of communication reveal the flaws of today's Republican - right on this or moderate on that. Gone are the days of the Pedigree (i.e. the Ivy Leager, the person married only once, and having the right career connections). Bonvoyage to the Republican with even a consistent academic history. Say fairwell to the Republican that will have a familiar employment history. The only semblance of Reagan and Lincoln that today's Republican will have will be that same commitment to Conservatism that is the hallmark of this Grand ole Party.

Where do we conservatives cut spending at the state level? How should a state handle illegal immigrants if Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) refuses to do its job? What is college affordability? What should the retail price of gasoline be? These questions have no consensus among conservatives, but there must be someone who can start agreeing on something.

Getting past Reagan means that there must be a continual goal to reduce individual domestic dependance on local, state, and national government other than communal health and safety. Post Reagan policy must inspire people to be confident that they can be successful without government assistance. This means that our chosen leaders must be constantly advised that their leadership role is to push an agenda that will achieve such aims - the Republican Party Platform. When we get past Reagan, families will be self sustaining academically, medically, and for their livelihood. Immigrants are in the U.S. legally. There would be consensus that healthcare is affordable. There would be consensus that education is affordable. The dispute of man made global warming would resolved.

Former President Reagan brought a steadfastness that was unique in American Politics. He was able to communicate Conservatism so effectively that it was even attractive to Democrats. Today's Republican must be a missionary of the same profile of Conservatism that Reagan was (of course revised and extended to meet today's challenges), but without the same imagery. Today's Republican must understand that Conservatism must be in the highways and the hedges lifting people from of poverty and government dependance as we rely on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There should be no place that the gates of Left-Wing Liberalism are prevailing.

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