Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Socialists mourn Saddam's Death

Socialists around the world unite in anger against the execution of Saddam Hussein. From Cuba (which has the death Penalty) to the New York Times to Spain and even Senator Bernie Sanders as head of the American Wing of Socialists International, they all are extremely saddened and outraged that a fellow socialist was executed, especially by his own people.

Socialists of the world see themselves as "Savior" for their countries, so the idea that their country wants to "dispose" of them either politically or actually is unseemly to them.

Saddam Hussein was a socialist. He controlled his country in a manner that was acceptable to all socialists in the world. His blood-thirsty Baath Party enjoys comrade status in the umbrella association Socialists International.

It is a shame that no matter how many people Saddam murdered, how many lives he has destroyed, or how much he as destroyed Iraq as a whole, the fact that he was a socialist overrides any condemnation of him by Left-Wing Liberals around the world. Left-Wing Liberals will find a way to include attacking President Bush in any mention of the execution of Saddam. Never expect them to simply be angry that Saddam created so much mayhem with his life.

I am glad that he was tried, convicted, sentenced, and executed by the very people he victimized. This should be a wake up call to every socialist who wants to "govern" the way Saddam did.

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