Monday, September 12, 2005

Not enough Blame is Going Around

Ever since the day the levees were breached, President Bush and FEMA Director Michael Brown have been deluged with attacks by Democrats. There has been a virtual media blackout of any discussion of the incompetence of Louisiana Governor Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin.

Even when there is attempted discussion on any responsibility beyond the Bush Administration, Democrats skillfully deflect back to the Bush Administration and there is rarely any rebuttal by Republicans. Republicans unfortunately cower to the general statement that "there is enough blame to go around" while hopelessly calling for a decrease in the blame game and increased attention on the response to the victims.

Democrats will never miss an opportunity to attack the President and the Republican Party. Everything is fair in their war of politics. The DNC Chairman said publicly that he hates Republicans and Republicans don't seem to take him seriously.

In typical fashion, President Bush is responding to Democrat attacks about the seeming slow-fullness of the Federal response by his virtually establishing residence in Louisiana and Mississippi.

I submit that there is not enough blame going around. Not enough blame is being placed on Louisiana Governor Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. Not enough blame is being placed on the New Orleans Levee Board. Not enough blame is being placed on the neglect by the Clinton Administration. Not enough blame is being placed on Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu or her family of politicos. The reason that there is not enough blame of Democrats is because there are too many Republicans who are more desirous to appeal to Democrat emotions while neglecting us the Republican constituency.

First responders of any crisis are always local and State, never National. Democrat governance and and their liberal policies created the set of factors that kept so many Blacks in New Orleans poor and unable to evacuate the City. Unfortunately, we grassroots Republicans will not hear that from our elected leadership.

Criminal neglect has taken place with respect to the State and local response to the crisis in new Orleans. They had plans that they didn't follow. They procrastinated when they needed to make haste. The delays of government leaders in Louisiana killed, maimed, raped, and starved hundreds of thousands of poor Blacks - not President Bush. Now the President is being accused of racism.

The federal declaration of disaster came 48 hours before hurricane katrina made it to New Orleans and was resisted by Governor Blanco. The federal response finally came 24 hours after Governor Blanco formally requested federal help. The formal request was made 72 hours after the levee was breeched.

There is not enough time to wait to point fingers. We must point them now! The New Orleans levee breach tragedy is yet another 2006 Campaign debate that Democrats will exploit with all of their effort. We must be armed with facts and deliver them with as much passion as we are able. The timidity of Republican leaders to engage our political enemies makes our effort as active Republican volunteers much more difficult. Since now have to explain Posse Comitatus Act, The insurrection Act, and the The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act before we can make our case that voting Republican is better than voting Democrat, we must warn our leaders of their indifference to our pleas for their strong leadership.

Elected Republicans must understand that their continued indifference will become our election day apathy if their actions make it clear the they are not interested in battling the Democrats.

1 comment:

  1. I have to question the competence of both the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor. WHY didn't Blanco activate the National Guard immediately? Why didn't the evacuation plan for the city include the provision of food and water? Why weren't school buses used to aid in the evacuation process? Why was mass looting allowed? Mind you, such looting did not take place in Alabama nor Mississippi, both of which were also affected by Katrina. Also, why did the federal government have to plead with Blanco to call for mandatory evacuations? Why did the Governor's office decline the food and water offered by the Red Cross during the earliest phase of Katrina? Why did Mayor Nagin call for citizens of his city to return....even though conditions were still very substand and at the dismay of the federal government???
