Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Doolittle's problems may not end with Abramoff

In January Congressman John Doolittle, R-Roseville (right photo) specifically voted against the conservative candidate and for Donna Schalansky (left photo) to be Chair of the Sacramento County Republican Party (SCRP). Schalansky resigned in March after being accused of financial misconduct by members of the SCRP. Doolittle's office had been warned of Schalansky's Financial Malfeasance regularly since at least the Summer of 2006.

Schalansky hand picked Craig MacGlashan, Wife of Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan to succeed her as SCRP Chair. Doolittle participated in an "effective whip" (which included the Log Cabin Republicans other elected officials) to vote against the conservative candidate for SCRP Chair and for MacGlashan. MacGlashan refuses to conduct an audit of Schalansky's transactions. Doolittle needs to be asked why he voted for Schalansky and MacGlashan with full knowledge that they either participated in and/or covered up financial misconduct ranging from $35,000 to $117,000.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Why wasn't he stopped before his murder spree?

Mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui did everything possible to let the world know that he was preparing to massacre students at Virginia Tech. The murderer even alerted the media of his intended action. The reason why nothing was done to curtail mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui was simply because he was NOT a "far Right" or "Right Wing" or "Christian" conservative. His anger directed at the same people that Islamic extremists and Left-Wing Liberals direct THEIR anger toward. As a matter of fact, mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui could have been a member of Al Qaeda.

If mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui was a "far Right" or "Right Wing" or "Christian" conservative, he would have been institutionalized after the Virginia court declared him "mentally incompetent" and would have never been able to buy firearms!

Because mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui was NOT a "far Right" or "Right Wing" or "Christian" conservative, the judgment against him was not made public nor put on an information system so that a gun dealer would NOT sale him a gun!

This is yet another example of Left-Wing Liberalism fine destructive work...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Another Democrat breaks the law without concern

I got an email stating th following by a guy named Mike DeNunzio:
Representative Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House, not the Secretary of State. When Mrs. Pelosi returns from her unauthorized meeting with Basher Assad, the Syrian dictator who supports Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists, Attorney General Gonzolez should remind her of the Logan Act.

It is a federal crime for any U.S. citizen to negotiate with other nations without authorization. The Bush administration has opposed this meeting and the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's spokesperson has reminded the Speaker: “At this point, the Syrian government, by openly backing terrorists, is not a partner for negotiations.”

The Logan Act passed by Congress in 1799 reads: “Any citizen of the United States, … who, without authority of the United States… carries on (discussions) with any foreign government …with intent to influence the conduct of any foreign government … in any controversies with the United States… shall be fined … or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
My anger is that she will not get even a subpoena from the U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales regarding her crime!