Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another Left Wing Liberal gets caught with an handgun.

Do you remember Democrat California U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's handgun? How about Democrat New York U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer's handgun? James Webb, Democrat U.S. Senator from Virginia, if following the line of left wing liberals who try incessantly to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but themselves. Under the guise of "protecting the public" Left Wing Liberals have fought hard to keep guns out of the hands of Blacks (during slavery and segregation) and the poor.

Yesterday Democrat U.S. Senator James Webb's gun was being held by one of his staff members Phillip Thompson. breitbart.com reports the following:
WASHINGTON (AP) - An aide to Sen. Jim Webb was arrested Monday when he entered a Senate office building with a loaded pistol belonging to the senator.

Capitol Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said the aide was charged with carrying a pistol without a license and possessing an unregistered firearm and unregistered ammunition.
The office of Webb, D-Va., identified the aide as Phillip Thompson and said he was "a former Marine, a long-term friend and trusted employee of the senator."

A congressional official briefed on the incident said Webb gave the gun to Thompson when the assistant drove him to an airport earlier in the day. Thompson, upon entering the Senate building, forgot he was carrying the weapon.

"To our knowledge, this incident was an oversight," Webb's office said in a statement. It said it had no other details.

The weapon was revealed when the aide went through an X-ray machine at an entrance of the Russell Senate Office Building, Schneider said. She said the man had a loaded pistol with two additional loaded magazines.
Democrat Senator Webb's incompetance, joined with his arrogance and hypocrisy, is becoming more public. Stay tunned...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Al Gore is a Hypocrite!!

I did not see Al today in a congressional committee. I am convinced that Al Gore and his fellow left-wing liberals just want to have a new "get rich" scheme administered by the U.S. government. Unfortunately all of those who agree with Al blatantly overlook his conspicuous hypocrisy in order to demand that we "average folks" give up our comforts for living in this country and he does not give up his.

I own both a Ford Expedition and a Ford Excursion and I am gone to continue filling them up with gasoline until Al Gore is willing to do for himself what he wants us to do for ourselves.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I beat Schumer to it...

On Thursday, November 09, 2006 I called on U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to Resign. It was entitled, "Alberto Gonzales Has Got to Go!!". The reasons given were his timidity to prosecute Left-Wing Liberals while aggressively pursuing the slightest conservative Republican transgression.

Attorney General Gonzales disregarded my request without even considering a reply. Now that Left-Wing Liberals call on his resignation, Attorney General Gonzales gets offended and replies to their request.

I must state that the Left-Wing Liberal calls for Gonzales' resignation are bogus at best. During the beginning of the Clinton Administration, then President Clinton fired and replaced all 93 U.S. Attorney in March 1993 and there were no Left-Wing Liberal calls for investigations. Of course there are just enough spineless Republican elected officials to block FELLOW Republicans from aggressively and artfully using that information to beat Left-Wing Liberals.

My insistence that Attorney General Gonzales may unfortunately commensurate with the heckling from Left-Wing Liberals, but my desire to see him gone is stronger than my disgust with the timing.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Who the Hell are these Guys?

In 2004 when Democrats were screaming "Culture of Corruption" against Republican, this DEMOCRAT member of congress (Left) and his son Democrat State Judge were on their way to jail for fraud.

To read about the Democrat Congressman clink on the link here.
To read about the Democrat State Judge clink on the link here.

Now to Scooter Libby...
Scooter Libby has been convicted of a crime having nothing to do with Valerie Plame. I have now come to this conclusion - The Republican Leadership is exclusively interested in destroying the conservative base of the Republican Party. The current leadership has descended to the following:

Ignoring and/or mitigating crimes committed by left-wing liberals and convicting Republicans.

Advancing as much of the Democratic Party Platform as possible while ignoring the Republican Party Platform altogether.

Ignoring and/or defending offenses made by Left-Wing Liberals toward Conservative Republicans while while joining the Left-Wing liberal assault against ANY perceived offense made by Conservative Republicans against ANY sympathizer of Left-Wing Liberals.

Ignoring any plea by Conservative Republicans to advocate on behalf of Conservative Republicans.

Hiring the majority of those who oppose ANY appearance of governing from a conservative basis while avoiding the hiring of those who agree with governing from a conservative basis.

Conservative Republicans we are in this alone. We must realize that the governance of the United States is no different than the governance of California - disgusting. In every case where liberal Republicans have governed, the Republican Party suffered heavy casualties. Our survival depends on us ignoring left-wing liberals for the moment and focus on victory over our current Republican leadership. Once we put in leadership who actually sees Left-Wing liberals as destructive and dangerous to the freedom and liberty of American Citizens, Left-Wing liberals will be terrified of us.

We must remember that is was conservatism that organized the Republican Party. Republicans traditionally believed in freedom from slavery, freedom from be segregated against, civil rights for all, and minimal government intervention. That mindset is waning in the Bush Administration and has no existence in the California's Governor Schwarzenegger Administration.

From this point forward, I will no longer support a Republican Candidate for any office who is not committed to publicly opposing Left-Wing liberalism.

By the Way, the reason that I put Frank's information at the top of this post is because Left-Wing Liberals (both Republican and Democrat) had the nation's attention focused on the culture of corruption as it relates to Republicans exclusively. Republicans never once told us that Scooter Libby was the only high ranking official who was identified as the so-called "Culture of Corruption".