Monday, December 11, 2006

Cow Fart is more dangerous than Car exaust

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor for the U.K's Independent has an excellent article detailing the fraud of global warming. The article makes clear that the United Nations believes that cow fart may be more responsible for global warming than car exaust. I recently posted an article telling saying that the United Nations Global Climate Change Agreement (Kyoto) is nothing more than a "three card molly" game being played on us by Left-Wing Liberals. Once we thought that is was car emissions, then we were told that our carbon footprint was too big, and now it is Cow Fart!! WHICH CARD IS IT??

Please note that this report blaming cow fart for global warming comes from the same United Nations that produced the Kyoto Protocols which blamed cars global warming.

Left Wing Liberal global warming thuggery is the only "inconvenient truth" we need to be aware of.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Global Warming has caused the entire nation to be extremely cold. AL Gore...The Global Warming Debate is not settled, it has just begun!!

Republican Deterioration

Both Ambassador John Bolton and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld are among the best non military combat advancement of American Security in the World. Their resignation is proof positive that the national Republican electorate has, since 2000, been ignoring the Republican base in pursuit of Left-Wing Liberal affection.

Know wonder we lost so bad!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kyoto - The Left Wing Liberals' 3 Card Molly on America and the World

Democrats will be running the Congress in the 110th Session. We now are forced to hear and read the Mainstream Media's glowing reports and opinions of their Left-Wing Liberal issues. One of them is this Left-Wing Liberal Environmentalist promotion of the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG). Democratic Socialists nations around the world convened the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the early 1990's to agree to a set of objectives to reduce Green House Gas emissions. They believe that we humans are the negative source of GHG's emissions and our production is the exclusive cause of global warming. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change produced an amendment to the International Treaty on Climate Change called the Kyoto Protocol.

What is the Kyoto Protocol? Why is it that so many Left-Wing Liberal millionaires are pushing for the U.S. to agree to the Kyoto Protocol? Why didn't Clinton want to agree to the protocol until the end of his presidency? Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger agree to the Kyoto Protocol Scheme? Why is everyone so mad at President Bush for pulling out of Kyoto?

After reading the Kyoto Protocol, I found that it does only one thing. This document literally creates a commodities market for the trade of carbon emissions under the guise of reducing GHG's. The Kyoto Protocol does not result in the reduction and/or elimination of GHG's, improved health, nor increased monetary savings to average consumers!! The Kyoto Protocol is designed

This is how it works. Developed nations (i.e. the Untied States) must reduce our GHG emissions 5% below their our reported 1990 levels. Each country must then conclude what that total emissions level is and then decide the maximum amount that companies and industries are allowed to emit. Companies that emit less than their maximum allowable can create what is called are "carbon credits". Companies that emit more than their maximum allowable amount would risk a fine by the United Nations - unless they agree to purchase carbon credits from those who have some available for sale. Here is an example:
A XYZ company emits 100 tons of carbon each year and the federal government tells XYZ that it must reduce its GHG emissions by 35 tons to 65 tons. Since that reduction could destroy the solvency of XYZ, they would instead would purchase carbon credits from any entity in the world that has them for sale. GRN is allowed to a maximum allowable emission of 80 tons and they actually reduce that amount to 20 tons. This results in a 60 ton credit that it can sell to those who need the credit. One ton of carbon equals 1 credit, so in this scenario GRN has 60 carbon credits that it can sell to any company who wants to avoid UN/Kyoto enforced fines. XYZ could now purchase 35 of GRN's 60 carbon credits without reducing one ounce of GHG's and meet Kyoto Protocol.
Remember. The Kyoto Protocol does not result in the reduction and/or elimination of GHG's, improved health, nor increased savings to average consumers!!
Here is where it gets better. If the U.S. would have ratified the Kyoto Protocol as a Treaty, it would force the creation of a government run trading market for carbon credits. The common term is called "carbon trading". Now what happens if XYZ and GRN are not neighbors? XYZ is based in Sacramento, CA and GRN is in Jackson, MI. and neither company is aware that they need each other. Enter the money changers. These money changers are Finance specialists (i.e. Investment Bankers, Arbitrageurs, Day Traders, commodity & Stock Brokers, etc) who already have the infrastructure to create this carbon trading market. They would then be called carbon traders.
The carbon trading market will set the final prices for the carbon credits and the cost of those trades. Morgan Stanley is investing $3 billion to build its carbon trading floors and to finance the building of construction projects. Goldman Sachs, under CEO Henry "Hank" M. Paulson, Jr. built a $5 million Center for Environmental Markets and committed $1 billion to finance projects that generate energy from sources other than oil and gas. Paulson is now the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.

Left-Wing Liberals want this desperately because they would make hundreds of billions in profits from government mandated carbon trading. This is also why they will not agree to oil exploration in the United States or moving toward clean coal technology. Coal as a fuel source generates about 50% of all electricity in the United States. The amount of money that electrical producers would have been forced to pay would be in the billions to these carbon traders. That increase would definitely be passed to U.S. consumers of electricity.

The increase in utility bills would be a nationalization of the electric utility nightmare that we experienced here in California in the late 1990's, early 2000's. The electric utility debacle here in California led to California's 37th Governor, Democrat Gray Davis to be only the 2nd State Governor in U.S. History to be successfully recalled from office. President Clinton was very cautious not to commit the U.S. and himself to a similar catastrophe. Needless to say that on a national scale, there would be major hell to pay.

I REITERATE! The Kyoto Protocol does not result in the reduction and/or elimination of GHG's, improved health, nor increased savings to average consumers!!

"Gov. Schwarzenegger wants to build a large, robust carbon trading market that will dramatically reduce emissions,'' said Schwarzenegger spokesman Adam Mendelsohn. That explains election 2006 for the California Governor. This statement was a casting call to all of the Left-Wing Liberal millionaires who were going to support Phil Angelides in the 2006 California Gubernatorial election to now support Schwarzenegger. As we know, Schwarzenegger won in a landslide. Earlier this year, Schwarzenegger toured the carbon trading floor at Credit Suisse with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and discussed with New York Governor George Pataki ways for California to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and create an emissions trading exchange. Pataki was the lead founder of the RGGI and thought of the idea in 2003 after President Bush withdrew from the 160-nation Kyoto Protocol on global warming in 2001.

Here is a partial list of some who switched From Angelides to Schwarzenegger:
  • Democrat Terry Tamminen - Recently served as Schwarzenegger's Secretary of California's Environmental Protection Agency. Tamminen came to Schwarzenegger by way of Bobby Kennedy Jr., cousin to Maria Shriver, Schwarzenegger's wife.
  • Democrat Richard Blum - Former Vice Chairman of the Carlyle Group, major Defense Contractor, Husband of California Senator Dianne Feinstein.
  • Liberal Republican F. Warren Hellman - Investment Banker (Hellman & Friedman), Liberal Republican, Responsible for the Congressional career of Nancy Pelosi.
When President Bush came into office in January 2001, he had the benefit of California's tragedy, Former President Clinton's political vacillation, and strong science concluding that the supposed scientific basis for Kyoto (humans are causing global warming) is a complete fraud. Seeing this and other inconsistencies, President Bush decided to withdraw participation in Kyoto and propose to the congress an alternative plan called the Clean Skies Act. Left-Wing Liberals from around the world were both horrified and angered of President Bush's actions because President Bush wanted to actually focus on "cleaning" the air rather than participating in their government enforced profiteering in the name of reducing GHG's.

So as we hear The point persons Robert Kennedy, Jr and Al Gore rant and rave about global warming, realize that both of them are simply trying to position themselves and their interests to make "windfall profits" and do not care about the environment. If they did care, they and their supporters would not be destroying the environment by traveling by private jets and "gas guzzling" vehicles around the country to tell others not to emit GHG's. Remember, Robert Kennedy, Jr. wants wind farms everywhere but his own back yard and Al Gore (who negotiated the Kyoto Protocol on behalf of the United States in 1997 admits that the signers of the Kyoto Protocol do not intend for it to reduce GHG's.

Grab your wallet and run away in panic when a Liberal speaks!!

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Alberto Gonzales Has Got to Go!!

Ken Mehlman did what I recommended - he resigned. All I will remember about him is the unofficial support he gave to now Independent Democrat Senator Connecticut Joseph Lieberman and Left-Wing Liberal Republican Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island.

After spending millions of dollars Mehlman spent attacking Rhode Island Republican Primary Challenger Steve Laffey on behalf of Chafee, Chafee still lost and is now considering leaving the Republican Party. I am glad that he is making that choice.

I have to repeat again that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has to go as well. Gonzales does not have the "testicular fortitude" to prosecute Democrat corruption and seems to only cannibalistically prosecute Republicans exclusively. The results are that the Democrats were able to paint us a singularly corrupt and we had to prosecutorial references to respond. Let me repeat...

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales needs to resign or be forced out!!

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Charlie Brown Republicans and Lucy Democrats

Unlike Democrats I am not going to blame voting machines and civil rights violations for this Republican trouncing. I blame us. Democrats won last night because we Republicans continued to listen and believe Democrats. We bought the emotion of Left-Wing Liberals and tried to "comfort" them rather than defeat them. We Republicans do not seem to want to except that Democrats hate us in the same manner that Islamic Extremists (terrorists) hate the United States. Democrats look for opportunities to convince us to trust them while plotting to use our trust to destroy us. They will never want us to "kick that ball".

In Election 2006 Democrat Challengers proclaimed their Christianity and politicized the War in Iraq. They criticized us so much over the last 4 years for doing the same that they successfully convinced us not to do the same. There was no separating church and state nor any restraint to politicizing the war on their part. They pounded us by using the "mission accomplished" theme against us while making every effort to keep us form using it for ourselves. In effect, Democrats won by being conservative and making us to appear Liberal.

We must learn that trusting a liberal will keep us in the minority. We must believe that their every intention is to embarrass us and destroy us. We must be "Jesus Loving, Gun Supporting" Conservative Republicans and shun any form of [Lucy] Liberalism aggressively and completely.

The only way that we are going to kick that ball is to make sure that the person holding the ball is one of us.

How Republicans Move on

If you are like me then you are seething over the Republican loss last night, Can anyone name a conservative version of the Media Fund, Americans Coming Together, or None! How about a conservative version of George Soros and Peter Lewis? None! Conservative millionaires have go to be willing to spend money!!

If conservatives want to win anything anymore we will have to organize post George Bush. Senator John McCain lead the moderate Republican leadership to passing (and President Bush signing) a campaign finance reform bill that basically destroyed the organization that kept Republicans in power. We wondered in the wilderness for 40 years building positions to debate the opposition, but since that so called campaign finance reform bill was passed and signed, the new strategy is about having the finances to capitalize on the oppositions political weaknesses.

The first thing we must do is get rid of our own weaknesses...
  • U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales - He is too timid to prosecute Democrat corruption.
  • Speaker Dennis Hastert - He is too weak of a leader. He spent too much time trying to be nice to Democrats rather than effectively responding to their attacks with their own hypocrisy.
  • House Majority Leader John Boehner - was so willing to throw Tom Delay out of the leadership that his actions partly caused this fall from the majority.
  • Arizona Senator John McCain - He is the single most responsible person for the downfall of the Republican majority.
Next we must get rid of our weakness for consumption of Left Wing Liberal Mainstream Media for reliable information. We have to shed our fear of upsetting Left Wing Liberals.

A new leadership must be conservative and aggressive. This new Republican leadership has to be fearless in spreading ideas that will increase the amount of money in the pockets of middle income americans. Every issue must have that conclusion in focus. Conservatives must no longer concede any campaign anymore. Let's face it, Democrats came into Republican strongholds and took seats! Ironically I suggested to do the same in liberal strongholds here in Sacramento, CA several weeks ago to the Chairperson of my County Republican Central Committee. She nearly declared me insane.

It will be very difficult to start over again to regain the majority because the Left Wing Liberal Mainstream Media is still in collusion with Democrats to kick us while we are down. They will continue to say that the War in Iraq is was the issue and will add to that other issues that they criticized Republicans with. Their victory gives them the triumph of the rhetoric - even though it may not be true.

By the way, throughout this campaign no one has asked if the War in Iraq was creating more terrorists, then why didn't the War in Afghanistan do the same? Weren't the terrorists mad at us for being there as well?

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Election 2006 - The Iraq War and the Culture of Corruption

Can anyone say what the Republican Response was to Nancy Pelosi's Culture of Corruption or that the Iraq war was no part of the War on Terror? Nothing! Absolutely Nothing!!

Republican elected officials had all of the information to demoralize the Democrat Party. The Iraq Liberation Act, all of the attacks by Islamic extremists on the U.S. from 1993 to 2000, and even evidence that an Iraqi military officer assisted Timothy Mcveigh were all political weapons that elected Republicans refused to use to any major degree in any political debate.

The culture of corruption is wide and deep in the Democrat Party. The website and the Book, "Do As I Say (Not As I Do)" by Peter Schweizer both have an impressive collection of Democrat culture of corruption. Unfortunately, none of their corruption was ever widely known because elected Republicans were too afraid to respond Democrats in that way. All of the major investigations of political figures were against Republicans. It seems that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales seems to have a singular prosecution focus "only" on Republicans.

Here are some examples:
  • Nancy Pelosi has made supporting labor unions a cornerstone of her public career. Yet the vineyards and hotels that comprise her $35 million fortune have one thing in common: they don't use union labor.
  • Ted Kennedy favors racial set-asides on federal contracts -- but when it came to his own investment in an entire city block of Washington, DC, he got his political friends to help him waive an affirmative action set-aside
  • Harry Reid Illegally Channeled Campaign Contributions To Ritz-Carlton Staff Bonuses

Carl Rove and Scooter Libby were dragged like the late James Byrd behind the Republican Administration bus in a hopeless attempt to please insatiable Democrat attackers on the Valerie Plame leak. However, Mary O. McCarthy (the CIA leaker of the so called secret prisons) and the unknown NSA leaker who aided Dana Priest of the Washington Post in getting her Pulitzer Prize regarding story on (foreign surveillance) have yet to be given the Patrick Fitzgerald treatment.

Speaker Hastert went out of his way to protect Democrat William Jefferson of Louisiana who has yet to explain $100,000 in his freezer. However Speaker Hastert abandoned Tom Delay and all of the other Republicans who could have benefited from his "protection". William Jefferson, Democrat of Louisiana was just reelected to the U.S. House of Representatives tonight, thanks in part to Speaker Hastert. Former Majority Leader Tom Delay was forced to resign and his seat went to a Democrat tonight.

Election 2006 wasn't a battle of ideas. Election 2006 was run like case in a courtroom. Perception was everything. Believability was more important than what was factual. Challenging the opposition rhetorically was of primary import, not this Republican brown-nosing to Democrats that elected Republicans too often seem to enjoy. For example, Republicans got on the Mainstream media and would say that the Democrat is a good and decent person while that Democrat was saying that the Republican wants to spy on Americans and keep their healthcare out of reach. The Republican usually has no retort to that pejorative quip.

Democrats learned to micro target for votes and they put up very conservative Democrats to challenge Republican incumbents. We must now join forces as bloggers, activists and willing conservative elected officials to hammer the Democrat culture of corruption during every public policy debate. It must be so loud and so continuous that it keeps Democrats off of their talking points.

This hammering must not end with elected Democrats. We must now focus our efforts on the Left Wing Liberal mainstream media that gave them logistical and reconnaissance support. We have to treat any an all attacks against us as just a shallow effort to keep power. All of the cinematography, videography, and writing used by Left-Wing Liberals to destroy Republicans must now be used by Republicans.

I am not one to believe that the Iraq War policy. Conservative Republicans gained power in 1994 by ideas. Moderate and Liberal Republicans (who seemed to be more affiliated with Democrats than the Republicans they caucused with) squandered our majorities in 2006 by not attacking Democrats who attack Republicans personally.

There needs to be a conservative Blogger and Activist convention to address these issues and see to it that Democrats will no longer in the future gain a majority by merely using scandal to gain control.

Congratulations Democrat Party.

The Republican Struggle, Election 2006

We Republicans are in a horrible situation because our Party has a dangerous affection for liberalism. Our President is a Conservative, but rarely defends conservative principles with any rhetoric. As a matter of fact, President Bush, the titular head of the Republican Party does absolutely nothing to press back against Democrats when they purposefully distort administration policy. Furthermore, the administration does not prosecute those who violate the law who are "in bed" with Left-Wing Liberals.

The current leadership of Republicans is largely not conservative while the majority of the grassroots activists are still conservative. We in the grassroots believe that the current Republican leadership has doted with Left-Wing liberals to such an extent that it is doing irreparable damage to the Republican Party at large. Sadly, these moderate and liberal republicans are getting elected with the support of conservatives in elective office.

Here are a few examples of Republican impotence:
  • Senate Republicans whined about not being able to get a vote on judges because of Democrat filibusters.
  • Former Majority leader Trent Lott agrees to a ridiculous power sharing agreement with the Democrats which results in Democrats temporarily taking control of the U.S. Senate.
  • President Bush lets Ted Kennedy write the Education Bill
  • In 2004 Rick Santorum, Conservative U.S. Senator of Pennsylvania supported Liberal Republican Senator Arlen Spector over conservative challenger congressman Pat Toomey.
  • In 2006, the Senate Republican Campaign Committee spent millions in Rhode Island to defend the extreme liberal Lincoln Chafee in his primary contest against Steve Laffey.
Adding to that list is the seeming allowance by elected Republicans to let Democrats define every effort of the Administration. For example, the current unemployment rate is 4.4%. Democrats say "yeah, yeah" but then slam that number by saying that those jobs don't pay as much as they did during the Clinton Administration. Wealth as increased exponentially in America over the past 6 years yet Democrats proclaim that the average, when broken down really shows that wealth and income is centralized to the top income earners. The President has had all of the information that he could have used to prove that there was a connection between Saddam and Osama, yet they consistently shied away from that debate. Unfortunately, all of these Administration triumphs were explained by the Mainstream Media and the Democrat Party.

What could have Republicans done?
  • Realize that when liberals ask about the War in Iraq that they are not asking for clarity but to embarrass the Administration. Challenge the underlying motive of the question rather than the question itself.
  • Coordinate political debate strategy with activists in the base. Don't just assign to the base the grunk work of volunteering during a campaign. Share information with the base. participate in the "daily grind" with the activists.
  • Hold hearings on the skyrocketing costs of college tuition rather than on baseball.
  • Constantly hold votes on Judges even if that means gridlock in the Senate.
  • Demand that the Supposedly Republican Justice Department actually prosecute Democrats who violate the law rather than just Republicans.
  • Appeal to the nation how many high paying jobs would be created if we drilled for our own oil in the United States.
  • Repeal the executive order by former President Bill Clinton to ban the mining of coal in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah.
  • Highlight Democrat corruption.
  • Build a consortium of Republican 527's who can give millions to offset the millions given to Democrat candidates.
  • Highlight the racism in the Democratic Party.

Republicans have got to realize that we should treat Left-Wing Liberals as political enemies of the United States, not just citizens who are wrong. The phrase "I do not challenge their patriotism, I just disagree with them" is that mentality that ended Reconstruction in the after the U.S. Civil War and extended the "life" of Jim Crow.

No matter what we say about Democrats, they have only been out of power in the congress for 12 years in the House and a combined 10 years in the Senate. compare that with 40 years for Republicans in the House and 36 years in the Senate before 1994.

Democrats pushed Republicans off message constantly with empasis on scandal and emflaming voter anger over the war in Iraq. Republicans never responded in kind, angering the Republican base. Again, the Republican leadership seemed more interested in being admired by Left Wing Liberals than remaining loyal to the Republican constituency.

Loyalty to the base means something, but for some reason elected Republicans don't want to accept it. My question to elected Republicans is...Do you want to continually see judges who legislate from the bench? Do you want my taxes to go up? Do you want my job to be offered to an illegal alien for less money? Do you want me to have to endure the "cut and run" policy of Left Wing Liberals? If not then you need to listen to me, the Republican voter, and stop trying to find "common ground" with the political enemy - the Left Wing Liberal Democratic Party.

Whether we win or lose as a party, we must immediately change our leadership and never have to visit this political trauma again.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Why North Korea only wants to talk to "U.S."

Six party talks are failing because the DPRK wants to talk directly to the United States about the state of war between the two countries. The DPRK is no longer interested in talking to the other parties because the solutions proposed by Russia, Japan, China, and South Korea to continue pursuing regional economic cooperation do not include removing U.S. military presence from the DPRK's southern border. Kim Jon Il believes that the U.S. is hiding behind the six-party talks to attack the DPRK. This is the major "sticking point" the negotiations. This is why he is trying so hard to build a nuclear weapons program of its own.

European and Asian nations want to build a network of oil & gas pipelines, and railroads that traverse the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (aka North Korea aka DPRK). This network will literally connect Paris France to Shimonoseki, Japan. The network will go through Moscow, Russia; Beijing, China; Pyongyang, North Korea; Seoul, South Korea; Pusan, South Korea; then underwater to Japan. The formal name is the Trans-Korean-Trans-Siberian Project (TKR-TSR Project).

Most of the planning is completed, but there is one huge problem - the United States is technically still at war with the DPRK. The most important access route in the entire TKR-TSR Project is the inter-Korean Rail link which crosses the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). The DMZ is the border of North and South Korea.

Reopening the inter-Korean Railroad provides Russia and China lucrative access to South Korea and will provide economic incentives to rebuild and maintain their dilapidated Siberian Railroads. Also it would finally connect South Korea to Western Europe by land. That land connection would cut the time of transport of goods between Europe and South Korea from 3 weeks by ocean to 1 week by rail. Throughout all of this commerce, North Korea will earn billions of dollars in transit fees. Upon its completion, the Korean Peninsula would become the most important international transportation hub in the far east.

By early 1994 Kim Il Sung was having talks with the U.S. to end the Korean war and reopen the inter-Korean railroad. It had been closed since the Korean War began in 1950. Kim Il Sung had also been discussing the possibility of the TKR-TSR project with Japan, Russia, China, South Korea, and the United States.

Kim Il Sung died in July 1994 and the aforementioned nations finalized a memorandum of understanding with his son Kim Jon Il in October 1994 called "The Agreed Framework". The Agreed Framework commits the U.S. and the DPRK to do the following:
  • Cooperate to replace the DPRK’s graphite-moderated nuclear reactors and related facilities with 1000 megawatt light-water reactor (LWR) power plants for producing electricity. 500,000 tons of heavy fuel oil will be delivered by the U.S. at no cost to North Korea to facilitate their energy needs during the transition. The U.S., South Korea, and Japan setup the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) to implement the Agreed Framework. The KEDO charter members agreed that South Korea and Japan would pay the $4 billion for the LWR.
  • Move toward full normalization of political and economic relations.
  • Work together for peace and security on a nuclear free Korean peninsula. DPRK agreed to unannounced inspections of its nuclear program to insure compliance.
  • Will work together to strengthen the international nuclear non proliferation regime.
North Korea violated the Agreed Framework almost immediately after it was signed. Heavy fuel oil was diverted its intended purpose and sold in the black market. North Korea continued making counterfeit U.S. currency. IAEA inspections were constantly interrupted by North Korean officials. North Korean submarines were trespassing South Korean coastlines which delayed the construction of the Kumho LWR Site. The DPRK launched a ballistic missile over Japan.

Fearing a breakdown in the TKR-TSR project due to North Korea's non compliance, in October 2000 Secretary of State Madeline Albright (in the Clinton Administration) went to North Korea to reassure Kim Jon Il that the regional partners in the TKR-TSR project remain committed to the Agreed Framework so that the economic cooperation can proceed. There is no record that Albright pressured Kim Jon Il to stop his violations.
Albright could not get North Korea to "expose" itself to the required scrutiny necessary to become an economic ally. The biggest issue, which can bee seen by satellite is the fact that the DPRK's electrical grid barely sustains its capital - proof that it is not trying to expand its energy resources to facilitate the TKR-TSR project.
Meetings were held in Pyongyang to discuss South Korea's possible supply of electrical power to the North. Talks broke down over demands by North Korean negotiators to tap South Korea's power supply quickly, and to strictly limit South Korean access to North Korea's energy industry. In previous talks, North Korea had offered to have South Korea conduct an energy survey of Pyongyang. South Korean negotiators cited concerns about power sharing costs and said it would need to conduct a more complete study. Seoul also wanted to carry out a study of its own energy industry before deciding how much electricity it could spare. South Korean officials estimate it would take four years and $630 million to build new power lines across the border. As an alternative, Seoul is reportedly considering giving North Korea surplus coal for its thermal plants.
In February of 2001, The Bush Administration expressed it dissatisfaction with North Korea's actions. To try to calm Kim Jon Il's paranoia of a U.S. attack, after the attacks on 9/11 the Bush administration wanted to formerly agree with North Korea to do the following:
  • Both Koreas, China, and the United States to finally sign a peace treaty to end the 1950-53 Korean war.
  • North Korea must pull back 500,000 troops from the DMZ—as the Bush Administration has been loudly demanding;
  • North Korea must to open its economy and allow large-scale investment by South Korea and allied nations.
  • North Korea must sign agreements regulating transport of people and goods across the Trans-Korean Railway, allowing increased freedom for its citizens.
Kim Jon Il got the offer he wanted but was not willing to complete North Korea's political obligation for getting what he wanted. So by early August of 2003 he pulls North Korea out of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) believing that by doing so, the regional partners would be more willing to just continues the economic partnership without forcing North Korea to the Agreed Framework.

By late August of 2003 the Six regional parties convened in China to pressure the DPRK to go back to both the NNPT and the Agreed Framework. The DPRK resisted the requests and demanded to speak only to the United States. When the U.S. refused, the DPRK apparently tested a nuclear weapon. Kim Jon Il believes that if he were to "go nuclear" as he apparently did then he can force the United States to negotiate with him directly. Unfortunately, all Kim Jon Il did was further distance the DPRK from the world and increased the possibility that all of the region will be "nuclear tipped"

Until the DPRK set off an apparent explosion (against the wishes of the world - especially China) it was thought that China had considerable leverage over North Korea. China thought that they could convince North Korea that the TKR-TSR would give them the finances to be a more modern independent communist nation. Realizing that it is not the reality, DPRK's action has done more to raise concern of instability on Korean Peninsula and made the fruition of the TKR-TSR less of a reality. No longer is the discussion about the TKR-TSR, it is now about a dictator feverishly pursuing nuclear weapons.

This apparent test has created an added problem. Kim Jon Il knows that China is horrified that if he is deposed, his replacement would be worse than him. So Kim Jon Il took the aggressive posture and "apparently" tested a nuclear bomb. The problem is that he has cut himself from any "regime stabilizing" foreign assistance except the Chinese. Others in the region to consider going nuclear. If Kim Jon Il had not been paranoid and accepted the terms offered by the United States and completed the TSR-TKR, then he would be an economic power player in the world. Now he must be concerned about those in his government who are angered by his actions and are willing to pursue a regime change.

Friday, October 6, 2006

Why did Hamas and Hezbollah attack Israel in the Summer of 2006?

This is a long posting. However, this is just a synapsis of the real Hamas and Hezbollah's attack on Israel.

To halt the pursuit of U.S. and western companies for potential dominance of the exploration and transport of oil, gas, and water from the Middle East, Eurasia, and the Mediterranean to the western countries and Asia. Hamas and Hezbollah are financed by Iran and Syria (with the support of Russia and China) to be military satellites on Israel's northern and southern ends to keep Israel from being the "unquestionable point country" in the worldwide oil industry. Hamas launched their attack on June 25th 2006 and Hezbollah launched an attack on July 12th 2006. Hamas and Hezbollah were used in the same manner as countries were once used during the Cold War. Syria and Iran thought that by militarily forcing Israel to the negotiating table, Russia, China, Syria, and Iran could convince Israel and western nations to redesign its oil pursuits in the Middle East, Eurasia, and the Mediterranean.

Ever since Israel has been a country, western nations had planned to make Israel the "point country" in the Middle East, Eurasia, and the Mediterranean for the transport of oil, gas, and water to the western world. Those plans were constantly redrawn in order to address current events in the region. Technology and the evolution of times has finally made these plans feasible for execution.

Ever since oil replaced coal as the most important natural resource for supremacy in the 1870’s. Even if the United States no longer used the oil derivative gasoline for commercial use, we would still need to compete to control it. The reason is that there are over 6000 other products (from aspirin and plastic to rubbing alcohol and vaseline) are made directly from crude oil. The “first world” will always need oil derivatives to stay modern and there is no viable alternative that can be grown or produce synthetically that can replace its use.

The current strategy of the U.S. is to compete for access to Caspian Sea oil with the least amount of exposure to instability. Western nations and companies have organized various consortiums to build a global oil infrastructure that will make that access safe and profitable. The supreme construction within that infrastructure is the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Pipeline.

The BTC Pipeline is the 1000 mile oil and gas transport pipeline built buy western oil companies to travel through western friendly nations in the Middle East, Eurasia, and the Mediterranean. The former Soviet Union (USSR) once controlled the Caspian Sea Region for its oil and gas until the Soviet Government collapsed in 1989. Nearly all of the former Soviet Union's energy resources came from the Caspian Sea and it took over other nations in order to have both exclusivity in the Caspian Sea region for oil and gas as well as transportation routes from different parts of the Caspian Sea to “Mother Russia”. Ever since the Soviet collapse, the U.S., Israel , and Western Europe have been establishing diplomatic relationships with former Soviet satellite governments to establish trade for Caspian Sea oil and gas. The BTC Pipeline is the first pipeline built in the Caspian Sea region that is not controlled by “Mother Russia”.

The BTC pipeline connects the Caspian Sea with the Mediterranean Sea without the need for Russia or Iran. The BTC Pipeline connects pipelines from Iraq (i.e the Kirkuk-Mosul-Haifa Pipeline) and Turkey (in Ceyhan) directly to ports and pipelines in Israel (Haifa, Ashkelon, and Eilat). These connecting pipelines that traverse Israel allow for oil to goto the Red Sea without having to travel by boat through the increasingly inefficient Suez Canal. The BTC Pipeline eliminates the need to do business with Russia and Iran for nearly all major markets for the production and transport of oil out of Eurasia. Chinese companies now have to do more business with the United States and Israel in order to get the best price and security for transport routes for oil and gas. This is why the Bush Administration is not concerned about our deficit or the national debt.

The BTC Pipeline will replace the necessity of Russia for its oil and access routes, Iran's oil and ports, Syria's ports, and China’s investments in oil infrastructure. China tried to curb it’s financial exclusion that was caused by the BTC Pipeline by purchasing U.S. oil company Unocal. The bid was lost to U.S. based Chevron who at the time had no investment in the BTC Pipeline. China was furious.

Here is a 2006 snapshot of the state of affairs of nations who are supporting Hamas and Hezbollah:
China has huge appetite for oil and natural gas. China is 60 years late getting into the oil and gas industry, so they are setting up corporations that partner and purchase various interests in order to import oil and gas. China cannot get access to the most current technology necessary to produce more of its own oil or import oil from places other than the middle east and north africa because of U.S. and ally trade restrictions with Communist governments. Over 25% of China's oil is transported by oil tanker which makes their imports vulnerable to Piracy. Since their imports are going up exponentially, their costs for importing oil are unsustainable in the long term. China wants relationships wherein they can import oil and gas by pipeline which is a fraction of their normal import costs.

Russia reportedly has more oil than Saudi Arabia. However Russia's proven reserves are only 8th in the world have been in decline due to their lack of technical expertise to do adequate exploration and drilling to supply the growing energy needs of the world. The former Soviet Union built a network of transport routes that went nearly exclusively through Russia from the former Soviet satellite Republics and its crown jewel of energy, the Caspian Sea. The Russian economy is still heavily dependent on the import of oil and gas from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan for re-export to the rest of the world.

Iran has major problems with its oil industry. 80% of the Iranian economy is in the oil industry. Since the entire oil infrastructure in Iran is American made, U.S. sanctions have prevented Iran from upgrading its refineries to increase production. The inability to increase production limits Iran's ability to do very many large export deals. Consequently, nearly all oil and/or gas deals with Iran requires the importing nation to help develop Iran's oil fields. Iran's importers are also dissatisfied with the fact that has too few land based pipeline routes. The few it has access to belong to Russia. Most of Iran's oil is transported by tanker. Iran's importers feared the loss of their tankers due to piracy, general problems at sea, and interference by other nations (i.e. the U.S.) for entering unauthorized shipping routes. So importers look to other countries in the middle east countries for larger and longer contracts for oil. Iran tries to be more attractive by lowering its oil prices, and offering insurance to compensate for any threats to tanker traffic in the Gulf, and also extend credit as an incentive. Despite these special offers, some of its customers still turn to the Middle East. Iran is also a net importer of about 40% of its gasoline consumption. This is about 7 million gallons per day with a total cost of $5 billion per year. Iran's gasoline is heavily subsidized so that its consumer price is about 40¢ per gallon in order to avoid any democratic revolution. Once again U.S. sanctions have made it less expensive to import gasoline than it is to try to produce it in-country.

Syria makes hundreds of millions each year in what are called "transit fees". These are fees paid to Syria by oil companies and countries for transporting oil through pipelines that cross Syrian territory. Although Syria does have domestic oil production AND it represents nearly 60% of its foreign exports, it still does not have enough investment and technology to have the production levels needed to sustain the Syrian economy. Transit fees allow Syria to both import adequate amounts of oil and gas as well as receive Also Syrian laws do not allow for adequate expansion of its own capital markets to diversify from such a large dependance on oil.
The BTC Pipeline eliminates other issues of oil and gas transport issues such as building oil tankers with capacity to deliver requisite amounts of oil to places where it is needed. Many of these “supertankers” are are bottlenecking at too many ports and ocean routes to continue to be prosperous and safe for importers. They are also too large and/or too dangerous to go through routes such as the Suez Canal in Egypt and the Dardanelles & Bosphorus Straits in Turkey. Furthermore, it would be too expensive and time consuming to revert back to smaller tankers. Another problem with oil tankers is that too many tankers are being threatened by pirates, encountering problems at sea, or are interfered with by other nations for accessing unauthorized shipping routes.

Putin was active in trying to kill the BTC Pipeline projects. Putin surmised correctly that transit fees and taxes paid to the Russian government would significantly decrease of the BTC Pipeline is built. Se Putin lobbied President Bush to support the indefinite postponement of the BTC Pipeline and to instead expand on the Baku-Grozny-Novorossiisk Pipeline. This Pipeline went from Baku, Azerbaijan at the Caspian Sea in Novorossiisk, through Grozny, Chenya, to Russia at the Black Sea. At the time Baku-Grozny-Novorossiisk Pipeline was the only functioning pipeline out of Azerbaijan. It provided only 5 million barrels per year, but could be modified to produce what the BTC was expected to produce. U.S. agreement to use the Baku-Grozny-Novorossiisk Pipeline would be a huge boost to tax collections and transit fees to the Russian government as well maintain its national security. So immediately after the 9/11 attacks, Putin called President Bush to pledge his support for responding to the the 9/11 attacks at their base in Central Asia.

Part of the Baku-Grozny-Novorossiisk Pipeline goes through Chechnya, where the Chechen Rebels are considered terrorists on the level of Al Qaeda to the U.S. Putin thought that if the U.S. would sign on to the Baku-Grozny-Novorossiisk Pipeline, the agreement would that the U.S. would by default join Russia in eliminating Russia's terrorist problem as the U.S. also eliminates it own terrorist problem and obtain security for the transport of oil, gas, and water from the Caspian Region.

Putin also knew that Russian Billionaire Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky, CEO of Russia's largest Oil Company, Yukos, intended to buy control of Russia's oil and gas pipelines and then sale Yukos to western oil companies. Putin didn't have a problem with the arrangement as long as transit fees and taxes paid to the Russian government continued to flow and grow. It would have been seen as a significant leap into capitalism and free enterprise by Moscow.

However when the Bush Administration stayed committed to the BTC Pipeline and informed Putin that the U.S. would be withdrawing from the ABM Treaty, Putin was outraged. Putin was also infuriated when he found out that U.S. Green Berets were sent to the Republic of Georgia to train the Georgian Army on how to secure the country against "western recognized" terrorists and make the country safe for western trade and investment.

So in retaliation, the Putin Administration charged, tried, and convicted Khodorkovsky, of tax evasion and sentenced him to 9 years in prison for fraud. The U.S. was then outraged. These series of "tit-for-tats" continued Between the U.S. as played out in the United Nations, the Israeli Palestinian conflict, and of course the Hamas and Hezbollah attacks on Israel.

Russia's largest customer is the European Union (EU). The European Union (EU) currently receives 30% of its oil and 50% of its gas from Russia. The BTC Pipeline will cripple that relationship. The EU will now be able to diversify its oil and gas imports, which will harm Russia financially. The EU-Russia energy relationship is also the principle reason why the EU will not list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.

Iran's largest importer is Japan. Japan's investment in the BTC pipeline will definitely compromise Iranian petrodollars coming from Japan. Iran's desperate efforts to acquire the latest oil technology and to sell oil will be further restricted.

China is heavily invested in Iran and Russia. The BTC pipeline will limit China's ability to profit from those investments beyond importing oil and gas for its own consumption. The BTC Pipeline decreases the need for western nations to do business with China for access to oil and gas. The BTC Pipeline and its future connecting pipelines allows western friendly nations to do business cheaper and thereby decreasing the value of China's Investments.

Syria is losing tens of millions of dollars each month in transit fees. Recovering from this grave loss requires Syria to make some decisions...either join the western nations in the pursuit of oil and gas or remain allied with Iran, Russia, and China.

When Hamas and Hezbollah launched attacks on Israel, the world thought that it was just a lingering dispute over historical land. This land has been fought over for centuries, but this time oil and oil infrastructure is what they are fighting over, not just not just Allah versus Elohim.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Keith Olbermann is off of his Meds

I just heard Keith Olbermann (host of the rarely tunned in, Keith Olbermann Show) have a Left-Wing Seizure on his show. I said that I heard it because I have never watched his show. I listened to his lying, hypocritical rant on the Larry Elder Radio Show just a few moments ago.

I had no Idea how venomous this man is. I wonder if he is just angry about his paltry ratings. Apparently Keith Olbermann is also mad because like a a groused pheasant he is angry that Chris Wallace on Foxnews Sunday made it clear that Keith Olbermann and other Left-Wing Liberals have never critically questioned former President Clinton about is neglect which led to the terrorist attacks on 9-11.

What is commonly known about Left-Wing Liberal media is that they have no problem with Clinton's actions while he was President. This is why they do not ask him those questions. As long as Republicans refrain from conlucing that Left-Wing Liberal media is an enemy of freedom, truth, and honesty Keith Olbermann and his ilk will make their Left-Wing Seizures truth in the minds of the next generation's voters.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

About Terrell Owens

It seems that every time there is a rape, a murder, or any other human tragedy "unconnected to a seeming epidemic" I am not interested in the condition of Terrell Owens! Terrell has the best that money can buy, so they will do what is necessary for him and I do not need to hear about it!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why Liberals seem to be taking over the Republican Party

Left-Wing Liberals are taking over the Republican Party because conservatives are no longer energized to fight to preserve what freed slaves, gave women the right to vote, and ended racial segregation. The GOP is now allowing the ideology that apposed freeing slaves, the right to vote, and ending segregation to have a preeminent presence in the Party. The current Republican Party leadership has actively aligned itself with Left-Wing Liberals (both Democrat and Republican) to fight against conservative Republicans at every opportunity. The best evidence of this is the Governorship in California and the recent U.S. Senate race in Rhode Island.

The Republican National Committee openly supported a Liberal Republican in the Rhode Island Senate Primary in the 2006 congressional elections and even spends millions to defeat the conservative Republican. The RNC even threatened to withdraw support if the conservative wins. Here in California, Liberal Republicans are coddling Left-Wing Liberals all over the state while giving conservatives the left foot of fellowship. It seems as if the current leadership of the Republican Party wants to abandon its conservatism and us conservatives entirely. Just as an exorcise, do some research to see if the Republican Party has ever gone through such extreme measures to support and protect a conservative when challenged by a Liberal.

Notice that since Republicans have been in the Majority in Washington with a Republican in the Whitehouse, they have done so many things that only Democrats should be caught doing. Excessive spending, curtailing civil rights, ignoring immigration laws, being soft on crimes by Left-Wing Liberals, and spineless when it comes to destroying Left-Wing Liberal rhetoric with facts. Sadly, conservatives have been going along with much of this political behavior without getting anything in exchange.

We conservatives will go the way of all extinct creatures if we do not fight to survive. No longer do we sit by and allow fellow conservatives and conservative principles to be pushed aside by donations by conservatives to the California and National Republican Party.

We Republicans have got to do more to communicate with each other with our money and time. For instance, there needs to be an organization outside of the Republican Party structure that will advocate conservative principles. Next we need to identify conservatives who are willing to spend large amounts of money to promote conservative principles. We need a public relations syndicate that does rapid response to the politics of an issue as well as the issue itself. For example, at the time when Michael Moore was slamming Halliburton it should have been well publicized at that same time that he was a shareholder in Halliburton. The same should have held true for Left-Wing Liberal California U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer. We should have known about the no-bid contracts offered by the Clinton Administration at the same time that Left-Wing Liberals were attacking the Bush Administration for approving no-bid contracts.

Conservatives need to reduce that part of their "busy schedule" (i.e. political volunteering and political smooching with high ranking public officials) and devote those efforts to the conservative organizing. The conservative organization must become well known for more than just social issues. Political and economic issues must also be included. It must clearly define conservatism to include freedom from poverty without the need of "government love".

The Left-Wing Liberal foundation begins and ends with group identity for financial stability and dependence on their leadership to provide government programs for safety and security...that includes Left-Wing Liberal Republicans.

My friends, the battle is conservatism (what God wants) verses Left-Wing Liberalism (what man wants for himself) [Genesis 3:22 & Ephesians 6:10-18]. That has always been the debate and that will always be the debate. We must win the debate to keep the United States of America, The United States of America.

Monday, September 4, 2006

Republican will not lose the house, but will have a close call...

Republicans are having a hard time in pre-election polling, rhetoric, and fundraising for just a few simple reasons.
  1. The current GOP leadership in the house is largely moderate to liberal.
  2. The current GOP leadership is not trying to communicate directly with the base
  3. The current GOP leadership has decided to pursue passage of major Democrat platform issues while ignoring the national Republican platform.
  4. The current GOP leadership is spending more time arguing against Republican activists along the side of Democrats rather than to shout down the minority.
  5. The current GOP leadership spends too much trying to finds ways to appease Democrats rather than utilizing the readily available opposition research to beat their opponents into silence.
  6. The current GOP leadership is not supportive of fellow Republicans who are in political trouble.
Conservatives all over the country are constantly composing the ammunition to fire back at Left-Wing Liberals but the timidity of the current leadership is astounding. When was the last time that you ever heard Speaker Hastert lambast Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for her political hypocrisy? When was the last time that you ever heard Majority leader Frist tear a verbal hole into Minority Leader Harry Reid with fact that would permanently silence Reid? Who in the Republican Party came to the rescue of Virginia Senator George Allen when the Left-Wing Liberal cabal attacked him for his macaca comment? Delaware Senator Joe Biden and New York Senator Hillary Clinton made similar insensitive comments and not one Republican fought back with those facts.

When the Republican majority in the House of Reps is lost to the Democrats, notice that the losers will be moderate and liberal Republicans...not conservatives.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Government Funded Religion that the ACLU approves of

The picture below is Fordson High School in Dearborn, Michigan.

The picture below is of a muslim prayer vigil during a local high school football game in Dearborn Michigan

To date, non of those who are outraged with protestant christianity existing in the public square are even irritated by this blatant display of mixing mosque and state...hmmmmm...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mexican Extremists Invade under the guise of Protest

After seeing this photo of mexican extremists posing as protesters, I am now convinced that tolerance only means allowing those to the left to do and say what what they want...with no response WHATSOEVER!!!

The picture above is of a post office in maywood, california (a small city in Los Angeles County). The mexican extremists "claimed" that United States property on behalf of the country of Mexico. They did not appear to be protesting minimum wages, universal healthcare, or increased federal subsidies. They are doing what they said that they would do...instigate the forces of good in the United States to take back the Southwest of the United States for Mexico.

What is so humiliating about all of this is that today's leadership is so arrogant that they are neither listening to those of us who argue to recognize this as an invasion OR the mexican extremists themselves who are saying that their purpose is to invade the U.S.! and have better background than I can give on this subject.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Deport the Illegal Alien Now!!

This woman is 31 year old Elvira Arellano. Arellano illegally entered the U.S. in 1997 and was deported soon afterward. "She returned within days, living for three years in Oregon before moving to Chicago in 2000. She was arrested in 2002 for using a false social security number ( a felony if it were you or me) at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, where she was working as a cleaning airplanes! She was ordered to serve 3 years probation and eventual deportation...AGAIN!! Instead she sought, and was given sanctuary in her Chicago church in protest of her sentence.

Federal INS Officials need to do arm themselves with MP5 submachine guns, storm the church, snatch the illegal alien out of the church pastor's arms, and rush the illegal alien out of the church to the first plane leaving for Mexico!!
If any one of the churchmembers resists, shoot them to kill them and burn the entire church to the ground!! You may have a problem with that tactic, but that's just what Democrat Federal officials did during the Clinton Administration during the 1990's!!

In 1993, Former U.S. Army General Wesley Clark, in coordination with then Texas Governor Ann Richards and then U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno (all Democrats) devised and exeucted a military strategy (in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act) to destyroy the Branch Davidian religious compound in Waco, Texas.
"Nearly 90 civilians – men, women and children –
massacred by being shot and/or burned alive." (worldnet daily)
None of these murderous Democrats were ever removed from their offices as a result of their fatal actions. In the name of a cult and based on mere allegations of various types of wrongdoing, they slaughtered innocent men women and children and their supporters never said a word relating to their stepping down as a consequence.

None of these murderers gave a damn about how their actions would affect other family members or other children of America.

At the point of an MP5 submachine gun, INS agents ripped Elian Gonzalez out of the arms of loved ones, thrown onto a plane, and sent back to Communist Cuba. Left-Wing Liberals accross the nation cheered the Clinton Administration's actions.

Once again, Republicans are showing their cowardice to enforce the law when they are confronted by Left-Wing Liberals. Once again, we can count on that cowardice emotion to evolve into outrage at us, the Republican base, for criticizing their spinelessness.

The above picrtures are proof positive that Left-Wing Liberals don't give a damn about what Republicans protest. They will do what they want to do and they will attack those who attack what they have done. I only wish the Republican Party could do the same.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Jackson, Sharpton, Waters Help a Racist to Win

Left-Wing Liberal Ned Lamont is a racist. Members of his campaign staff are racists as well. However Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Congresswoman Maxine Waters led delagations to Connecticut not to protest but to support the Left-Wing Liberal Racist Ned Lamont.

Apparently, there it is possible to tolerate Left-Wing Liberal Racist Ned Lamont in this political climate because he is are suficiently angered by the name George Bush.

It seems that the dinosaurs of liberal black activism are willing to set aside any and all ferver for protecting the interests of Black dignity and equitable treatment in favor of supporting anyone who hates President Bush and the U.S. War on Terrorism in Iraq.

I wrote back in 2003 the following article called, "Some Whites can call us Nigga!!":
We are called the "N" word by everybody these days. However very few people actually get away with it. Blacks colloquially call each other niggaz, but I have noticed an unusual trend. There seems to be a resurgance, among those who are not black, to use the word to refer to Black people! Shocking!! I remember reading about the word "Nigger" being used to refer to a Black person when Black slavery was an acceptable, yet barbaric practice in this country. The word and its offspring were used primarily by southern Democrats whenever addressing Blacks. Never in my wildest imagination would I even consider the thought of hearing a person who was not white actually use the word and escape "Black Wrath" as expressed by the liberal so-called Black leadership in this nation.

In late October 2002, a popular radio shock-jockm (Niel Rogers) in Florida labeled Dr. Condoleeza Rice a "House Negro". Last Year, US Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia said on Foxnews Sunday the there is such thing as a white nigger (obviously meaning that everybody already knows about "Black Niggers". Also last year California Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamanté called a group of Blacks, niggers. Interestingly, he wasn't with friends or other non-Blacks, he was the keynote speaker before a group of Black trade unionists during Black History Month! What made that so bad was the fact that he was reading a script that didn't even have the word in it. How could they do it? How can these folks just simply hurl these insults to Blacks without any concern for reprisal by Blacks? The following is a list of prerequisites that will qualify any person to freely call blacks the "N" word in all of its various forms:
  1. The verbal offender must be a Left-wing Liberal (Conservatives need not apply).
  2. Have close Black Liberal friends (preferably a best friend).
  3. The epithet must be directed at a Black person that the Black populous either is not largely familiar with or does not appreciate - for whatever reason.
  4. Most importantly, the Black victim must be an identified conservative.
Whites and others who follow this formula are effectively shielded from sure retribution by Blacks. So Eminem et. al should be comforted by the exemptions to the use of the word Nigga in all of its various expressions. Even the Ku Klux Klan can be excused from their viciousness if they would just follow these few steps.
In addition, Donna Brazile (a Democratic Strategist) and the lone Black U.S. Senator Barack Obama, Democrat of Illinois, have been actively campaigning for the unrepentant Klansman, U.S. Senator Robert Byrd Democrat of West Virginia.

If the current leadership of Republicans were stronger, there could be significant advantages taken to make genuine connections with Blacks and expand the Republican Party base as a consequense. I long for that kind of strength in leadership.

Monday, August 7, 2006

Reuters Regularly engages in photo terrorism

The current "crap" of fake photos is just the latest in a barage of photo journalistic Katyusha's fired at Israel and the United States...specifically the Bush Administration.

Remember this photo highlighting President Bush wanting to goto the bathroom?

Or how about this photo of the staged Iraqi terrorist fighter?

Reuters and most of the other Left-Wing Liberals who control the Mainstream Media, are ingaged in media terrorism against the Bush Administration. As a matter of fact, any person who opposes socialism is "katyashad" by Left-Wing Liberals who control the Mainstream Media. I am now convinced that they have been doing this to every Republican who loves freedom from Socialism since the Reagan Administration.

Reuters does this because it is a European controlled corporation. As with the European Union as a whole, Reuters stands against the interests of free people in the United States. I do not expect Reuters to act any different than the 19 terrorists who created havoc for us on 9/11.

I hope that this serves as further evidence that the enemies of the United States really are domestic as well as foreign. Left-Wing Liberals who control the Mainstream Media will not stop this because like illegal immigration and drug smuggling, we who push back the forces of socialism will not be able to get all of the fake photos that get to the public.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

There was never much support for Israel

Left-Wing Liberals all over the world are ingesting the "verbal Katyushas" fired by Left-Wing Liberals in the European Union, the Middle East, Asia and here in the United States at Israel.

Left-Wing Liberals are saying constantly that when Hezbollah committed terrorists acts against Israel that the "world community" was sympathetic to Israel. Left-Wing Liberals will even go through the verbal contortion of saying that even Arab governments agreed that Israel had a right to respond to Hezbollah's terrorist acts against the Jewish State. My friends read the following very clearly...

There is no such thing as Left-Wing Liberal support for Israel! There never has and never will! Any belief to the contrary is schizophrenic!

Those who are the least bit critical of Israel's response to Hezbollah are being intentionally misleading and using their position as pundits to derail our accurate assessment of why there is war in Lebanon. The Left-Wing Liberal European Union formerly rejects declaring Hezbollah a terrorist organization. Left-Wing Liberals here in the United States will not call Hezbollah a terrorist organization. As a matter of fact Left-Wing Liberals here in the United States are vocal supporters of Hezbollah. Remember pictures like the one below...

Hat tip: Moonbatmedia (Here and Here)

The picture above represents the sentiment of Left-Wing Liberals all over the world. I hear these terrorist appeasors constantly saying how the image of the U.S. is damaged and that our support of Israel has prohibited us from being an "honest broker". They say these things because they are not "honest" with the fact that they have never voiced support for the U.S. and Israel in our will to survive.

Besides, when the Clinton Administration proped up the Lebanese government, they knew what Hezbollah was doing. The Clinton Administration knew that it was ignoring a powderkeg by not loudly and persistantly damanding that U.N. Resolutions 1559, 475, 425 and the Taif agreements apply to Hezbollah. They ignored the problem so that it would eventually land in the lap of President Bush.

I support every action that Israel has taken to defend itself from the actions of a Lebonese propted up terrorist group, Hezbollah and Hamas.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

A Lebanonese "Political Party" has Long Range Missiles

Iran admits that it is arming a political party in Lebanon and no one in Lebanon is worried. Let me be clear, I am a registered Republican. If Mexico was arming the Republican or Democratic Party here in the United States, I would be more worried about that than I would any foreign aggression.

I would be very worried if I am passionately debating global warming, minimum wage, taxes, or stem cell research and I know that my political opposition is armed to the teeth with a zelzal-2-missile. Her anger with my position might end up in her shooting off a missile to destroy my entire city.

Does any one see the problem with a militarized Hezbollah...Or is it Just Me?

Cherry Picking to build a Conspiracy

The Left-Wing Liberals are out again, trying to give away their "Bush created the 9/11" snake oil. John Cashich had one on his "Heartland" show earlier on Fox news. To those wh insist that there is some scandal with Bush and 9/11, here are some things you need to clear up:
  • Besides marvin P. Bush and Mishal Yousef Saud al-Sabah who else served on the Securacom/Stratesec Board?
  • Who else sat on the HCC Insurance (formerly Houston Casualty Co) corporate board besides Marvin again?
  • Who are ALL of the interests that make up the Kuwait-American Corporation (KuwAm)?
    Who held the security contract for the WTC in 1993.
  • Who held and currently holds the security contracts for Dulles International Airport.
    Has any of those who were pardoned by former President Bill Clinton been cross referenced with any of the aformentioned?

I am willing to conclude that these Left-Wing Liberals have simply "cherry picked" their information to build a case that President Bush is somehow suspect in the 9/11 tragedy due to their seething rage and hatred for President Bush.

Whenever a Left-Wing Liberal speaks, always know in your mind that what they just said is not the entire story...even if what they said is entirely true.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Anti-Black Racism by Leftt-Wing Liberals

I have intentionally avoided listening to any coverage about Mel Gibson's drunken tiraid against Jews. The reason is that while the western press was so angered about Gibson's comments, almost no one in that same press seems to give a damn about the blatant anti-black racism produced by Left-Wing Liberals in the U.S. and Arab Press:

Palestinian Media Watch found this racist picture that was published by the Palestinian Authority Daily.
Hat Tip: Palestinian Media Watch

The Huffington Post ( an extreme Left-Wing Liberal Oil Baron Blogger) published this racist picture.
Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

To date, Blacks who always seem to want to have marches and protests demanding retribution for these dipictions cannot be found. Where is Jesse and Al screaming "No Justice, No Peace!".

I formally condemn these dipictions and the provocateurs who originally produced and published them. I demand that the provocateurs be publically ridiculed and beg for forgiveness in the same way that both U.S. Senator Trent Lott and Mel Gibson have done.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Lebanese Christian President Supports Hezbollah

Don't be alarmed, This "Christian" has been at war against Christians in Lebanon and Jews anywhere during his entire adult life!!

President Emile Lahoud owes his career for the last 17 years to the Syrian government. Every position that this Maronite "Christian" has had in Lebanon since the 1989 Taif Agreement ended the Lebanonese Civil War was literally offered to him by the Syrians when they controlled much of East Beirut.

Then Brigadier General Lahoud served as Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces from 1989 to 1998. He was appointed by Syrian Backed President Elias Hrawi as recommended by then Syrian Lt General Ali Hammoud. His role was to command pro-Syrian forces in Lebanon against the Lebanese Army who was led by "fellow" Christian Michael Aoun. During that time Lahoud enjoyed a very pleasant relationship with the Hezbollah leadership, the Syrian Government, and the Iranian Government.

In 1998 Lahoud was elected President of Lebanon with huge support comming from Hezbollah. Lahoud's chief advisors who helped him compose his government were basically the Syrian officials such as Syrian Interior Minister Ali Hammoud, Rustum Ghazali, and Assaf Chawkat (Shwakat).

Lahoud's Syrian Syrian advice resulted in a bunch deadly Pro-Syrian "underboses" such as Jamil al-Sayyid, Director General of Lebanon's Domestic Intelligence. Sayyid is reputed to be "directly or indirectly responsible for most illegal arrests and disappearances that take place in the country". If you read the link on his, you will be astonished at how bad this dude is.

Lahoud's term in office as President should have been over in 2004, however the Syrians heavily lobbied the Lebanese government to change Lebanon's Constitution. Lahoud's term was extended for another 3 years. writes that there was only one objection - Interior Minister Brigadier General Ghazi Kenaan. "Kenaan was intelligence chief in Lebanon from 1982 until 2003, presiding over Syria's control of its neighboring country. He then headed Syria's powerful Political Security Directorate until becoming Interior Minister in October 2004." Mysteriously he commits suicide.

Other Lahoud/Hezbollah Smooching:
Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, Hezbollah guerrilla leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and others embraced the former prisoners in a red carpet welcome as a band played patriotic music in the background. (CNN, January 29, 2004)

...Those demanding Damascus withdraw its soldiers from Lebanon are serving Israel, and are working against Syrian and Lebanese interests.

President Lahoud may call himself Christian, but it is clear to me that he "backslid" and has is a reprobate for Syria.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Public Relations Disaster

This Hezbollah terrorist is dressed as an "innocent civilian" watching for Israelis to shoot. If he were to die, he would be counted by Hezbollah and their supporters (primarily the European and U.S. Mainstream media) as an "innocent civilian" not the terrorist that he is.

I agree with everyone who has said so far that Israel's response is a public relations disaster because Israel does not seem to think that it is important to show pictures and/or video of the following:
  1. Hezbollah terrorists in civilian chlothes using mosques to stock pile weapons.
  2. Hezbollah terrorists in civilian chlothes using urban areas to attack Israel.
  3. Hezbollah terrorists in civilian chlothes having bases near U.N. posts.
In effect Israel, like the United States, does not show the reason for the aggressive retaliation. All we see is the results of the retaliation on the civilian population. This cannot continue. Counter Intelligence with the U.S. and Israel must include and agressive PR campaign to show the aformentioned details to their constituencies.

It is no longer enough to just say what the enemy is doing, we need those thousand word photos and million word videos.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Why is there no condemnation of Hezbollah?

Why the hell is this weapon in the hands of anyone other than the Government on Lebanon in the Country of Lebanon!

Other than the initiation of war on Israel by Hezbollah, there has been no condemnation of anything that Hezbollah does as the perpetrator. So far, Hezbollah has fired Iranian made Katyusha Rockets exclusively targeted civilian populations in Israel. Hezbollah has been murdering innocent Israeli women, children and the elderly in homicide bombings and has intentionally endangered the lives of Lebanese civilians. However no one other than the United states believes that Hezbollah's actions are worthy of condemnation.

Furthermore, no one seems the least bit concerned with a political having governmental control of South Lebanon.

Earlier tonight on Hannity an Colmes, Alan Colmes referrs to Brent Scowcroft's statement of cease fire in the Israeli-Hezbollah war. The guest was Foxnews' War Stories Host, Colonel Oliver North. Col. North called Scrowcroft's comments "stupid". I agree.

As a matter of fact, any call for a cease fire is stupid because no one is saying to Hezbollah to cease fire. No one urging Hezbollah to conform to U.N. Resolution 1559. Everyone seems to only want Israel to stop killing Hezbollah members. Even Israel's own capitulation of ceasing air attacks was stupid. No matter what the consequences, Israel is successfully engaged in the battle for its survival. Israel must not allow the pressure of the world to facilitate in its demise by trying to make it feel guilty for civilian deaths.

As an interesting point, the Israeli Defense forces have been deployed at their northern border since the beginning of their campaign to militarily defunct Hezbollah and not one Katyusha is recorded to have landed in their positions. In other words, Hezbollah has and continues to target civilians.

Hezbollah can end this tragedy immediately by unilaterally ceasing its fire and following U.N. Resolutions 425 and 1559.

Pics of the Hezbollah Terrorist

The above picture is of Hezbollah terrorists who are fighting the government of israel. The Harold Sun was somehow able to get these pics from the area. As you can see, they are dressed as civilians. At least one is a visabily old man. When they die they will not be counted as the terrorists that they are, but be counted as civilians - even the elderly.

Where do you think they got that anti-aircraft gun from? Also do the Geneva Conventions allow for this? Are their actions consistent with the U.N. Resolution 1559?

Haven't read anywhere in the Geneva Conventions where this is allowed, but I do not hear any U.N. condemnation of Hezbollah hiding as civillians, endangering those civilians, to conduct an aggressive military campaign against Israel.

In his usual stance, today Kofi Annan condemned Israel's bombing of a building that happened to house civilians. By the way, those civilians were told before the bombing to leave the place.

Lebanon government is taking Hezbollah's side instead of Joining Israel in the enforcement of U.N. Resolution 1559...what a pitty.