Friday, November 7, 2008

Thank You

Thanks to all of you who gave your time and resources to see change in the 9th Assembly District.  This will be the last posting regarding my race.  I will consider running again.  I will continue to advocate and work to include my ideas in the public policy debates already pursuing for the next 4 years. Eventually, we will prevail.  California will have a Black Republican in the Legislature soon.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Remember this face the next time you are ever asked to support another Moderate or Liberal Republican.

We tried with Gerald Ford, and the Reelection of George H.W. Bush and fell to the same fate!!
  1. McCain-Feingold, McCain Kennedy
  2. The Gang of 14
  3. The Baseball hearings (instead of hearings on Conservatives being savaged on College and University Campuses)
  4. Immigration Reform
None of the above appeasements to Democrats helped him to Win the Whitehouse. His supposed Liberal supporters, who called him "Maverick" in admiration every time he took a shot at Republicans, all abandoned him. He even trusted that Obama would be honorable and keep his word on public financing of the general election.

Never, Never, Never, trust another Democrat - on anything!!
Never, Never, Never, believe that your conservatism is a problem.
We Must Continue to fight Left-Wing Liberalism at every opportunity
(this includes Republican Appeasers)

This is who won on November 4th 2008