Thursday, October 25, 2007

Left Wing Liberalism Defined

Note: the purpose of my posting this is for you, the reader to be clear of my meaning of the Left Wing Liberalism (aka progressivism, Socialism)

Left Wing Liberalism (aka Progressivism) is Socialism practiced in a Democratic Republic. Left-Wing Liberalism is a belief/philosophy that seeks to preserve and control the religion, customs, traditions, economic dominance and political dominance worldwide over masses of people. Left-Wing Liberals actually believe that THEY are the necessary component to the ultimate happiness of all humans and ANY competition to their effort should be targeted for destruction.

Socialist governed nations are the most repressive nations in the world. The living standard in Socialist nations pale in comparison to those of genuine Democracies and Republics. In nations where even the slightest social theory is practiced, like malignant cancer, there is a reduction in the health, net worth, and social respect of the individual. Individuals are either grouped in order to produce revenue for the central government (i.e. taxes & fees) or are either coerced to become dependants of the central government for their entire survival.

Left-Wing Liberalism finds kinship throughout the world in various other expressions of Socialism…
  • Dictatorship – government and religious rule by an individual
  • Monarchy - government and religious rule by a family
  • Communism - government and religious rule by a political party
  • Fascism - government and religious rule by a national government
In a Democracy (government and religious rule by majority vote of the electorate) and a Republic (government and religious rule by a majority of democratically elected representatives of a population of people) it is impossible for Left Wing Liberalism to exist and flourish. The reason is because the power of governing is ultimately the decision of the majority of individuals of a population of people. However, there are Socialist governments that use the names “Republic” and “Democratic” in order to give the impression that they are somehow a nation governed by its people. Examples of such are the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China.

In order to secure power, Left-Wing Liberals attempt to appease the poor by inciting anger against those who are not poor. Although Liberals are the richest and most well armed people on the earth, they have been very successful at directing the focus of the poor away from themselves and to their enemy – the Conservatives – the source poverty in America. Left-Wing Liberals NEVER offer ways out of poverty. Liberals try to pass laws that limit wealth and power accumulation to government efforts and elites only.

Left Wing Liberalism and Personal Safety
The Left-Wing Liberal agenda includes the disarming of the population and promote “non-violence” as euphoria. They then use that euphoria to restrict individual freedoms in the name of “humanity” and “good government”. The national debate on any issue having to do with violence will always be rebutted by Left-Wing Liberals with atheistic strategies to suppress any will to challenge anything. They call that “problem solving.”

Inherent in these efforts to disarm the population and transfer wealth from the population to the government are exceptions for themselves and a small group of supporters. For example Left-Wing Liberals have written and passed gun control laws severely restrict the ownership of guns while having ways to maintain those guns for themselves. They have written and passed tax laws that transfer wealth from the entire population (especially the working poor) to the government while also creating in that tax law ways to exempt themselves from same tax and wealth transfer.

Liberalism and War
Left Wing Liberals are only willing to go to war if the victim in that war is white European. Since 1832 (the reformation of the National Democrat Party) the National Democrat Party has never supported a war in which the victims are not White European. That is why the last war that liberals supported was the Kosovo War under President Clinton - before that it was WWII. When Blacks, for example, the Hutus and Tootsies were literally chopping each other to pieces during the same time of the Kosovo War, Left-Wing Liberals such as Mike Farrell supported former President Clinton’s desire to go to war in Eastern Europe to protect, but was opposed to going to Rwanda, Africa.

Left Wing Liberalism and Church
In every single case, Left-Wing Liberals try to supplant an individual’s desired religion with the adherence to socialist theory. For those who refuse to except socialist theory and dogma and remain with their own religious belief they are confronted with the Socialist philosophers to either “separate” their church from the affairs of their state” or risk being marginalized.

Everything from housing to jobs to education is seen by Left-Wing Liberals to as necessary for them to control. Why are they so desirous to control us in such a way? Socialists see themselves as ‘gods” to the masses. They actually believe that they as individuals must do for us what we should depend on ourselves to do. It is for this reason that socialists by-and-large trumpet their philosophy of “the separation of church and state”.

Conservative Focus
There are many proposals by Left Wing Liberals that are highly emotional and tempting. Some deal with children. Some deal with health maintenance and recovery. Some deal with a combination of both. All have to do with ways to do with government collection of taxes and a transfer of political liberty from the individual to the government. We must continue to fight that proclivity and return political liberty back to “the people” of this great country.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Left Wing Liberalism, not Global Warming, to Blame for California Wildfires

The perverbial mole hill became a series of mountain ranges do to successful Left Wing Liberal efforts to oppose sensible forest management. Now that President Bush cannot be blamed for these fires, Left Wing Liberals are now blaming Global Warming.

1 million people are displaced and 5 killed by Left Wing Liberalism.

Life threatening Carbon gas is endangering many around the world because of Left Wing Liberalism.

The historic Castle Kashan burns near Malibu Canyon Road because of Left Wing Liberalism.

Over a billion dollars in property damage because of Left Wing Liberalism.

A sharp increase in respiratory disease because of Left Wing Liberalism.

Michelle Malkin has an excellent article on this subject. It is unfortunate that the same people who support elected officials who pass legislation to prohibit sensible forest management, are the ones responsible for burning their houses down, disrupting their lives, and causing taxpayers billions.

The cost of this year's Southern California Wildfires have reached a over billion dollars as of this posting. Once again, over a million people's lives are destroyed. hundreds of thousands are unemployed. Tens of Thousands of small businesses their employees, are displaced from the economy. Left Wing Liberals to Blame!

Left Wing liberals and their litigious cohorts have been successful at using the courts to delay implementation of the The Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003. The Act, if implemented, would have help to prevent the current devastation in Southern California. The bill expedites forest thinning projects on some 20 million acres of federal land and includes $760 million for forest thinning projects, with half earmarked for the communities considered most at risk.

Who are these Left Wing liberals? Well lets start with those litigants who appose The Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003. Oceana, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, and the Wilderness Society find comfort in opposing this Act.

Lake Tahoe, Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead, San Diego in 2003, Malibu (for the 3rd or 4th time) have all been the victims of Left Wing Liberal (progressive) political policy that is litarally wiping out networth's and forcing people to government assistance.

How long will it be before we tell these destructive special interests that are to be treated as harshly as they treat oil companies? How many more billions of dollars in property, loss of life, and millions displaced before we say "NO MORE" to Left Wing Liberals? I say that the time is now! They must be held responsible and in contempt. Elected officials who transform their lobbying in policy must be defeated. If we don't this tragedy will happen over and over again.